Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaterialControls
Represents a class that provides inner clipping for its child element. |
Fluent control to handle the visual effects in the Fluent theme. |
Enum for the mode of the FluentControl. |
Creates an inner glow effect by itself. |
Defines a set of attached properties that affect the visual appearance and coloring of elements in the Material theme. |
Material control for Material theme. |
Enum for MaterialShadowDepth in MaterialTheme. |
Represents a modified System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel that is coupled with MaterialAssist to provide CornerRadius to its children. |
Shadow for the MaterialTheme. It provides System.Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowEffect from a preset of predefined effects for the Material theme as well as animation for the transitions between each of them. Avoid setting child element as any text in it would receive the DropShadowEffect resulting in blurred appearance of the text. |
Represent a classed used to provide special visual functionality. |