Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.FieldList
Encapsulates mechanisms to build behaviors that are attached to object using attached properties. |
A class that identifies IField items that are used for filtering and has been added to ReportFilters. |
A class that identifies IField items that are used for grouping and has been added to RowLabels or ColumnLabels. |
A class that handles the editing for a Label object raised by ClearFilter command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by ClearTotalFormat command. |
Provides data for the RequestContextMenu routed event. |
A base class for the data items presenting the descriptions in the field list view model. |
An Editor that will try to open a dialog using a host request trough RequestDialog. |
Contains information associated with a dialog request. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by SetDoubleGroupStep command. |
Base class for drag and drop attached behaviors. |
Provides data for the DisplayDropIndication and ClearDropIndication routed events. |
Routed events used to delegate the drawing of a drop indication to parent elements. |
A Control that provides a basic visual indication for the drop location of a drag and drop operation. |
A custom form of a System.Windows.Input.CommandBinding used to define the editors for the various options in the RadPivotFieldList. |
AttachedBehavior that implements a mechanism to handle editing commands for the various RadPivotFieldList items. |
A collection of Editor objects. |
An implementation of ICompositeField. Represents a node in IField hierarchy. |
Describes the hierarchical structure of the ICompositeField. |
An System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl that displays items actively participating in pivot grouping. Supports Drag and provides visual feedback on drag operations. |
Encapsulates the drag and drop handling for all 4 FieldBox controls in the RadPivotFieldList. |
A System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl used as item in the FieldBox. |
FieldBoxItemRolePresenterTemplateSelector A System.Windows.Controls.DataTemplateSelector that selects a DataTemplate based on a IField's FieldInfo. |
An read only observable collection of IField items. |
A System.Windows.Controls.DataTemplateSelector that selects special System.Windows.DataTemplate for the ValuesPositionField instance. |
FieldDragActionToSourceConverter An System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter that converts a FieldDragAction to System.Uri. Generally used to display icons. |
A System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl used to display a visual feedback during drag and drop of IField. |
Allows for extending the functionality of a RadPivotGrid to provide inline grouping/filtering/sorting options. |
A class that implements an attached behavior that handles RequestContextMenu events, providing a context menu. |
A class used as ViewModel for setting pivot grouping. |
A IField payload used in drag operations between the RadPivotFieldList areas. |
Encapsulates the drag and drop handling for the RadPivotFieldList's tree with available fields. |
A class that identifies IField items that are used for filtering and has been added to ReportFilters. |
An System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl that displays items actively participating in the inline pivot grouping. Supports Drag and provides visual feedback on drag operations. |
Provides a standard set of InlineFieldBox related commands. |
A System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl used as item in the InlineFieldBox. |
InlineFieldListContextMenuBehavior A class that implements an attached behavior that handles RequestContextMenu events, providing a context menu for elements part of the inline field list. |
A class that handles the editing for a Filter object raised by ItemsSetFilter command. |
A class that identifies IField items that are used for grouping and has been added to RowLabels or ColumnLabels. |
A class that handles the editing for a Label object raised by LabelFilter command. |
A class that handles the data reloading raised by ReloadData command. |
A class that handles the removal of a Label object raised by Remove command. |
AttachedBehavior that delegates assignment of the context menu for the host element to one of its parents. |
Routed events used to delegate the assignment of a context menu to parent elements. |
Routed events used to delegate the hosting of dialogs to parent elements. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object. Used to set an aggregate by aggregate function name. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by SetAverageAggregate command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by SetCountAggregate command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by SetIndexTotalFormat command. |
SetPercentOfGrandTotalFormatEditor A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by SetPercentOfGrandTotalFormat command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by SetSumAggregate command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object. |
A class that handles the editing for the inline fields raised by ShowFieldList command. |
A view-model that encapsulates the inline editing of fields. This is for internal use only and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
A class that handles the sorting for a Label object raised by Sort command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by MoreSummarizationOptions command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by StringFormats command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by MoreSummarizationOptions command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Label object raised by Top10Filter command. |
A class that handles the editing for a Value object raised by MoreTotalFormatOptions command. |
A class that identifies IField item, that is used to place groups for aggregate values, and has been added to RowLabels or ColumnLabels. |
A class that handles the editing for a Label object raised by ValueFilter command. |
An IDescriptionBase that identifies the Values position. |
A class used to present a IField where the values from aggregates will be presented. |
AttachedBehavior that implements a mechanism to handle DialogHostingRequestEventArgs events and open the requested UI in a RadWindow. |
Encloses information for a dialog settings and content. |
An interface describing a hierarchical item that can participate in pivot grouping. It may have nested IField or ICompositeField items. |
An interface that defines some basic mechanisms for communication between a view model and the hosting dialog UI. |
An interface describing an item that can participate in pivot grouping. |
Enumerates the possible drop positions relative to an item. |
Enumerates the roles FieldCollection can take in the FieldListViewModel. |
Enumerates the possible outcomes of an IField drag action. |