Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls
Represents the possible values of an action to be taken when an element of the RadGridView loses focus. |
Provides data for the Telerik.Windows.Controls.ActivationManager.ActiveChanged event. |
An ActivationManager class. |
A view that displays the commands of a RadAIPrompt. |
A view that displays the input area of a RadAIPrompt. Contains things like the input textbox, the button that makes a request to the AI model, and a list of pre-defined suggestions. |
A view that displays the output area of a RadAIPrompt. Contains things like the output items, which are the responses from the AI model. |
Represents a set of possible screen positions for RadDesktopAlert. |
Helper methods for populating the collection of types of an object implementing the IAllowedTypesSupport interface. |
Defines alternation properties for decorating TableBase area. |
Contains attached property that enables analytics features for control. |
A ScrollViewer control that animates the changes in its HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset. |
Represents the Application menu within the RibbonView control. |
Contains state information about the appointment that has already been created. |
Contains state information about the new appointment that is going to be created. |
Represents the Cue item for current appointment. |
Contains state information about the appointment that has been deleted. |
Contains state information about the appointment that is going to be deleted. |
Represents the ViewModel for the AppointmentDialog. |
Contains state information about the appointment that has been edited. |
Contains state information about the appointment that is going to be edited. |
AppointmentItemContentTemplateSelector Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate for the AppointmentItem based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
Represents a proxy object that is set as DataContext on AppointmentItem control. It is used for performance optimization. |
Contains state information about the appointment that is going to be saved. |
Represents a panel that arranges the appointments in RadScheduleView control. |
Represents different appointment data-entry modes. |
Async filtering behavior which uses multithreading for faster data processing. |
Represents an object that is attached to an owning object. |
AttachableObjectCollection<TOwner, TObject> Represents a collection of AttachableObject<T> instances. |
Specifies how the ellipsis are displayed on a RadDataPager control. |
Provides data for the AutoGeneratingTile event. |
Represents the default TickLength provider. |
Contains extension methods for working with control's automation peers. |
Describes the means by which the automatic ToolTip is positioned on a RadSlider control. |
This class is used to relate a style to a backstage item's container. |
BackstageContainerStyleSelector Holds predefined styles for backstage items' containers. |
Defines a set of standardized icons that can be associated with a Balloon Tip. |
Converts byte array to image using. |
Provides methods that allow getting property values without reflection. |
Provides a standard set of book related commands. |
Represents a converter, which converts System.Boolean values. |
Represents the converter that converts Boolean values to and from 1 and 0 opacity. |
Represents the converter that converts Boolean values to and from Visibility enumeration values. |
Represents the converter that converts Boolean values to and from maximized and normal window states. |
Represents converter that converts Boolean to InputMode using the given parameter. If the Boolean value is true the parameter is returned. If the Boolean value is false the default value of InputMode is returned. |
Used in the RadTreeView to specify what will be brought into view when the BringIntoView or an equivalent method is called for a RadTreeViewItem. |
Represents the converter that converts Brush values to and from Color and vice versa. It is somehow an opposite of the ColorToBrushConverter. |
Enum for WindowButtonsAlignment for buttons alignment in the headers of windows and dialogs in the Crystal theme. |
Specifies possible options for when a button should be visible. |
ButtonVisibilityToVisibilityConverter Represents a converter that converts ButtonVisibility values to Visibility enumeration values. |
Callout animations provided by AnimationManager. |
Determines the major arrow geometry types for the callout. |
CalloutPopupClosingEventHandler Event handler for the PopupClosingEvent. |
CalloutPopupOpeningEventHandler Event handler for the PopupOpeningEvent. |
Represent a service that provides methods for showing a RadCallout control via animated popup. |
Settings for configuring the callout popup and its showing animation. |
Determines the major callout geometry types. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a camera error routed event. |
Represents the method that will handle camera error events. |
Represents the type of error RadWebCam encountered. |
Represents a control that displays all the available camera settings of RadWebCam control. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a cancelable routed event. |
This is a class used to store the information for a single data field. |
CardViewAutoGeneratingDataFieldDescriptorEventArgs Contains event data for auto-generation of data field descriptors in RadCardView |
Represents event data for a edit ended event of a RadCardView. |
Contains information on performed group operation. |
Defines Grouping Event Actions that are passed as arguments to the Grouping Event on item drag. |
Represents data for the CardViewGrouping event. |
Represents event data for an event of a RadCardViewItem. |
Contains information on performed sort operation. |
Provides details about the Sorting event. |
This class represents a CaretBrushHelper that workarounds an issue which is related to a bug when setting a CaretBrush to TextBox control through Style in XAML. |
Class that is used to present a single field of a data item. |
Class that is used to present a single data item. |
Implements a selectable item inside a RadCarousel. |
Presents the content of a CarouselItem. |
CarouselItemContentTemplateSelector Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate for the CarouselItemContentPresenter based on the type of the data object. |
Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements.
