Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView
Represents control that is used as a container for all GridViewAggregateResultCells. |
AggregatesToGroupFooterAggregatesConverter Filters aggregates per column. |
AutoCompleteStringFilterEditor AutoCompleteStringFilterEditor. |
The base class for items control bound to data. |
Provides basic data for the cell events. |
Describes the Style for a CellSelection of the worksheet for exporting. |
Presents the child data controls associated with the current parent record. |
CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgs Provides data for the CleanUpVirtualizedItem event. |
The default implementation of IColumnFilterDescriptor. |
ColumnFilterDescriptorExtensions Extension methods for the IColumnFilterDescriptor interface. |
Represents a group descriptor, which groups and sorts by the value of its Column. |
Determines the content of RadListBox's item used for column selection. |
Represents a sort descriptor, which sorts by the value of its Column. |
The header shown above columns in the same column group. |
Panel that lays out common column headers (column groups). It communicates with GridViewDataControl's current measure info ensure consistence layout behavior. |
Presenter for the merged column headers displayed when column groups are defined. |
Default implementation of the IControlPanelItem interface. |
ControlPanelItemButtonTooltipToVisibilityConverter ControlPanelItemButtonTooltipToVisibilityConverter. |
Represents a collection of ControlPanelItem objects. |
A control used for displaying control panel items. |
Used as Presenter of data cells of the row. It takes care of creating and displaying data cells. |
Holds exception data to be custom processed by user code when DataError exception handled is set to true. |
DefaultKeyboardCommandProvider Provides key commands. |
This control is used for presenting row details. |
DistinctValueConverter. |
DistinctValuesTreeListViewCommandProvider Extends the RadTreeListView command provider with logic specific to the RadTreeListView in the FilteringControl. |
DistinctValuesTreeListViewExtensions Contains attached properties for the RadTreeListView inside the FilteringControl. This class is for internal use only and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Represents a filter distinct value. |
EditorCreatedEventArgs. |
Describes the ExcelML Alignment attribute. |
Describes the ExcelML Font attribute. |
Describes the ExcelML Interior attribute. |
Describes the ExcelML NumberFormat attribute. |
Describes the ExcelML Style attribute. |
Contains the ExcelML custom styles that are generated on the occurrence of the InitializingExcelMLStyles event. |
This is for internal use only and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
This is for internal use only and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
FilterCompositionLogicalOperatorConverter Converts FilterCompositionLogicalOperator to System.String using localization infrastructure. |
Holds properties for declarative binding of FilterDescriptor. |
Factory used to create editors for the filtering UI. |
FilteringControl. |
Represents the base class for filtering controls. |
FilteringDropDown. |
Provides a view model for interaction between the FilteringControl (UI) and FilterDescriptors (model). |
Contains attached properties for the ListBox elements in the FilteringControl and FieldFilterControl. This class is for internal use only and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Converts FilterOperator to System.String using localization infrastructure. |
FilterOperatorsLoadingEventArgs Provides data for the FilterOperatorsLoading event. |
FilterOperatorToFilterEditorIsEnabledConverter FilterOperatorToFilterEditorIsEnabledConverter. |
This is for internal use only and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
The vertical splitter separating frozen columns from scrollable columns. By dragging the FrozenColumnsSplitter user can change the number of the frozen columns. |
Represents a base class for FrozenColumnSplitter. |
FrozenColumnsSplitterRightSide Represents a frozen columns splitter that is used to pin columns to the right side. |
GridLineWidthToThicknessConverter An IValueConverter that converts a number to a Thickness based on the parameter. |
Provides data for the AddingNewDataItem event. |
Represents a cell which holds the returned by an aggregate function result. |
Provides a framework for Panel elements that virtualize their child data collection. This is an abstract class. |
Represents a field, as an element of the user interface, of a RadGridView. |
A base class for grid cells. |
Panel that lays out both cells and column headers. This stacks cells in the horizontal direction and communicates with the relevant GridViewColumn to ensure all rows give cells in a given column the same size. |
