Namespace Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Core
A visitor which encloses a standard action. |
Manages the adorner helping the manipulation of items. |
Represents alignment options. |
This class is accountable for calculating alignment related transformations for position and size. |
Implements A* algorithm for finding the cheapest path between two points. |
Represents an async state command. |
An observable collection which splits the System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1.CollectionChanged event into separate events. |
Base implementation of the ISearchTree<T> interface. |
BinarySearchTreeBase<T>.CustomComparison<TSearch> A custom comparison between some search value and the type of item that is kept in the tree. |
Standard implementation of a binary tree. |
The types of bridges or crossings. |
Event args that can be canceled. |
Generic args that can be canceled. |
Represents Command event args. |
The type of the connection's cap. |
The change source undoable command. |
The change target undoable command. |
Secondary specification of the layout in addition to the TreeDirection. |
A collection of utilities related to color. |
Static helper class related to color. |
Represents Command event args. |
Names of commands (undoable actions). |
A collection of generic extensions used across the codebase. |
System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<> implementation based on a Comparison. |
Represents a composite async command. |
Represents a composite command. |
A strongly typed, readonly collection of IConnection instances. |
Captures the layout state of a connection. |
The tool handling the changes of a connection; |
Represents a connection route of intermediate points, start and end connectors. |
The tool used to create a new connection. |
The type of the connection. |
Utilities and extension methods related to connections. |
An custom observable collection of connectors. |
Combines a bit of info in function of routing. |
Predefined positions of a connector in a shape. |
ContainerGraph<TNodeData, TLinkData> Data class holding the information regarding a sub-diagram contained in a container.
If the Container is |
Represents the Container service responsible for DiagramContainers in Diagram. |
Stores a collection of PointCollection, each PointCollection holding the crossing points detected for correspondent link segment. |
Orientation of the custom connector points used in custom scenarios. |
Defines the dash style of a pen. |
Data bucket holding the result of a data transfer from a System.Windows.DataObject to a diagramming object. This is used in conjunction with the IDataTransferService in relation to a clipboard or a dragdrop transfer. |
A visitor which encloses a standard action. |
Global constants. |
Class listing the mouse cursors that are used in Diagram. |
Diagram events. |
Strongly typed collection of diagramming elements. |
The event argument supplied when the diagram layout event is raised. |
Global shape state information before and after a layout pass. |
Utility class capturing the metadata of a diagram. |
Properties names. |
Represents a diagram logical segment. |
Represents position of a DiagramSegment. |
Represents a Diagrams logical Shape segment. |
DiagramToGraphAdapter<TNodeData, TLinkData> Helper class to extract a Graph<TNodeData, TLinkData> from an IGraph structure (usually the RadDiagram control). |
DiagramToHyperTreeAdapter<TNodeData, TLinkData> Adapter between the diagram control and the graph representation. It converts shape and connections to nodes and edges taking into the containers and their collapse state, the visibility of items and more.
If the LayoutContainerChildren is |
Generic direction enumeration. |
Represent dragging event args. |
Represents the Dragging service responsible for dragging operations in Diagram. |
Tool handling the translation of items. |
Base class for undoable actions based on delegates. |
DrawingEventArgs. |
Represents drawing service. |
Groups the Drawing Shape attached properties: Stroke, StrokeThickness, Fill, FillRule, IsShapeFilled, IsShapeClosed. |
Represents a drawing state. |
Abstract base class for tools which draw something on the canvas. |
Represents a single unit used for drawing a shape with Path or Pencil tools. |
Generic implementation of the IEdge<TNode, TLink> interface. |
Represents the execute action of the command. |
The status of the container generator. |
The generic container generator. |
Defines the different shapes along which a gliding connection will glide. |
Default implementation/inheritance of the GraphBase<TNode, TLink> class in function of analysis and layout. |
Defines the properties used during the extraction of a graph from the diagram control. |
Base graph class for the various incarnations in the graph analysis. |
Base implementation of the ICommand undo redo interface. |
Main MVC controller. The view type is based on an interface in function of platform independence. |
The static graph-analysis related extensions. |
A mapping (functor actually) from one graph to another. |
A path consists of a series of adjacent links. |
Represents a service for manipulation of manipulation points. |
Routing based on the A* algorithm. |
Represents a group. |
Strongly typed collection of IGroup instances. |
Extensions on the IGroup interface. |
Represents a group service. |
Undoable group action. |