Represents basic ICategory implementation. |
Represents a dynamic data collection of Categories that provides notifications when categories get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Indicates the state of the cell. |
Handles data-layer associated operations for RadChartView. |
Handles histogram data associated operations for ScatterRangeBarSeries. |
Specifies the possible modes used by a ChartSelectionBehavior to update the current selection within a RadChartBase instance. |
Represents CheckMSI possible schemes for calculating a check digit. |
Contains extension methods for enumerating the children of an element. |
Contains state information about the dialog that is going to be closed. |
Represents the Codabar symbology type. |
Represents the Code11 symbology type. |
Represents the Code128 symbology type. |
Represents the Code128A symbology type. |
Represents the Code128B symbology type. |
Represents the Code128C symbology type. |
Represents the Code25Interleaved symbology type. |
Represents the Code39 symbology type. |
Represents the Code39 symbology type. |
Represents the Code39Extended symbology type. |
Represents the Code93 symbology type. |
Represents the Code93Extended symbology type. |
Determines the type of code, such as Numeric, Alphanumeric, Byte or Kanji. |
Represents the CodeMSI symbology type. |
Defines the list of values a CollapseThreshold can be. |
Holds extension methods for System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<>. |
A base class for CollectionNavigator. |
ColorPaletteBase is the base class for all palettes. When you want to implement custom Palette just inherit this class and implement the methods. |
This is the enum that represent the all kind of Palettes.
It enables you to add colors to the palette simply by choosing one of its values.
Represents the converter that converts Color values to and from Brush values. |
ColorToBrushWithOpacityConverter Represents the converter that converts Color values with opacity as parameter to SolidColorBrush. |
Describes the length of a column which could be either fixed-sized or auto-sized. |
Describes the type of column length. |
Represents a converter from System.String to ColumnLength. |
Holds the information of column reordering passed when GridViewDataControl ColumnReordering Event is raised. |
Represents a class that synchronizes two collections of GridViewColumns. |
Defines the placement of column totals. |
Contains data needed to handle the ColumnWidthChanged event. |
Contains data needed to handle the ColumnWidthChanging event. |
Represents a filtering behavior for RadComboBox. |
Helper class for showing tooltip on non-editable RadComboBox whose selected text is clipped (trimmed). |
Represents a strongly-typed collection of ControlCommandBase<T> instances. |
Used in the RadTreeViewItem to specify when the Command must be executed. |
Represents a strongly-typed class that provides basic infrastructure for RadControl commands. |
Represents a single completion page. |
ConditionalDataTemplateSelector Provides a way to choose a System.Windows.DataTemplate for a data-bound element by testing the data object against a set of predefined rules. |
Provides a way to choose a System.Windows.Style for a data-bound element by testing the data object against a set of predefined rules. |
Indicates the possible modes for changing the visible content of the RadFluidContentControl. |
Represents a command abstraction that is associated with a particular System.Windows.Input.ICommand instance. |
Represents a converter that empties the value of a given CornerRadius based on the parameter passes. |
This class provides CornerRadius helper properties. |
Hold resources used in the CrystalTheme theme. |
Represents theme color variations. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the CrystalPalette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the CrystalPalette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the CrystalPalette resources. |
CrystalResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in CrystalResourceKey. |
CrystalTheme class represents the key to the Crystal theme. |
Represents control that indicates the current time in RadScheduleView control. |
Determines the display location of the current time indicator of RadScheduleView. |
This class is used to relate a style to an item's container. |
Holds predefined styles for an items control items' containers. |
Represents a custom ViewDefinitionBase that overrides the GroupDescriptions and allows custom visible range formatting. |
Represents a control that provides common functionality for all Telerik WPF controls that represent data. |
Data field displaying and editing boolean data. |
Data field displaying and editing Enumeration and lookup data. |
A field used to display and edit data in RadDataForm. |
A field used to display and edit dates in RadDataForm. |
Represents the different edit modes of RadDataForm. |
Provides base functionality for data points implementations. |
Represents the DataMatrix 2D barcode. |
A rule that returns a System.Windows.DataTemplate when satisfied. |
This class represents the data for the Date - its durations and ticks. |
Describes the grouping of items using a date range as the criteria. |
Represents a selection control that allows you to select time from grid. |
