Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.Data.PropertyGrid
PropertyGridFieldBindingBehavior. |
AutoGeneratingPropertyDefinitionEventArgs Provides data for the AutoGeneratingPropertyDefinition event. |
Represents a control that exposes UI for collection editing. |
Exposes all the commands that CollectionEditor utilizes. |
Represents a picker control class that provides UI for collection editing. |
Represents the base class for the hosts of a custom editor. |
Represents a host of a custom editor. It represents a RadDropDownButton with that editor as DropDownContent. |
Attribute for specifying a custom editor for a particular property. |
Provides information about PropertyGridField events. |
Represents a selection control for editing flag Enumeration values with a drop-down list that can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow on the control. |
Represents the view model of the FlagEnumEditor control. |
Holds information about Flag Enumeration member. |
Provides logic for sifting out the root properties. |
FlatRenderingItemTemplateSelector A DataTemplate selector that provides ItemTemplate for the root ItemsControl. |
Provides information about a group of PropertyDefinition. |
A read-only collection of GroupDefinition to be displayed when RadPropertyGrid is grouped. |
Provides grouping for properties in RadPropertyGrid. |
Determines RadPropertyGrid's header height. |
Determines PropertyGrid's mode. |
Provides logic for switching the view between flat and grouped (categorized) property fields. |
Contains information about a lookup property. |
Represents a host of a custom editor. It represents a button that opens a Window with that editor as a content. |
Contains information about a property. Used for declarative definition of item properties displayed by RadPropertyGrid. |
A collection of properties to be displayed and edited. |
PropertyGridBeginningEditEventArgs Event args that describe RadPropertyGrid's BeginningEdit event. |
Provides column resizing for RadPropertyGrid. |
TODO: Update summary. |
PropertyGridDelegateCommandWrapper Represents a concrete implementation of DelegateCommandWrapper for the scope of RadPropertyGrid. |
PropertyGridEditEndedEventArgs Event arguments that describe RadPropertyGrid's EditEnded event. |
Provides UI for displaying and editing of a property in RadPropertyGrid. |
An event arguments class that describes changes in a PropertyGridField instance. |
PropertyGridFilteringEventArgs Provides data for the Filtering event. |
Indicates UI indentation for nested properties visualization. |
IndentPresenter is a presenter for Indent cells in nested property definitions of RadPropertyGrid. |
PropertyGridItemChangedEventArgs Provides information about RadPropertyGrid's ItemChanged event. |
Presents sorted or grouped fields in PropertyGrid. |
PropertyGridValidatedEventArgs Event arguments that describe RadPropertyGrid's Validated event. |
PropertyGridValidatingEventArgs Event arguments that describe RadPropertyGrid's Validating event. |
A dynamic type that describes a set of properties. |
PropertySetValueChangedEventArgs Provides information about RadPropertyGrid's PropertySetValueChanged event. |
A view model type that manages and exposes a dynamic property set. |
Used to convert the selected property definition when setting the IsSelected property of a field. |
VisibilityToGridLenghtConverter Used to convert the visibility property of the description panel to the height property of the RowDefinition. |
AutoGeneratePropertyDefinitionsMode Represents the different RadPropertyGrid AutoGeneratePropertyDefinitions modes. |
Specifies the style of the editor defined through Telerik.Windows.Controls.PropertyGrid.EditorAttribute. |
Represents the different RadPropertyGrid EditEnded actions. |
Represents the different edit modes of RadPropertyGrid. |
An enumeration that describes the different layout states of RadPropertyGrid. |
Specifies RadPropertyGrid's mode states. |
Describes different behaviors of property set construction. |
Represents RadPropertyGrid's layout render mode. |