An object-object dictionary which returns null in case a key is not found (the normal dictionary does throw an exception in this case). |
An implementation of the Heap data structure. |
Service handling the hit-testing of diagram elements. |
Object encapsulates information about horizontal line used in snapping to items. |
HyperTree<TNodeData, TLinkData> Represent the hierarchy of layout graphs through the hierarchy defined by the containers. The root is the global layout at the top level and if no containers are present or if the children of containers need not be organized this HyperTree will contain only one node, the root. |
Represents graph extensions. |
Router used for free connections. |
Interaction events. |
Represents possible virtualization state particular item could be in. |
KeyValuePairComparer<TKey, TValue> A comparer of key-value pairs based on a comparison of the respective keys. |
KeyValueTrailVisitor<TKey, TValue> A visitor that tracks (stores) keys from KeyValuePairs in the order they were visited. |
KnownBrushes contains predefined Brush objects. |
A collection of color presets. |
Dictionary of Points needed in GridRouter. |
LayoutBase<TNodeData, TLinkData> The base class for all layout algorithms. |
An information class for the layout algorithms. |
Diagram service managing the layout process. |
The diagram layout types you can use to organize a RadDiagram diagram. |
Undoable shape manipulation action. |
Represents manipulation event args. |
Structure wrapping point and its manipulation type. |
Represents a service for manipulation of manipulation points. |
The type of a manipulation point. |
Represents a connection manipulation status. |
Tool handling the resizing and rotation of items. |
Represents a result of snapping match operation. |
Enumerates the default mouse tools. |
Undoable move action. |
An empty, mutable tuple. |
A mutable tuple of dimension one. |
A mutable tuple of dimension two. |
A mutable tuple of dimension three. |
A mutable tuple of dimension one. |
A mutable tuple of dimension four. |
A mutable tuple of dimension six. |
Muple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> A mutable tuple of dimension seven. |
Muple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> A mutable tuple of dimension eight. |
A 2-tuple comparer assuming that the first entry acts as a comparable key. |
Default implementation of the Node<TNodeData, TLinkData> interface. |
Enumerates the two ways a data structure orders its elements. |
Router used for the TreeDown, TreeLeft, TreeRight, TreeUp and TipOverTree LayoutTypes. |
OrgTreeRouter.DirectionalRouter This router routes the connections when the shape layout is TreeDown, TreeUp, TreeLeft or TreeRight. |
OrgTreeRouter.DirectionalRoutingSettings Settings for Directional Router. |
OrgTreeRouter.TipOverTreeRouter This router routes the connections when the shape layout is TipOverTree. |
Base class for the Connection Routers. |
Enumeration of orientations or directions. |
Activated when pan action is going to be executed. |
Runtime data bucket for the A* algorithm. |
Activated when Path drawing action is going to be executed. |
The pen implementation for Silverlight. |
Activated when pen drawing action is going to be executed. |
The default diagram pointer tool. |
Extensions for the Point class. |
An abstract base tool for mouse tools. |
An abstract base tool for mouse tools. |
PriorityQueue<TValue, TPriority> Priority queue implementation based on a Telerik.Windows.Diagrams.Core.RedBlackTreeList`2. |
This base implementation of a tool serves for shape creation on the basis of a drawn rubber band on the canvas. Not every shape is created in this way, certain shape have a fixed size or are polygonal. |
Methods related to the System.Windows.Rect class. |
The rectangle selection options. |
Red-Black tree data structure. |
A red–black tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree, a data structure used in computer science, typically to implement associative arrays. |
Represents a connection router for reflexive connections. |
Resizing directions. |
Represent resizing event args. |
Represents manipulation service. |
The reverse comparer. |
Represents a rotation service. |
Base class for routing algorithms. |
Service handling the routing of the connections. |
Routing sectors. |
Represents the service responsible for logical segmentation of Diagram. |
Selection event args. |
Represents the selection mode options. |
Manages the selection of diagram entities. |
Represents selection state options. |
Constants used in the (de)serialization. |
Serialization event args. |
Utilities related to (de)serialization. |
A wrapper for the (de)serialization data. |
Manages the (de)serialization of diagrams and diagram elements. |
Represents a class that can return and register services. |
Strongly type collection (alias) of IShape instances. |
Represents the connections types. |
This class holds the shape's metadata. |
Captures the essential information about a shape so that layout information can be recorded in the undo-redo stack and animation can be applied globally. |
Utility class for shapes. |
Encapsulates snapping calculations. |
Encapsulates info about diagram item required by the snapping/matching logic. |
SnappingLinesCalculatedEventArgs Event arguments containing information about snapping lines. |
This class is accountable for calculating snapping related transformations for position and size. |
Keeps the runtime layout data. |
The Sugiyama or layered layout implementation.