This class represents extension methods and attached properties used by the DateTimePicker control. |
Specifies the format of the DateTimePicker. |
This is an adapter class that adapts RadDateTimePicker to IGridViewEditor interface. It is public because it should be initialized with reflection. |
DateTimeToCurrentUICultureStringConverter The class converts DateTime values to their string representation using the System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture. |
Represents a StepTimeSpanComponentBase for picking day System.TimeSpan intervals. |
Represents a definition of a view that shows a single day in day view mode. |
An enumeration that defines the default layouts of a RadVirtualKeyboard. |
A read-only collection containing the default time markers. |
Provides a simple ICommand implementation. |
Holds extension methods for System.Windows.DependencyObject class. |
Helper for the properties in Design time. |
Holds commands that can be used by a RadDesktopAlert. |
Represents an item inside of the MenuItemsSource. |
Class that holds all parameters for customizing RadDesktopAlert. |
Contains information about the dialog which is going to be shown. It can be canceled. |
Structure that holds all parameters for customizing dialog window. |
Describes the type a ScheduleView dialog. |
Base class for file and folder dialogs. |
Describe a move direction. |
Compares the distance to a given reference point. |
Control used for navigating and selecting panes in RadDocking. It can be opened with Ctrl + Tab combination similar to the IDE Navigator in Visual Studio. |
DockingNavigatorItemTemplateSelector ItemTemplateSelector for the panels and documents lists in the DockingNavigator. |
The docking panel is used as part of the RadDocking control to arrange elements. |
DoubleRangeBase inherits RangeBase and introduces two new fields - SelectionStart and SelectionEnd. SelectionStart cannot be greater than SelectionEnd and SelectionEnd cannot be less than SelectionStart. |
DoubleToArcConverter MultiValueConverter for the Material theme. Created to be used in the BusyIndicator Indeterminate state. |
Value converter used with binding to Convert double to GridLength. |
An IValueConverter that converts a double to a Thickness based on the parameter. |
Represents converter that converts double to TimeSpan using the given parameter. |
Represents a behavior of the drag & drop and resize functionality of the RadScheduleView control. |
DragDropBooleanToVisibilityConverter Represents converter, which converts Boolean value to Visibility enumeration value depending on parameter. |
Represents the state of a drag or resize operation in RadScheduleView. |
DraggedAppointmentsToLocalizedStringConverter Represents converter that converts IEnumerable of IOccurrences to localized summary string. |
Represent a visual element that is being dragged; usually wraps (fully or partially) another visual element. |
The EventArgs for the DragInProgress event of the RadTreeView. |
The handler for the TreeViews DragOverTree event. |
Represents the visual element displayed after the cursor when an item is dragged. |
This class represents extension methods and attached properties for the RadDropDownButton control. |
Determines possible positions in a 2D environment. |
The arguments of the TabControl.DropDownOpened and TabControl.DragDropClosed routed event. |
An event handler delegate for the drop down events of the TabControl. |
Provides an attached property for easier handling of Mouse wheel for DropDownButton, SplitButton, ColorPicker, DateTimePicker, TimeSpanPicker, CalculatorPicker, Breadcrumb. |
Define the position where the item will be dropped. |
Represents an editable Telerik.Windows.Controls.ComboBox control showing predefined time durations in minutes, hours, days and weeks. |
Represents the EAN128 symbology type. |
Represents the EAN128A symbology type. |
Represents the EAN128B symbology type. |
Represents the EAN128C symbology type. |
Represents the EAN13 symbology type. |
Represents the EAN8 symbology type. |
Determines the Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) mode, which allows for encoding of characters from other sets. |
The event args used by the EditorPrepare event of the EditableHeaderedItemsControl. |
Handler for the EditorPrepare routed event of the EditableHeaderedItemsControl. |
EditRecurrenceDragResizeAction Enumeration that represent the action when dragging or resizing recurrence appointment. |
Provides elastic animation capabilities. |
Defines properties for decorating TableBase area. |
A Collection of ElementProperties. |
Represents the encodation used to generate the DataMatrix barcode. |
The EncodingMode enumeration determines the type of the acceptable data. |
EnumerableCountToVisibilityConverter Represents converter that converts System.Collections.IEnumerable to System.Windows.Visibility. |
Represents converter, which converts System.Enum types to and from a boolean value using the given parameter. |
Represents converter, which converts System.Enum types to and from a boolean value using the given parameter. |
Determines how much data is available for error correction. |
Contains error information. |
Represents a binding between an event and a command. The command is potentially a System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand. |
Represents an ordered collection of EventBinding objects. |
