Namespace Telerik.Windows.Documents.Commands
Command representing the Bookmark activated action (usually a user click event). When executed, the viewer will display the related Bookmark destination or execute the provided action. |
Represents a composite command. |
Represents copy command. |
Represents find command. |
Represents the base find command. |
Represents find previous command. |
Represents fit command base. |
Represents fit to page command. |
Represents fit to width command. |
FixedDocumentViewerCommandBase Represents the base FixedDocumentViewer command. |
Represents KeyBindings collection. |
Represents move caret command base. |
Represents move caret line down command. |
Represents move caret line up command. |
MoveCaretToEndOfDocumentCommand Represents move caret to end of document command. |
Represents move caret to line end command. |
Represents move caret to line start command. |
MoveCaretToNextCharacterCommand Represents move caret to next character command. |
Represents move caret to next word command. |
MoveCaretToPreviousWordCommand Represents move caret to previous word command. |
MoveCaretToStartOfDocumentCommand Represents move caret to start of document command. |
Represents open pdf document command. |
Represents page down command. |
Represents page up command. |
Represents print pdf document command. |
Represents rotate clockwise command. |
Represents rotate command base. |
Represents rotate counter clockwise command. |
Represents the save as pdf document command. |
Represents scroll command. |
Represents select all command. |
SetFixedDocumentPresenterCommand Represents set fixed document presenter command. |
Represents ShowFindDialog command. |
ShowSignaturePropertiesDialogCommand Represents the show signature properties dialog command. |
ShowSignaturePropertiesDialogCommandContext Represents the show signature properties dialog command context. |
ShowSignSignatureDialogCommandContext Represents the show sign signature dialog command context. |
Represents the sign signature field command |
SignSignatureFieldCommandContext Represents the sign signature field command context. |
SyncCurrentBookmarkItemCommand Command representing the action of synchronizing to the Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Navigation.BookmarkItem instance related to the viewer's current page. |
Represents validate signatures command. |
ValidateSignaturesCommandContext Represents the validate signatures command context. |
Represents zoom in command. |
Represents zoom out command. |