This algorithm has the following features;
For additional material on this algorithm, see:
Sugiyama layout of a single connected graph. The process consists of the following steps:
Contains settings for the SugiyamaProcessor class. |
A tool which allows you to position and add text to your diagram. |
Base class for Diagram tools. |
The toolbox, this tells the application which tools are available. |
This visitor keeps a trail of the visited item in the Trail. |
The directions in which a tree-like structure is oriented. |
Tree layout algorithms. |
Runtime layout data. |
The tree layout algorithms. |
Defines the parameters when applying a tree layout (or one of its variations). |
The different layout algorithms supported. |
Classic tree node implementation. |
Custom Node<TNodeData, TLinkData> implementation geared towards tree layout. |
Data bucket similar to a TreeNode<TNode> but based on a link rather than a parent property. |
Base class for undoable actions based on delegates. |
Service managing the undo redo actions. |
Undoable group action. |
Global utilities and functions. |
Object encapsulates information about vertical line used in snapping to items. |
Simple data virtualization. Assuming containers are generated. Just hiding the items out of the viewport. |
WeakReferenceDictionary<TKey, TValue> Represents a dictionary that holds WeakReferences to its values. |
Represents interface for getting adorner parts. |
The service supporting the adorning of diagram elements. |
Represents an async state command. |
Represents a collapsible item. |
Describes and undo redo unit of work. |
Represents a connection. |
Defines a manipulation adorner of an IConnection. |
Represents a connector point of a shape. |
Defines an item which can be part of a diagram container shape. |
Defines the members of the container generator. |
Represents a generic container generator. |
The internal, extended version of the IContainerGenerator interface which is not pluggable in the ServiceLocator. |
IContainerGeneratorInternal<T> Generic variation of IContainerGeneratorInternal interface. |
Represents interface for container node. |
Defines a shape which acts as an items container for other shapes. |
Represents a container service. |
Defines the service managing the data transfer for copy/paste and dragdrop. |
Describes a DFT visitor to a data structure. |
Defines an element which participates in the diagramming mechanics. |
Represents a drag drop aware item. |
The service supporting the translation of diagram items. |
The service handling the drawing of geometry on the surface. |
Graph analysis link description. |
Represents an extended connection router. |
Defines an IShape with geometry content. |
Defines the diagramming control's API. |
The internal diagram control API. |
Describes the elements of an MVVM graph source. |
Describes the elements of a generic MVVM graph source. |
Represents a (non-visual) diagramming group. |
Defines an item which can be part of a diagram group. |
Defines the grouping service. |
The service supporting the hit-testing when selecting diagram items through a selection rectangle or a click-select action. |
Describes the two fundamental methods of a keyboard handler object. |
Describes the layout service. |
Represents a link between two shapes. |
Represents a link between two shapes. |
The service supporting the actions of the ConnectionTool and the ConnectionManipulationTool. |
Describes the four fundamental methods of a mouse handler object. |
Graph analysis node description. |
Represents an observable graph source. |
Interface introducing pre-visit and post-visit actions. |
Defines API for objects with priority. |
Represents an item that supports property changed notifications. |
The service supporting the scaling of diagram items and groups. |
The service supporting the rotation of diagram items. |
Represents a connection router. |
API for the Diagram Routing Service. |
Describes data structures used for searching. |
API for Diagram Segmentation Service. |
The service supporting the selection process of diagram items. |
Represents a serializable item. |
Represents a serializable graph source. |
The service supporting the (de)serialization of diagrams and diagram items. |
Represents a service locator. |
Defines the API of a diagramming shape. |
The service handling the snapping of diagram items. |
Provides view generator functionality. |
Interface for manipulation support. |
Interface for mouse over support. |
Represents an item that supports rotation. |
Represents entity supporting virtualization. |
Defines the API of a text shape. |
The base interface for all Diagram tools. |
Describes the members of the tool service. This service collects tools like the selection tool or the drawing tool. |
An interface for the tree data structure. |
The service handling the undo-redo stack. |
The service supporting the virtualization of diagram items which are not visible in the viewport anymore. |
Describes a visitor to a data structure. |