Behavior that execute command when given event is raised. |
ExpandDirection specifies the expanding direction of a control - for example the |
The ExpandMode enumeration is used in RadPanelBar to specify the allowed number of expanded RadPanelBarItem. |
Enumerator that indicates the type of the current exporting element. |
Export extensions. |
Enumerator that indicates the type of exporting mode in use. |
Office_BlackTheme class represents the key to the Expression_DarkTheme theme. |
FilePathPickerIconTemplateSelector Selects System.Windows.DataTemplate for the icon based on the FilePath property of the RadFilePathPicker control. If null or empty string is provided - EmptyTemplate is used, otherwise - NonEmptyTemplate. |
Specifies the FilteringMode of RadComboBox. |
Base document viewing control that can host Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.RadFixedDocument. |
Represents a converter, which converts System.Enum values to a Visibility value using the given parameter. |
Hold resources used in the FluentTheme theme. |
Represents theme color variations. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the FluentPalette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the FluentPalette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the FluentPalette resources. |
FluentResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in FluentResourceKey. |
FluentTheme class represents the key to the Fluent theme. |
Indicates the state of the RadFluidContentControl. |
Signifies application of special formatting to the code data. |
Represents a helper that gets the focused element in the SL4, SL5 (including OOB) and WPF platforms. |
Specifies the direction within a user interface (UI) in which a desired focus change request is attempted. The direction is either based on tab order or by relative direction in layout. |
EventArgs used by the FoldActivated and FoldDeactivated events. |
Enumeration used by the FoldHintPosition property. |
This enumeration describes the 4 corners of the Book. |
This class contains Routed commands for the GanttView control. |
This control represents a splitter between Gantt's Grid area and the Timeline. |
Represents a custom markup extension for creating geometries. |
Geometry factory class for producing basic geometries. |
Helper class that parses geometries to strings and strings to geometries. Note that strings are created for serialization purposes and cannot be recognized as Geometry Data by the WPF XAML parser. |
Defines common geometry types. |
GlyphAdorner class for design time support of the TelerikWebUI glyph font. Provides an attached property for TextBlock IsInDesignTime, which when set to true allows the rendering of TelerikWebUI font glyphs in design time. |
Enum for the GlyphExportType for the RadGlyphExtension. |
Hold resources used in the GreenTheme theme. |
Represents theme color variations. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the GreenPalette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the GreenPalette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the GreenPalette resources. |
Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in GreenResourceKey. |
GreenTheme class represents the key to the GreenTheme theme. |
GridViewAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs Provides data for GridViewDataControl AutoGeneratingColumn event. |
GridViewBeginningEditRoutedEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the BeginningEdit event. |
This class inherits from GridViewColumn and add some specific to Data properties such as DataType, DataFormatString. |
GridViewCellClipboardEventArgs Allows to control Clipboard operations on a per-cell basis. |
GridViewCellEditEndedEventArgs Contains info needed to handle CellEditEndedEvent. |
GridViewCellExportingEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the ElementExportingToDocument event when exporting Cell element. |
Class that describes GridViewCell as data object. Used to get the appropriate GridViewCell (UI container) in cases when it is recycled. |
Enumerator that indicates the type of the cell. |
GridViewCellValidatedEventArgs Provides data for the RadGridView.CellValidated event. |
GridViewCellValidatingEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the CellValidating event. |
Represents the result of the RadGridView validation process. Identifies ErrorMessage and property which causes the error. |
GridViewCheckBoxColumn is a column is used to bind to boolean data. |
Defines modes that indicate how RadGridView content is copied to the Clipboard. |
Allows to control RadGridView Clipboard operations. |
Defines modes that indicate how content from the Clipboard is pasted into the RadGridView. |
This is a dependency object used to store column's specific data. |
Represents a collection of GridViewColumn objects. |
EventArgs used for events related to GridViewColumn. |
Represents a group of columns with a common header. |
GridViewComboBoxColumn provides an easy and fast way to display and edit lookup data. The key properties to set are : valueMemberPath, DisplayMemberPath and ItemsSource. |
Provides various options for exporting data in CSV format. |
GridViewCurrentCellInfoChangedEventArgs Represents data for the CurrentCellInfoChangedEvent. |
This class inherits from GridViewBoundColumnBase and creates appropriate editor element using column's DataType. |
