Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.Dialogs
Interaction logic for AddModifyChoiceDialog.xaml |
AddNewBibliographicSourceDialog Default AddNewBibliographicSourceDialog |
Interaction logic for ButtonsSection.xaml |
ChangeEditingPermissionsDialog ChangeEditingPermissionsDialog |
Interaction logic for CheckBoxPropertiesDialog.xaml |
Interaction logic for CheckBoxSection.xaml |
Represents the CheckBoxSectionViewModel class. |
CodeFormattingDialog |
Represents the ContentControlsConfirmDialog class. |
Represents the DateFormatViewModel class. |
Interaction logic for DatePickerPropertiesDialog.xaml |
Interaction logic for DatePickerSection.xaml |
Represents the DatePickerSectionViewModel class. |
Represents the DialogConfirmSection class. |
Interaction logic for DropDownListPropertiesDialog.xaml |
Interaction logic for DropDownListsSection.xaml |
Represents the DropDownListsSectionViewModel class. |
Dialog for editing custom dictionaries. |
FindReplaceDialog |
FloatingBlockPropertiesDialog |
FontPropertiesDialog |
Interaction logic for GeneralSection.xaml |
Represents the GeneralSectionViewModel class. |
ImageEditorDialog |
Default InsertCrossReferenceWindow |
Default InsertCrossReferenceWindow |
InsertDateTimeDialog |
InsertTableDialog |
Default InsertTableOfContentsWindow |
Interaction logic for LineNumberingDialog.xaml |
LineNumberingDistanceNumericUpDown Represents a LineNumberingDistanceNumericUpDown control. |
Represents the ListItemViewModel class. |
ManageBibliographicSourcesDialog Default AddNewBibliographicSourceDialog |
ManageBookmarksDialog |
ManageStylesDialog |
ModifyMultiLevelListDialog |
ModifyTableStyleBanding |
NewCaptionLabelDialog |
Represents dialog for footnotes and endnotes |
This class represents a holder for the Paragraph properties which shall be used in the RadParagraphPropertiesDialog. |
Interaction logic for PicturePropertiesDialog.xaml |
Interaction logic for PlainTextPropertiesDialog.xaml |
Interaction logic for PlainTextSection.xaml |
Represents thePlainTextSectionViewModel class. |
Represents a dialog for enforcing document protection. |
Represents dialog for inserting hyperlinks. |
Default window for inserting symbols in RadRichTextBox. |
RadParagraphPropertiesDialog |
Interaction logic for RepeatingSection.xaml |
RepeatingSectionPropertiesDialog Interaction logic for RepeatingSectionPropertiesDialog.xaml |
Represents the RepeatingSectionViewModel class. |
Interaction logic for RichTextPropertiesDialog.xaml |
Represents the default SectionColumnsDialog. |
Default SetNumberingValueDialog |
SpellCheckingDialog |
StyleFormattingPropertiesDialog StyleFormattingPropertiesDialog |
TableBordersDialog |
Represents dialog for showing dialogs for editing table properties. |
TabStopsPropertiesDialog |
Represents a dialog for removing document protection. |
WatermarkSettingsDialog |