Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.Map
Represents map modes. |
Represents Map Provider for ArcGIS online services. |
Represents source for ArcGIS World Imagery Service. |
Represents base class for ArcGIS online services. |
Represents source for ArcGIS World Physical Service. |
ArcGisWorldShadedReliefMapSource Represents source for ArcGIS World Shaded Relief Service. |
Represents source for ArcGIS World Street Service. |
ArcGisWorldTerrainBaseMapSource Represents source for ArcGIS World Terrain Base Service. |
Represents source for ArcGIS World Topographic Service. |
Represents an elliptical arc between two points. |
This class represents a map navigation arrow button. |
This enumeration specifies map navigation arrow direction. |
Base class for the asynchronous map shape readers for ESRI shape-file and KML. |
Represents the asynchronous map shape reader for KML file. |
Base class for the asynchronous map shape readers (KML, ESRI, WKT/WKB). |
The class represents a source for reading of multiple shape-files. |
Represents AsyncReaderFile collection. |
AsyncReaderSourceCollectionConverter The type converter which converts the instance of IEnumerable to the AsyncReaderSourceCollection. |
Represents the asynchronous map shape reader for ESRI shape-file. |
Represents the asynchronous map shape reader for geospatial data in WKB/WKT formats from IEnumerable data source type. |
Provides methods for async reading of the tiles. This class is designed for internal use. |
Tiles provider for displaying vector and raster data from Azure Maps online services. |
Tiled map source for AzureMapProvider. Can accept both vector and raster azure map sources which are determined by the TileSet property. |
Defines the available Azure Maps tile sets. They can be either raster (images) or vector based (pbf files). |
BackgroundItemsRequestEventArgs Arguments of the event which occur when geospatial data are requested in background. |
Represents balloon control. It is used to show ExtendedData or descriptions loaded from KML as tooltips. |
Specifies how the description balloon for place marks is drawn. |
Specifies how the description balloon for place marks is drawn. |
Represents a cubic Bezier curve drawn between two points given in geographical coordinates. |
Represents the Bing Birds Eye Projection class. |
BingMapsTruckRouteBorderRestrictionType Contains truck route border restriction types. |
Represents source for the aerial mode with labels. |
Represents source for the aerial on demand mode. |
Represents source for the aerial mode. |
Base class for all Bing REST tile sources. |
Represents source for the REST BirdsEye mode with labels. |
Represents source for the Birds Eye mode. |
BingRestCalculateElevationErrorEventArgs Event args for the CalculateElevationError event. |
BingRestCalculateRouteErrorEventArgs Event args class for CalculateRouteError event. |
Represents source for the REST CanvasDark mode. |
Represents source for the REST CanvasGray mode. |
Represents source for the REST CanvasLight mode. |
BingRestElevationCompletedEventArgs Event args for the CalculateElevationCompleted event. |
The type of elevation heights used in the elevation service request. |
Wraps the Bing REST elevation request passed to the elevation web service. |
The type of the Bing REST elevation request. |
Represents the Bing REST Map Provider class. |
Base class representing Bing request error event args. |
Represents source for the road on demand mode. |
Represents source for the road mode. |
Contains route attributes that modify the result returned by a route calculation request. |
Contains road types to minimize or avoid. |
Contains values that represent route calculation methods. |
Contains properties used to refine a Bing route service request. |
Route request settings class for Bing Rest routing service. |
BingRestRoutingCompletedEventArgs Event args for the CalculateRouteCompleted event. |
BingRestSearchLocationCompletedEventArgs Event args class for the SearchCompleted event. |
BingRestSearchLocationErrorEventArgs Event args for the Bing Rest SearchError event. |
Rest-based search options which can be used to refine the search request. |
Represents unified search location request. |
Base class for the Aerial and Road Bing REST tile sources. |
Contains travel modes for a route. |
Contains route attributes that modify the result returned by a truck route calculation request. |
Contains road types to minimize or avoid. |
BingRestTruckRouteBorderRestrictions Contains restriction information for a truck route calculation request. |
BingRestTruckRouteOptimization Contains values that represent truck route calculation methods. |
Contains properties used to refine a Bing truck route service request. |
Truck route request settings class for Bing Rest truck routing service. |
Contains information identifying a (via)waypoint for a truck routing calculation request. |
Contains information for a vehicle for a truck route calculation request. |
Represents information about Bing session. |
Configures how Bing rest imagery service composes tiles. Can be used to avoid labels or ground, or add traffic layer on top of all other layers. |
Provides Birds eye imagery metadata information. |
The Birdseye ResourceSet container. |
The response to a Bing Maps REST Services Birdseye Metadata request. |
Represents collection of the map objects clustered using some criteria. |
Represents collection of the map objects clustered using some criteria. |