GridViewDataControlExportExtensions Contains the GridViewDataControl extension methods for exporting to XLSX and PDF formats. |
Provides data for the Deleted event. |
Provides data for the Deleting event. |
Provides various options for exporting to XLSX and PDF. |
GridViewDocumentVisualExportParameters Defines visual export parameters for XLSX and PDF. |
GridViewDynamicHyperlinkColumn GridViewDynamicHyperlinkColumn provides an easy and fast way to display hyperlink. The column dynamically creates hyperlink based on NavigateUrlMemberPaths and NavigateUrlFormatString properties. |
GridViewElementExportedEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the exporting events. |
GridViewElementExportedToDocumentEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the ElementExportedToDocument event. |
GridViewElementExportingEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the ElementExporting event. |
GridViewElementExportingToDocumentEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the ElementExportingToDocument event. |
GridViewExcelMLVisualExportParameters Defines visual export parameters for ExcelML. |
Provides various options for export. |
This column can display the results of a calculation on the data item's properties. |
Contains information on performed group operation. |
Represents data for the GridViewGrouping event. |
GridViewHtmlVisualExportParameters Defines visual export parameters for HTML. |
GridViewHyperlinkColumn provides an easy and fast way to display hyperlink. The column automatically creates HyperlinkButton based on DataMemberBinding and ContentBinding properties. |
GridViewImageColumn provides an easy and fast way to display image. The column automatically creates Image based on DataMemberBinding property. |
GridViewLength is the type used for various length properties in GridViewDataControl. |
Used to indicate the type of value that DataGridLength is holding. |
GridViewMaskedInputColumn is a special column which uses RadMaskedInputBase control as an editor. |
GridViewMultiColumnComboBoxColumn Represents a column that uses RadMultiColumnComboBox to edit a single selected value, or a list of selected values. |
Provides various options for exporting data in PDF format. |
GridViewPinRowColumn provides an easy and fast way to pin/freeze rows in RadGridView. |
GridViewPreparingCellForEditEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the PreparingCellForEdit event. |
Contains info needed to handle RowEditEndedEvent. |
Provides data for the RadGridView.RowValidated event. |
GridViewRowValidatingEventArgs Contains data needed to handle the RowValidating event. |
GridViewSelectColumn provides an easy and fast way to select rows in RadGridView. |
Contains information on performed sort operation. |
Provides details about the Sorting event. |
Represents a table definition designed to represents data to display in a RadGridView. |
Represents a control that visualizes the expand/collapse operation. |
GridViewToggleButtonPresentationMode Defines the presentation (active template) for a toggle button. |
GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn provides an easy and fast way to toggle row details visibility. |
GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumnExpandMode Defines the row details expand behavior for a GridViewToggleRowDetailsColumn. |
Defines when RadGridView should validate data. |
Defines what validation types should be processed by RadGridView. |
Represents a control that creates a container that has a border and a header for user interface (UI) content. |
Represents observable collection of GroupDescriptions. |
Represents the GroupHeader visual element in RadScheduleView control. |
A RadButton implementation that serves as clickable header button. It's MouseOver and Pressed states will be inactive if no Command is attached. |
Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate for the GroupHeader based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
Defines Grouping Event Actions that are passed as arguments to the Grouping Event on item drag. |
Converter that creates a string of all parent IGroup names. |
Represents a variant for a Group control. |
Collection of group variants. |
Enumeration used by the HardPages property. |
An interface that is used to calculate an index starting from -1 for the item which is highlighted in the DropDown of the RadAutoCompleteBox. |
Represents the highlighted item in RadScheduleView. |
Determines the type of a HighlightItem. |
Defines different highlight modes for RadHighlightTextBlock. |
Represents the highlighted panel. |
Stores information for a portion of the RadHighlightTextBlock text that needs to be highlighted. |
HostWindowCreatedEventArgs exposes HostWindow property for handling the host created event of a window. |
Represents definition of the hot spot of the geographically positioned framework element. The hot spot is the point inside (or outside) of the framework element which should be bound to the geographic location. |
Converts from/to HotSpot structure. |
Coordinate system which is used to calculate location of the hotspot inside the element. |
Units are used to position hot spot. |
Represents a StepTimeSpanComponentBase for picking hour System.TimeSpan intervals. |
Represents an icon converter. |
