Namespace Telerik.CallHome.Debouncing
SynchronizedIsolatedStorageDebouncer<TInstance, TKey> This instance of a Telerik.CallHome.Debouncing.IDebouncer`1 uses an OS wide named Mutex for access synchronization to a time table database. The time table is stored on an isolated storage and file access locks the file explicitly. Throws if the file access fails or if the lock can not be acquired in certain time. Note the global named Mutex is shared for all users, while the file access is user owned. This means that multiple users running on the same machine may wait each other for access, but they will use separate time table files. |
SynchronizedStreamDebouncer<TInstance, TKey> A class that encapsulates synchronized read-write operations to timestamped records, and filters frequent occurrences of a similar event. |
A key value pair storing time stamp for a record. |
An interface that encapsulates the filtering of events based on time records, scoping, and the write back of accumulated changes. |