Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet.Controls
The control representing the adorner of shapes. |
AnyBoolToBoolMultipleValuesConverter Provides methods for converting from several Boolean types value to a single Boolean type. If any of the values is true the return value is true otherwise false. |
AnyBoolToVisibilityMultipleValuesConverter Provides methods for converting from several Boolean types value to visibility type. If any of the values is true the visibility is visible otherwise collapsed. |
A Listbox that provides a custom automation peer. |
BooleanToInversedBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from one Boolean type value to the opposite Boolean type value. |
BoolToBoolMultipleValuesConverter Provides methods for converting from several Boolean types value to a single one. |
Represents boolean to integer value converter. |
BoolToVisibilityMultipleValuesConverter Provides methods for converting from several Boolean types value to visibility type. If all of the values are true the visibility is visible otherwise collapsed. |
BoolToVisibilityValueConverter Provides methods for converting from Boolean type to Visibility enumeration. |
Provides methods and properties for using BordersMenu. |
CellBorderToStrokeDashArrayConverter Provides methods for converting from CellBorder type to DoubleCollection type. |
CellBorderToVisibilityValueConverter Provides methods for converting from CellBorder type to Visibility enumeration type. |
Provides methods for converting from CellIndex type to CellName as String value. |
CellsLayoutToVisibilityConverter Provides methods for converting from CellsLayout enumeration type to Visibility enumeration type. |
CellValueFormatToNumberFormatInfoConverter Provides methods for converting from CellValueFormat to NumberFormatInfo and vice versa. |
Provides properties for describing the ColorChanged event. |
Provides methods and properties for using ColorGallery. |
Provides methods and properties for using the ColorSelectorDropDown. |
ColorToSolidColorBrushConverter Provides methods for converting from Color to SolidColorBrush. |
Provides methods for converting from Color to ThemableColor. |
Provides the class for CommentControl. |
View Model for comment user control. |
View Model for comment entry user control. |
Represents the content of the CommentsTaskPaneContent. |
Provides the class for CommentsTaskPaneItem. |
ComparisonOperatorItemToStringConverter Provides methods for converting from a ComparisonOperatorItem value to string |
CustomFilterDialogCommandParameter Represents command parameter for the custom filter open dialog. |
DataValidationInputMessageControl Represents a data validation input message control. |
Represents a view model for the date items in the filtering popup tree. |
Provides methods for converting from DPI to some unit type and vice versa. |
Represents a selectable item in a Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadListBox control. |
Provides properties describing Document theme. |
Provides methods for converting from double to Int32 percent value and vice versa. |
Represents the drop down item model. |
Abstract class providing methods for converting from some specified T enum type to Boolean and vice versa. |
EnumToVisibilityConverter<TEnum> Abstract class providing methods for converting from some specified T enum type to Visibility enumeration type. |
FillTabStateToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from FillTabState enumeration type to Boolean type. |
FillTabStateToVisibilityConverter Provides methods for converting from FillTabState enumeration type to Visibility enumeration type. |
Represents popup control containing filtering and sorting options. |
FilteringPopupConverterParameter Represents filtering popup converter parameter. |
FilteringPopupTreeViewViewModel Represents the viewmodel for the filtering menu TreeView. |
Represents the filtering popup view model. |
Represents a view model for the items in the filtering popup tree. |
Represents filter to visibility converter. |
Defines the floating comment types. |
Provides methods and properties for using a FontGallery. |
FormatStringCategoryToStringConverter Provides methods for converting from FormatStringCategory enumeration type to string. |
Provides the base class from which the classes that represent cell editors are derived. |
Provides methods and properties for using FunctionsMenu. |
Provides methods and properties for using GalleryContentItem with some content of type T. |
Provides properties for describing a header item of a gallery. |
Enumeration describing the categories of gallery items. |
Provides methods and properties for using the GradientFillControl. |
Provides methods and properties for using a HexagonItem. |
Provides methods for converting from int type value to column name. |
InversedBoolToVisibilityValueConverter Provides methods for converting from Boolean type to Visibility enumeration. |
ItemsPercentFilterTypeToStringConverter Provides methods for converting from ItemsPercentFilterType value to string. |
Provides methods and properties of using a theme preview control. |
LogicalOperatorToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting a LogicalOperator value to boolean. |
The class represents a Name Box. |
The class represents a ViewModel for the NameBox. |
Provides methods for converting a SpreadsheetNameCollectionScope value to string. |
NullableIntegerToNullableDoubleConverter Converts nullable integer to nullable double. |