Represents IconResource MarkupExtension. |
Represents the IconSources resource object. |
Represents the icons sets. |
Represents the visibility of a RadNotifyIcon in the notification area. |
Provides a type converter to convert Image objects from String representation. |
Represents converter that converts IAppointment to a string that can be used as a title of a window. |
Converts a zero based integer index to natural index. 0 -> 1, 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, etc. Parameter can be used for setting bigger step. Default step is 1. |
Specify the input mode of the DateTimePicker. |
Enum InsertMode. |
IntArrayToDoubleValueConverter Represents a converter that converts the first object of an Array of integer objects into a double object and vise versa. If the Array is null or empty the converter returns null. |
Represents the IntelligentMail symbology type. |
Represents an cell info that does not have Item, Column, and it is not associated with a GridViewDataControl. |
InvertedBooleanToOpacityConverter Represents the converter that converts Boolean values to and from 1 and 0 opacity. |
InvertedBooleanToVisibilityConverter Represents the converter that converts Boolean values to and from Visibility enumeration values. InvertedBooleanToVisibilityConverter converts "true" to Visibility.Collapsed and "false" to Visibility.Visible. |
InvertedNullToVisibilityConverter Represents converter that converts null or empty string System.Object to Visibility values in an inverted way. |
Represents converter that converts Visibility value to its opposite. |
A MarkupExtension which executes different code based on trust level. |
Represents the drop relative position of the items when reordering. |
This class presents a way to query the state of the various keyboard modifier keys. It also allows you to check the state of the shortcut key for the current platform. |
Represents a class that holds which keyboard modifiers are pressed. It is used for the selection behaviors. |
Represents the text label for a control and provides support for access keys. |
Specifies the display mode for the upper scale - it could be days or months. |
Represents a expander layout group. |
Represents a layout group, the default group of the RadLayoutControl. |
Represents a tab layout group. |
Represents a tab group item, the default item of the LayoutControlTabGroup. |
LayoutSerializationBaseEventArgs The base event args used for RadDocking layout Serialization events. |
LayoutSerializationCleaningEventArgs The event args used for RadDocking layout Serialization cleaning event. |
LayoutSerializationCustomLoadingEventArgs The event args are used for layout Serialization Loading event for custom items. |
Defines event arguments used for RadDocking layout Serialization events. |
LayoutSerializationLoadingEventArgs The event arguments used for the RadDocking's layout Serialization Loading event. |
LayoutSerializationSavingEventArgs The event arguments used for the RadDocking's layout Serialization saving event. |
LinearGradientToSolidColorBrushConverter An IValueConverter that converts a LinearGradientBrush to a SolidColorBrush based on a parameter. If there is no converter parameter or the same is not a valid one, the first stop of the LinearGradientBrush will be taken. If the LinearGradientBrush has no stops, the result will be a transparent SolidColorBrush. If a SolidColorBrush is to be converted, the same will simply be returned as a result. |
Represents a virtualized panel with smooth scrolling. |
Implements a markup extension that returns a localization string. |
A converter that uses a localized version of the provided parameter to format the binding value into string. Uses System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. |
A localization manager class. |
Converts data member value to display value for the needs of lookup (ComboBox columns). |
MaskedCurrencyInputGridViewEditor This is an adapter class that adapts RadMaskedCurrencyInput to IGridViewEditor interface. |
This is an adapter class that adapts RadMaskedDateTimeInput to IGridViewEditor interface. |
This is a base adapter class that adapts RadMaskedInputBase to IGridViewEditor interface. |
MaskedNumericInputGridViewEditor This is an adapter class that adapts RadMaskedNumericInput to IGridViewEditor interface. |
This is an adapter class that adapts RadMaskedTextInput to IGridViewEditor interface. |
Specifies the MaskType used for the RadMaskedTextBox. |
Hold resources used in the MaterialTheme theme. |
MaterialPalette.ColorVariation Represents theme color variations. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the MaterialPalette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the MaterialPalette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the MaterialPalette resources. |
MaterialResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in MaterialResourceKey. |
MaterialTheme class represents the key to the Material theme. |
Provides static methods not included in the standard Math class. |
Represents a control that defines choices for users to select. |
Defines the different roles that a RadMenuItem can have. |
Describes the placement of where a RadMenuItem sub-menu appears on the screen. |
Represents a StepTimeSpanComponentBase for picking millisecond System.TimeSpan intervals. |