Represents base class for internal data items of the clustered data source. This class is an wrapper for the original geospatial data. |
Clustered data source for the information layer. Allows show group of the locations as single pushpin. |
Represents internal item in the clustered data source. It is a wrapper for original data item passed to the clustered data source. |
Represents container which hold clustered items (items which is grouped by some criteria). |
Default cluster items generator. Group data items using distance between 2 locations in degrees. |
State of the item in the clustered data source. |
Base class for segments which have Location collection. |
Collection of colors. |
Colorizer usage mode. |
Class that calculates the range collection for the further use in Map Legend. ShapeFill, Min, Max, Mode and properties corresponding to the mode should be determined here. |
ColorMeasureScale.SetColorDelegate Colors the framework element. |
Mode that determines which way to show the ColorScale. |
Represents a composite geometry which is a combination of two GeometryData objects. They can be combined via 4 System.Windows.Media.GeometryCombineMode types. |
Base class for commands supported by map provider. |
Coordinate Converters converter. |
Represents individual mapping between a field from the InformationLayer ItemsSource and the member that should be mapped to it. |
Holds the list of DataMapping items that constitute the data mappings for a InformationLayer items source. |
This enumeration represents the options to map to in the context of a mapping value when binding fields from a datasource. |
Represents the DBF encoding class. |
Default cluster generator. Group data items using distance between 2 locations in degrees. |
Default implementation of the IMapPropertyAccessor accessor interface. |
Represents geographical coordinate unit (latitude or longitude) given as Degrees-Minutes-Seconds. |
Contains options for dimensional units. |
This enumeration specifies map scale unit. |
Information layer which allows virtualization of the information items depends on the geographical location and zoom factor. In contrast to StaticLayer which process ALL items in collection this layer request items to process. It makes favor when thousands of items are available (pictures of POIs, for example). Customer application can select what pictures are suitable for given location and zoom factor and returns these ones only. |
Represents ellipse given in the geographical coordinates. Width and Height properties sets size of the ellipse in the degrees. |
Represents the geometry of a circle or ellipse given in geographical coordinates. |
Map provider which don't show any map images. It can be used when we need not to show real map images on the control, but only some geometries given in the geographical coordinates. |
Tile source which don't provide any tiles. |
Holds extension methods for System.Enum class. |
Convert co-ordinates between WGS-84 and EPSG:900913. Also known as EPSG:3857 and Pseudo-Mercator projection. |
The EPSG:900913 Projection. Also known as EPSG:3857 and Pseudo-Mercator projection. |
Creates exponential range distribution. |
Represents map shape extended data. |
Value converter to access extended data properties from XAML. 2-way binding can't be specified. |
Base class for all objects which can contain extended data (MapShapeData, PointData etc). |
Represents extended property of the map shape. |
ExtendedPropertyChangedEventArgs Arguments of the property changed event. |
Represents set of the extended properties. |
Converts instances of other types to and from instances of ExtendedPropertySet. |
The base file cache class. |
Represents the FileSystemCacheStorage class. |
Classes that derive from this abstract base class define geometric shapes given in geographical coordinates. Geometry objects can be used for clipping, hit-testing, and rendering 2-D graphic data. |
Represents a collection of GeometryData objects. |
Represents a composite geometry, composed of other GeometryData objects. |
Class that arranges shape's ShapeFill and HighlightFill with specified number of those so that two neighboring shapes are not of the same fill and highlight. Before assigning object of this type to InformationLayer.Coloriser property you should specify the ShapeFillCollection and optionally HighlightCollection. |
Contains options for Hazardous materials. |
Contains options for Hazardous permits. |
Represents KML IconStyle element. |
Represents KML IconStyle element. |
Holds extension methods for System.Collections.IList interface. |
Map source which provides ImageSource for the Image control. |
Represents map provider which provide map sources for Image control. |
Provides imagery metadata information. |
The ResourceSet container. |
The response to a Bing Maps REST Services Imagery Metadata request. |
The type of imagery. |
Layer which able to show FrameworkElements and/or shapes based on the geographical coordinates over the map. |
Arguments of the initialization fault event. |
Represents the IsolatedCacheStorage class. |
Item selection mode. It defines how the item in the visualization layer can be selected using RadMap user interface. |
Represents arguments of the ItemsRequestEvent class. |
Represents the KmlPlacemarkProperties class. |
Represents the KmlPointData object. Usually it is created by the asynchronous KML reader. |
Represents the KmlReader class. |