Lightened version of the standard checkbox containing reduced number of states. |
Represents a single level of the column groups hierarchy. |
GridViewDataControl provides the presentation of a collection of data items. |
Contains the GridViewDataControl extension methods. |
Contains data needed to handle DataLoading event. |
GridViewDistinctValuesLoadingEventArgs Contains data needed to handle DistinctValuesLoading event. |
Used as a presenter for GridViewCell edit element. |
Provides data for the Filtered event. |
Provides data for the Filtering event. |
This is User Interface(UI) element that is a part from footer row and represents a column footer. |
Base class for RadGridView footer cells. |
Represents an indentation in a GridViewFooterRow. |
This is a User Interface (UI) element that represents the footer of the entire row, containing the columns footers. |
This is User Interface(UI) element that is a part from group footer row and represents a column footer. |
Represents an indentation in a GridViewGroupFooterRow. |
This is a User Interface (UI) element that represents the footer of the entire row, containing the columns footers. |
Represents a control that contains column aggregate results. |
Represents a control that visualizes the headers of all columns used as grouping criteria. |
This is User Interface(UI) element that is a part from group panel and represents a group description Dragging the GridViewGroupPanelCell is the key action to ungroup/reorder groups in the RadGridView. |
Supports UI elements that provide visualization for the group cell. |
Represents a control used as a Group header, which is used to expand and collapse its associated rows and groups and display group specific information such as Aggregate functions, sort direction et cetera. |
This is User Interface(UI) element that is a part from row header and represents a column header. Dragging the GridViewHeaderCell is the key action to group the RadGridView and reorder the columns, resizing the width of the element is a UI way to resize a column. |
Represents an indentation in a GridViewHeaderRow. |
This is a User Interface (UI) element that represents the header of the entire row, containing the columns headers. |
Represents an element of the visual tree used to indent rows when grouping. |
GridViewItemContainerGenerator An GridViewItemContainerGenerator is responsible for generating the UI on behalf of its host (e.g. BaseItemsControl). It maintains the association between the items in the control's data view and the corresponding UIElements. The control's item-host can ask the GridViewItemContainerGenerator for a Generator, which does the actual generation of UI. |
Converts instances of various types to and from GridViewLength. |
A Content Control that indicates when the grid is busy. |
Represents a field, as an element of the user interface, of a RadGridView. |
GridViewNewRow is an user interface (UI) element used when adding new row. |
GridViewPinButton is an user interface (UI) element used to freeze its corresponding row on scrolling. |
GridViewRow is an user interface (UI) element used as a container for GridViewCells objects. |
Provides data for the LoadingRowDetails and UnloadingRowDetails events. |
Represents a control that contains logically connected children (cells) and arranges them in a row-like manner. |
Hold data about GridViewRowItem. |
Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements. |
Provides data for the Searched event. |
Provides data for the Searching event. |
Represents a control that visualizes a field giving the option to write and search in the items of RadGridView. |
GridViewSelectedCellsChangedEventArgs Event arguments used for the SelectedCellsChanged event. Provides information about the cells that were added or removed from the SelectedCells collection. |
GridViewSelectedCellsChangingEventArgs Event arguments used for the SelectedCellsChanging event. Provides information about the cells that are about to be added or removed from the SelectedCells collection. |
GridViewVirtualizingPanel is used to arrange children into single line. |
Represents a filter distinct value or a group of distinct values. Used when the value of the DistinctValuesDisplayMode property of the column is Tree. |
GroupHeaderRow. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a cancelable group row event. |
Provides basic data for the group row events. |
Represents a special group item used for group header and footers. |
Provides group related information to be displayed in the group header. |
Represents a special text block that enables coloring of specific char. |
Represents a control that displays a hyperlink and content. |
IndentPresenter is a presenter for Indent cells for any row used when RadGridView is grouped. |
