Namespace Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.StructuredDocumentTags
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of Bibliography type. |
Represents the ButtonContentControlState class. |
Represents the CheckBoxControlState class. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of CheckBox type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of Citation type. |
Represents the ComboBoxControlState class. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of ComboBox type. |
Represents the ContentControlPickerState class. |
Represents the view state properties needed for representing the content control. |
Represent the data type used for storing mapped date values. |
Represents the DatePickerControlState class. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of Datе type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of DocumentPartGallery type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of DocumentPart type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of DropDownList type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of Equation type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of Group type. |
Values specify the locking behavior of SDTs and their content. |
Represents the different options for visualizing the outline of a ContentControl. |
Represents the PictureControlState class. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of Picture type. |
Repeating Represents the RepeatingSectionItemControlState class. |
Repeating Represents the properties of a structured document tag of RepeatingSectionItem type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of RepeatingSection type. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of RichText type. |
Represents a base SdtBuilder class that contains common logic between controls. |
Specifies the type of calendar used to display a Date SDT. |
Represents an SdtBuilder that handles the generation of check box content controls. |
Represents ContentGenerator for check box. |
Represents an SdtBuilder that handles the generation of combo box content controls. |
Represents ContentGenerator for combo box content control. |
Represents a base class for generating Content Controls' content. |
Represents an SdtBuilder that handles the generation of date content controls. |
Represents an SdtBuilder that handles the generation of drop down list content controls. |
Sdt Represents ContentGenerator for drop down list content control. |
Represents an SdtBuilder that handles the generation of picture content controls. |
Represents ContentGenerator for picture content control. |
Represents the common properties of a structured document tag. |
Represents the end of a structured document tag annotation. |
Represents the start of a structured document tag annotation. |
Represents an SdtBuilder that handles the generation of RepeatingSection content controls. |
Sdt Represents ContentGenerator for repeating section content control. |
Sdt Represents an SdtBuilder that handles the generation of RepeatingSectionItem content controls. |
Sdt Represents ContentGenerator for repeating section item content control. |
Represents ContentGenerator for rich text content control. |
Represents ContentGenerator for repeating plain text content control. |
Specifies the list of supported structured document tag types. |
Represents the properties of a structured document tag of Text type. |
Describes the different scenarios for inserting a structured document tag (Content Control) in RadDocument. |