Represents KML style element. |
Represents KML style element. |
Determines where to place Label on top of the element or between two of them. |
Determines whether label is over or under the element. |
Represents line given in the geographical coordinates. |
Creates a line between two points in a PathFigureData. |
Represents KML LineStyle element. |
Represents latitude and longitude. |
Provides data for the LocationChanged event. |
Represents an ordered collection of Location objects. |
Converts instances of other types to and from instances of LocationCollection. |
Converts from/to Location structure. |
Represents geographical location given in degree metric. |
This enumeration specifies format is used to represent location as string. |
Represents rectangle given in the geographical units. |
Converts from/to LocationRect structure. |
Creates logarithmic range distribution. |
Parameters of the conversion of the logical coordinates to screen coordinates. |
Represents an elliptical arc between two points. |
Represents an elliptical arc between two points. |
Represents the MapBaseControl class. |
Represents a cubic Bezier curve drawn between two points given in geographical coordinates. |
Represents a cubic Bezier curve drawn between two points given in geographical coordinates. |
Vector tiles provider for displaying vector data from MapBox online vector services. |
Available MapBox vector tile sets. |
Vector tile source for MapBox online services. This source is supported by MapBoxMapProvider. |
Items panel for information layer. This class is designed for internal use. |
Base class for segments which have Location collection. |
Base class for segments which have Location collection. |
Command bar which sends commands to the RadMap control. |
Represents content control which implements the IExtendedData interface. |
Template selector which allows using of the properties of the RadMap and InformationLayer objects. |
Represents ellipse given in the geographical coordinates. Width and Height properties sets size of the ellipse in the kilometers. |
Represents the geometry of a circle or ellipse given in geographical coordinates. |
Represents the geometry of a circle or ellipse given in geographical coordinates. |
Represents ellipse given in the geographical coordinates. Width and Height properties sets size of the ellipse in the degrees (spatial units). |
Classes that derive from this abstract base class define geometric shapes given in geographical coordinates. Geometry objects can be used for clipping, hit-testing, and rendering 2-D graphic data. |
Represents a collection of MapGeometry objects. |
Represents a composite geometry, composed of other MapGeometry objects. |
Represents a composite geometry, composed of other MapGeometry objects. |
Classes that derive from this abstract base class define geometric shapes given in geographical coordinates. Geometry objects can be used for clipping, hit-testing, and rendering 2-D graphic data. |
Represents a collection of MapGeometryView objects. |
Represents collection of the visualization layer items. |
Arguments of the event which occur when geospatial data are requested in background. |
Convert object to string using given format. |
Base class for all layers. |
Control which show map legend. It is designed to be used in conjunction with ColorMeasureScale colorizer. |
Items panel for map legend. This class is designed for internal use. |
Represents single information block on map legend. This class is designed for internal use. |
Represents line given in the geographical coordinates. |
Creates a line between two points in a MapPathFigure. |
Creates a line between two points in a map path figure. |
Represents line given in the geographical coordinates. |
Provides methods which perform calculations on geographical coordinates and distances. |
Represents map modes. |
Represents current mouse coordinates as geographical coordinates. |
Represents the MapMouseRoutedEventArgs class. |
Map navigation control. |
Represents item on the map. It can be framework element or map shape. |
Draws a series of connected lines and curves given in the geographical coordinates. |
Represents a subsection of a geometry, a single connected series of two-dimensional geometric segments. |
Represents the MapPathFigureCollection class. |
Represents a subsection of a geometry, a single connected series of two-dimensional geometric segments. |
Represents a collection of map path figure objects that can be individually accessed by index. |
Represents a complex shape that may be composed of arcs, curves, ellipses, lines, and rectangles. |
Represents a complex shape that may be composed of arcs, curves, ellipses, lines, and rectangles. |
Represents a segment of a MapPathSegment object. |
Represents a collection of MapPathSegmentCollection objects that can be individually accessed by index. |
Represents a segment of a map path figure object. |
Represents a collection of map path segment objects that can be individually accessed by index. |
Draws a series of connected lines and curves given in the geographical coordinates. |
Represents the MapPinPoint class. This class is mostly intended to support Point element in the KML files. |
Represents one or more cubic Bezier curves. |
Represents one or more cubic Bezier curves. |
Represents polygon, which is a connected series of lines that form a closed shape given in the geographical coordinates. |