Provides data for the ItemsChanged event. |
A ColumnFilterDescriptor for GridViewExpressionColumn. |
A control used to display the cell value in GridViewComboBoxColumn when the cell is in display mode. Implements a basic functionality to convert selected value to display value from the lookup data. |
A ColumnFilterDescriptor for GridViewDataColumn. |
Class that describes the backing data behind an instance of GridViewMergedCell. |
Converter used to provide clipping mask to elements depending on the horizontal scroll offset when horizontally scrolling. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a cancelable row event. |
RowDetailsVisibilityChangingEventArgs Provides data for the RowDetailsVisibilityChanging event. |
Provides basic data for the row events. |
Holds data about the loaded row. |
Provides basic data for the group row events. |
Provides basic data for the group row events. |
Holds data about the unloaded row. |
A Content Control that displays position information when deferred scrolling is turned on. |
Represents a class that persists search state. |
Subclass of Grid that knows how to freeze certain cells in place when scrolled. Used as the panel for the GridViewRow to hold the header, cells, and details. |
SortingIndexConverter. |
SortingIndexToVisibilityConverter SortingIndexToVisibilityConverter. |
Provides event arguments for the SpreadWorkbookCreated event. |
SpreadStreamWorksheetEventArgs Provides event arguments for the SpreadWorksheetCreated and SpreadWorksheetExporting events. |
Represents the result returned by the ValidationRule.Validate method that indicates whether the checked value passed the ValidationRule. |
A structure that represents a rectangular region of cells in GridViewDataControl. The origin of the region is specified by the Left and Top properties. The extent of the region is specified by the Width and the Height properties. |
Represents a column filter descriptor associated with a specific column. |
An interface that is implemented by classes which are responsible for generating user interface (UI) content on behalf of a host. |
Represents an interface for a RadGridView control panel item. |
Provides clients with details. |
IDistinctValuesFilterDescriptor Represents the distinct filter descriptor of a column filter descriptor. |
Elements which can be exported through the GridViewExportingWriter. |
Represents the field filter descriptor of a column filter descriptor. |
Provides functionality required by all filtering components. |
Represents a group row. |
Provides key commands. |
Represents the different layout options for aggregate results. |
Represents the Column reorder modes of RadGridView. |
Indicates the type of data loading mode in GridViewDataControl. |
Specifies how the FilteringControl distinct values will be displayed. |
Describes the type of certain ExcelML Data attribute. |
Describes the ExcelML horizontal alignment options. |
Describes the ExcelML Pattern options. |
Describes the ExcelML underline options. |
Describes the ExcelML vertical alignment options. |
Specifies the position of RadGridView's filter editor. |
Specifies RadGridView's filtering mode. |
Specifies the direction within a user interface (UI) in which a desired focus change request is attempted. The direction is either based on tab order or by relative direction in layout. |
Determines the visibility of the gridlines. |
Specifies values that represents the action which is performed when GridViewCell exits EditMode. |
Specifies values that represents the operation which is performed when GridViewCell or GridViewRow exits EditMode. |
Defines what kind of action should put GridViewCell into edit mode. |
Specifies the position of RadGridView's insert row. |
Specifies the position of RadGridView's pinned rows. |
GridViewRowDetailsVisibilityMode Specifies the mode for showing row details of a GridViewDataControl |
Defines the selection units used in GridViewDataControl. |
Defines if cell should be focused via TAB key. |
An enumeration specifying the virtualization mode of RadGridView. |
GroupRowType. |
Specifies the different cell merging modes. |
Enumerator that indicates the type of scrolling mode in use. |
Represents different behaviors of item matching while search is executed. |
Enumeration to specify the scroll orientation of cells in selective scroll grid. |
CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventHandler Represents the method that handles the GridViewVirtualizingPanel.CleanUpVirtualizedItem attached events. |
Represents the method that will handle the ItemsChanged event. |
SpreadStreamWorkbookEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the SpreadWorkbookCreated event. |
SpreadStreamWorksheetEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the SpreadWorksheetCreated and SpreadWorksheetExporting events. |