New to Telerik UI for WinForms? Download free 30-day trial

Knowledge Base Related Articles

The following article list Knowledge Base articles related to this section of control/s.

KB Article
Adding a Canvas for Free Hand Typing in WinForms Apps
Adding a control to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) for WinForms
App becomes DPI-aware at runtime
Assemblies targeting Net80 are missing
Binding two controls to the same data source
Building applications for x64 (or AnyCPU at 64-bit OS)
ClickOnce Application is Broken
Could not load file or assembly Telerik.WinControls.XmlSerializers
Customize the Color for SVG Images
Dashboard Demo
Designer is Not Loading
Distinguishing between versions – Dev/Trial
Docking controls on a form in a Windows Forms application
Double Buffered Table Layout Panel
Examine the GAC and remove old assemblies
Failed to create component design time exception
Form's Designer doesn't Open in .NET Core
Handle Toolbox Issues with .NET Core
HDPI Tips and Tricks
Host Blazor in WinForms
Host RadControls for WinForms in Internet Explorer
Hosting Windows Forms in MFC/COM client applications
How to adopt Telerik.SvgIcons in Telerik UI for WinForms
How to Anchor Controls
How to apply a Glyph from the TelerikWebUI Font at Design Time
How to Attach Telerik Source Code to Your Project
How to Build Custom Telerik Assemblies when Using .NET Core and Enable Design Time Experience
How to Change the Font of Telerik RadControls
How to Create a Virtual Keyboard
How to Customize a Theme
How to Deal with AntiVirus Alerts
How to Deal with Disappearing Event Handlers after Opening the Designer for a Converted WinForms Project
How To Deal with Exceptions Related to NuGet.VisualStudio.Contracts Version=
How to Deal with Layout Issues in Visual Style Builder
How to Deal with Multiplied Controls in Toolbox
How to Deal with WFAC010 Warning - Remove high DPI settings from app.manifest file and configure via Application.SetHighDpiMode API or project property
How to embed Chrome browser in a WinForms application
How to Get the Most Out of the Telerik UI for WinForms Support
How to Handle Build Errors After Using a Telerik WinForms .NET Core Template
How to insert glyphs easily at design time
How to Measure Text
How to Migrate a WinForms .NET Framework Project to .NET Core
How to Modify Themes Programmatically
How to play video files
How to Print Documents to a Specific Printer
How to Send and Receive Messages Between Windows Forms Applications
How to Share Localization Providers and Spell Checking Dictionaries
How to Upgrade a Telerik UI for WinForms Project
How to Upgrade Trial to Licensed Version
How to Upload Files to Progress SFTP
Implementing a chrome window
Increasing the execution speed of Telerik assemblies
Installing local documentation for MS Help viewer (Help3) in Visual Studio 2010
Installing local documentation for MS Help viewer (Help3) in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013
Load theme components in a separate thread
Local Code Execution Vulnerability
Make your Telerik WinForms-enabled applications start instantly
Manage namespaces in VB.NET class library projects
Memory Considerations when Using Telerik UI for WinForms Suite
Mixing Telerik UI for WinForms and Telerik UI for WPF projects, using the same Document Processing Libraries but with different version
Non RTL Crystal Theme
Panels and Transparency - Resizing
Performance considerations
RadControls for WinForms are not loaded at design-time
RadControls with no themes, RadControls with replaced ControlDefault theme
Reflecting changes in custom themes in design time
Resolving Missing Telerik Menu and Controls in Visual Studio 2017
Resources in resx files are lost when the form is modified
Restore row values when row validation fails
Reusing the command pattern implemented in TPF
Scale Controls Manually
Search box
Showing/hiding elements in Telerik RadControls
Things to keep in mind when inspecting your application's memory usage
Toolbox Error in a .NET Framework Project
Tutorial - Create a Custom Theme Component
Unable to build project after upgrade. Now what?
Unblock .resx Files Downloaded in Telerik WinForms Source Code
Using RadControls for WinForms inside a WinForms validation process
Using RadControls for WinForms with inherited forms
Using RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX in a Windows application
WinForms Converter crashes with Visual Studio 15.8
Wrapping a .NET user control as an ActiveX

See Also

In this article