Represents polygon, which is a connected series of lines that form a closed shape given in the geographical coordinates. |
Represents series of connected straight lines given in the geographical coordinates. |
Represents a set of line segments defined by a LocationCollection with each Point specifying the end point of a line segment. |
Represents a set of line segments defined by a LocationCollection with each Point specifying the end point of a line segment. |
Represents series of connected straight lines given in the geographical coordinates. |
Represents a set of quadratic Bezier segments. |
MapPolyQuadraticBezierSegmentView Represents a set of quadratic Bezier segments. |
Base class for all map providers. Every map provider can use 1 type of the tile sources. I.e. TiledProvider can use TiledMapSources only and ImageProvider can use ImageMapSource only. |
Collection of the map providers. |
Creates a quadratic Bezier curve between two points in a PathFigure. |
Creates a quadratic Bezier curve between two points in a PathFigure. |
This class is used to store information about value range. This information is used by color measure scale and map legend. |
The collection of Ranges. |
Represents rectangle given in the geographical coordinates. Width and Height properties sets size of the rectangle in the current maps distance unit (miles or kilometers). The RadiusX and RadiusY properties are set in miles or kilometers as well. |
Represents the MapRectangleGeometry class. |
Represents the geometry of a rectangle given in geographical coordinates. |
Represents rectangle given in the geographical coordinates. Width and Height properties sets size of the ellipse in the degrees (spatial units). |
Represents the MapScale class. |
Base class which represents any shape specified in the geographical coordinates. |
Represents base class for map shape bindable wrappers. |
Represents shape data (geographical and logical coordinates). |
Represents set of the fill properties are used by MapShapeData objects. |
MapShapeDataVirtualizationSource Default class for the map shape data virtualization. It can be used with any asynchronous map shape reader. |
Represents set of the fill properties are used by MapShape objects. |
The collection of Brushes. |
Represents arguments of the operation on the map shape (create or remove shape visualization). |
Represents the MapShapeReader class. |
Represents the MapShapeReaderBase class. |
Event data of the MapSourceChanged event. |
Map zoom control. |
Vector tile provider which parses .mbtiles files. |
Represents a vector map source for the MbTilesMapProvider. |
A generic map cache storage. |
Represents the CacheRecord class. |
MemoryCache.CacheRecordMetadata The CacheRecord metadata class. |
Mercator is the projection used by most online maps including Virtual Earth, GMaps and Yahoo It maintains Vertical resolution while expanding the earth horizontally to fill The effect is that items at the poles appear much larger then those of equal size at the equator. |
Represents the mini-map. |
This enumeration specifies mouse click or double click behavior. |
This class represents the mouse control. |
The possible options when you click and drag your mouse over the map. |
Delegate for the Range routed event handler. |
Mouse selection mode. Represents an action which should be performed when mouse drag behaviour is in the "Select" mode. |
This enumeration specifies behavior of mouse wheel. |
WPF counterpart for the Silverlight MultiScaleImage class. |
Represents the tile source of the multi scale image control. |
Represents source for the Cycle renderer. |
OpenStreetCycleTransportSource Represents source for the Cycle Transport renderer. |
Represents source for the Humanitarian renderer. |
Represents map layers. |
Represents source for the Mapnik renderer. |
Represents the Open Street Map Provider class. |
Represents source for the Osmarender. |
The OSGB-1936 projection. Also known as EPSG:27700. |
Convert co-ordinates between WGS-84 and OSGB36. |
Represents the Open Street Map based class. |
Represents source for the OsmLayer provider. |
Open street base map source. |
PathData. |
Represents a subsection of a geometry, a single connected series of two-dimensional geometric segments. |
Represents the PathFigureDataCollection class. |
Represents a complex shape that may be composed of arcs, curves, ellipses, lines, and rectangles. |
Represents a segment of a PathSegmentData object. |
Represents a collection of PathSegmentDataCollection objects that can be individually accessed by index. |
Represents data for the MapPinPoint object. |
Represents one or more cubic Bezier curves. |
Represents polyline data in geographical coordinates. |
Represents polyline data in geographical coordinates. |
Represents a set of line segments defined by a LocationCollection with each Point specifying the end point of a line segment. |
PolyQuadraticBezierSegmentData Represents a set of quadratic Bezier segments. |
Represents KML PolyStyle element. |
PreviewReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs Represents the PreviewReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs class. |
PreviewReadShapeDataCompletedEventHandler Delegate for the PreviewReadShapeDataCompleted event handler. |
PreviewReadShapesCompletedEventArgs Represents the PreviewShapesReadCompletedEventArgs class. |
PreviewReadShapesCompletedEventHandler Delegate for the PreviewShapesReadCompleted event handler. |
Represents arguments of the event which occurs when changing property. |
