Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.GanttView
TODO: Update summary. |
This class represents a GanttView column definition. A collection of ColumnDefinitions is used for describing the tree-list part of the GanttView control. |
Represents a UI of a column header. |
Represents the type of relation between two tasks, such as finish to start, start to finish, start to start, and finish to finish. |
Class representing the container drawing the relation item. |
Drag Class representing the container drawing the dragged milestone item. |
Drag Class representing the container drawing the dragged regular task item. |
Drag Class representing the container drawing the dragged summary item. |
Enumerates the areas in Rad |
The class for drag-drop linking operation behaviors for the RadGanttView control. |
The behavior class responsive for the drag-drop operation in the RadGanttView control. |
Represents the objects displayed from RadGanttView control. Every task can be a milestone, summary and a regular task. |
Provides basic functionality for exporting images from Rad |
These settings are used for exporting images using Image |
Represents wrapper which helps exporting images. |
Class representing a slot of the dragged relation. |
Interface representing objects that define relation between two tasks. |
Defines basic methods and properties of a gantt task. |
Interface that provides the image exporter object which is returned after callingBegin |
Interface representing objects that can be set as a milestone. |
Interface representing objects that can be a summary and can have children. |