NumberFormatAutoCompleteComboBox Provides methods and properties for using NumberFormatAutoCompleteComboBox. |
Provides properties describing a number format. |
NumberOfRecordsToVisibilityConverter Provides methods for converting number of records to visibility value. |
Represents page margins drop down item model. |
Provides methods for converting from PageOrder enumeration type to Boolean type. |
PageOrientationDropDownItemModel Represents the page orientation drop down item model. |
PageOrientationToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from PageOrientation enumeration type to Boolean type. |
Represents the paper type drop down item model. |
Provides methods and properties for using the PatternFillControl. |
PatternFillToBackgroundColorConverter Represents pattern fill to background color value converter. |
PatternFillToPatternColorConverter Represents pattern fill to pattern color value converter. |
Provides methods for converting from PatternType enumeration type to Int32 and vice versa. |
Abstract class providing methods and properties for using Popup Gallery. |
Abstract class providing methods and properties for using Popup Gallery containing items of type T. |
PredefinedConditionalFormatToStringConverter Converts the predefined conditional formats to localized strings. |
PrintCollatedDropDownItemModel Represents the print collated drop down item model. |
Represents the print preview control. |
Represents the print preview view model. |
Represents print what drop down item model. |
Provides attached properties for RadControls. |
Provides methods and properties for using RadHexagonColorPicker. |
RadHorizontalAlignmentToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from RadHorizontalAlignment enumeration type to Boolean and vice versa. |
RadHorizontalAlignmentToStringConverter Provides methods for converting from RadHorizontalAlignment enumeration type to String. |
Provides methods and properties for manipulating a collection of inline elements. |
Provides methods and properties for using RadLine. |
This class contains extensions of RadNumericUpDown. |
Provides methods and properties for using RadSpreadsheetFormulaBar. |
Provides methods and properties for using RadSpreadsheet SheetSelector. |
Provides methods and properties for using RadSpreadsheetStatusBar. |
Provides methods and properties for using RadTextBlock. |
RadVerticalAlignmentToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from RadVerticalAlignment enumeration type to Boolean and vice versa. |
RadVerticalAlignmentToStringConverter Provides methods for converting from RadVerticalAlignment enumeration type to String. |
RemoveAlphaFromColorStringConverter Provides methods for converting from color strings with Alpha value to color strings without Alpha value. |
Provides methods and properties for using a ScaleFactorSlider. |
ScalingMethodToBooleanConverter Used to convert scaling method to boolean type. |
Represents scaling types. |
Represents scaling type drop down item model. |
Represents class containing infroamtion about select all item UI representation. |
Represents a selectable item inside a RadMenu or RadContextMenu. |
SeriesDateUnitToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from DateUnitType enumeration type to Boolean and vice versa. |
SeriesOrientationToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from CellOrientation enumeration type to Boolean and vice versa. |
Provides methods for converting from SeriesType enumeration type to Boolean and vice versa. |
ShadingStyleToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from ShadingStyle enumeration type to Boolean and vice versa. |
Provides methods and properties for using SheetSelector's TabItems. |
Enumeration describing the state of SheetSelectorTabItem. |
Provides methods and properties for using theme color preview control. |
Provides methods and properties for using theme font preview control. |
Provides methods and properties of using a theme preview control. |
Provides methods for converting from SortType type value to string. |
Provides methods and properties for using the Color Palette in RadSpreadsheet. |
Represents grid splitter. |
Provides methods and properties for using StyleGallery. |
Provides methods and properties for using a StyleGalleryContentItem. |
StyleGalleryContentItemViewModel Provides properties for a StyleGalleryContentItem. |
Provides the class for TaskPane. |
Provides the class for TaskPaneContent. |
Represents a selectable item in a Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadListBox control. |
Provides properties describing the colors of the theme color scheme. |
Represents a selectable item in a Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadListBox control. |
Provides properties describing fonts in a theme font scheme. |
Provides methods for converting from ThemeFontType enumeration type to String. |
Provides methods and properties for using ThemeGallery. |
TopBottomFilterTypeToStringConverter Provides methods for converting from TopBottomFilterType value to string. |
UnderlineTypesToStringConverter Provides methods for converting from UnderlineType enumeration type to String and vice versa. |
UnderlineTypeToBooleanConverter Provides methods for converting from UnderlineType enumeration type to Boolean and vice versa. |
Provides methods for converting from some unit type to DPI and vice versa. |
Represents interface for filter view model. |
Interface providing properties needed for a GalleryItem. |
Represents style gallery item. |