The Proportional Projection. It is used for internal purposes for the OSGB1936 and EPSG900913 Projections only. |
Provides static classes to work with HTTP and HTTPS. |
Represents the Pushpin control. |
Creates a quadratic Bezier curve between two points in a PathFigure. |
ReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs Represents the ReadShapeDataCompletedEventArgs class. |
ReadShapeDataCompletedEventHandler Delegate for the ReadShapeDataCompleted event handler. |
Represents the ShapesReadCompletedEventArgs class. |
ReadShapesCompletedEventHandler Delegate for the ShapesReadCompleted event handler. |
Represents rectangle given in the geographical coordinates. Width and Height properties sets size of the rectangle in the degrees. The RadiusX and RadiusY properties are set in degrees as well. |
Represents the RectangleGeometryData class. |
Reference equality comparer. |
Represents modes for the size of the information layer geographical region. |
Base class for all requests. |
SelectionRectangleChangedEventArgs Represents the SelectionRectangleChangedEventArgs class. |
Represents the arguments of the colorizer events. |
Process shape coordinates in the background thread. |
Represents the ShapeFileReader class. |
Represents the parameters of shape-file reader. |
Determines shape source type for the MapShapeReader class instance. |
Arguments of the event which occurs when map source is changed in the TilePresenter. |
The OGC Spatial Reference requirements. |
Represents map animation modes. |
Represents the SqlGeospatialDataReader class. |
Arguments of the event which occurs when change of the map zoom level starts. |
Converts string to the geometry. |
Map source which provides tiles for the MultiScaleImage. |
Represents map provider which provide map sources for MultiScaleImage control. |
Layer which handle several tile presenters (1 per map provider). This class is designed for internal use. |
Single image map provider which gets image source using its URI string. |
Single image map source which gets image source using its URI string. |
Represents a vector tile map provider which gets its tile data from a source specified with templated Uri. |
Represents a vector tile map source for the UriVectorTileMapProvider. |
Represents a tiled map provider which produces tiles based on vector tile data and style files. |
Represents a vector tile map source for a vector map provider. |
Information layer which allows virtualization of the information items depends on the geographical location and zoom factor. In contrast to the InformationLayer which process ALL items in collection this layer request items to process. It makes favor when thousands of items are available (pictures of POIs, for example). Customer application can select what pictures are suitable for given location and zoom factor and returns these ones only. |
Represents data visualization layer. Allows showing of the geographically positioned framework elements and map shapes over the map. |
Contains options for weight units. |
Tiled map provider for the WMS. |
Tiled map source for the WMS. |
Converts XElement using XPath. |
Represents the grid settings for the DynamicLayer. Specify how the whole Earth surface will be divided into the cells. |
Represents an ordered collection of ZoomGrid objects. |
Represents the grid settings for the VirtualizationLayer. |
Represents an ordered collection of ZoomLevelGrid objects. |
Represents zoom range. |
Converts from/to ZoomRange structure. |
Interface describing Bing Rest elevation service provider. |
Interface describing Bing Rest routing service provider. |
IBingRestSearchLocationProvider Interface for searching a Location (or Address) by a given Address / Location / query via the Bing REST Location API. |
Interface describing Bing Rest truck routing service provider. |
Represents the CacheStorage interface. |
Provides cluster management functionality. |
Provides functionality for operations on cluster and original data items. |
Interface which should be implemented by any object which can accept filling property from colorizer directly. |
Interface which must be implemented by any coordinate converter. |
Interface for the objects with ExtendedData. |
Interface which should be implemented by objects which have geographical size (MapShape, MapShapeData and so on). |
Interface which all map layers must implement. |
The classes which provides data for the Dynamic Layer must implement this interface. |
The classes which provides data for the VisualizationLayer Layer must implement this interface. |
Provides methods to read map layer related properties (location, hot spot and so on) from data items. |
Represents the IMapShapeColorizer interface. |
Interface which must be implemented by all map sources. Map source provides methods and properties which can be used by tile layer to read images from the specific location. |
Represents a map source which gets its data from a Stream. |
The classes which provides data for the Virtualization Layer must implement this interface. |
Notifies clients that a location of the map item has changed. This interface should be implemented by map item data objects (view models) which supposed to be moved dynamically over the map. |
Interface which must be implemented by all classes which produce ranges distribution. |
The OGC Spatial Reference requirements. |
MemoryCache.ICacheRecordMetadata The CacheRecord metadata interface. |