Represents a StepTimeSpanComponentBase for picking minute System.TimeSpan intervals. |
Represents definition of a view that shows 42 days in month view mode. |
Represents possible user actions that can activate a function of a RadNotifyIcon. |
MultiBindingBooleanOrConverter MultiBindingBooleanOrConverter. |
Represents definition of a view that shows multiple days as in day view mode. |
Represents a converter that multiply the value by the passed parameter. |
Provides data for navigation buttons events. |
A base class for the RadSlideView and RadPipsPager controls. |
Exposes all the commands that NavigationSelector utilizes. |
Defines constants that specify how the pane is shown in a NavigationView. |
Represents control that holds the sub items of a RadNavigationViewItem. |
NotifyIconPopupOpeningEventArgs Represents the event arguments for the PopupOpening event. |
Represents the event arguments for the Selected event. |
Represents converter that returns boolean whether the value is null or not. |
Represents converter that converts null or empty string System.Object to Visibility values . |
Represents a converter that converts a number value to Visibility value. |
An IValueConverter that converts an object to a Type based on the parameter. |
A ProjectedView which notifies the user if any of its items' properties get changed. |
Office_BlackTheme class represents the key to the Office_Black theme. |
Office_BlueTheme class represents the key to the Office_Blue theme. |
Office_SilverTheme class represents the key to the Office_Silver theme. |
Hold resources used in the Office2013Theme theme. |
Office2013Palette.ColorVariation Represents theme color variations. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the Office2013Palette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the Office2013Palette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the Office2013Palette resources. |
Office2013ResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in Office2013ResourceKey. |
Office2013Theme class represents the key to the Office2013Theme theme. |
Hold resources used in the Office2016Theme theme. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the Office2016Palette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the Office2016Palette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the Office2016Palette resources. |
Office2016ResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in Office2016ResourceKey. |
Office2016Theme class represents the key to the Office2016 theme. |
Hold resources used in the Office2016TouchTheme theme. |
Office2016TouchResourceDictionary A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the Office2016TouchPalette. |
Office2016TouchResourceExtension A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the Office2016TouchPalette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the Office2016TouchPalette resources. |
Office2016TouchResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in Office2016TouchResourceKey. |
Office2016TouchTheme class represents the key to the Office2016Touch theme. |
Hold resources used in the Office2019Theme theme. |
Office2019Palette.ColorVariation Represents theme color variations. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the Office2019Palette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the Office2019Palette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the Office2019Palette resources. |
Office2019ResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in Office2019ResourceKey. |
Office2019Theme class represents the key to the Office2019Theme theme. |
OfficeColorPalette is the base class for all MSOffice2007 palettes. All office palettes inherit this class and implement GetHeaderColors() and GetGeneratedColors() as well as GetColors() methods. |
Adds opacity to a specified System.Windows.Media.Color or System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush. |
Specifies the type of option list that will be formed by the given item. |
OrientedAppointmentItemStyleSelector Provides a way to choose a style for the OrientedAppointmentItem based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
OrientedGroupHeaderStyleSelector Provides a way to choose a style for the OrientedGroupHeader based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
OrientedResourceGroupHeaderStyleSelector Provides a way to choose a style for the OrientedResourceGroupHeader based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
OrientedTimeRulerItemStyleSelector Provides a way to choose a style for the TimeRulerItem based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
Defines the position of an RadOutlookBarItem. |
Describes the ability of an item to be positioned in the Overflow area. |
A helper class for resolving the full path to a resource. |
EventArgs used by the PreviewPageFlipStarted, PageFlipStarted and PageFlipEnded events. |
This enumeration describes whether the page will perform full flip on single click or double click. |
Enumeration used by the ShowPageFold property. |
Provides data for a page index changed event. |
Provides data for a page index changing event. |
This enumeration describes the position of a page with respect to the Book. |
Specifies how the page controls are displayed on a RadDataPager control. |
A custom GridSplitter control used for resizing the top level RadPanelBarItems in a RadPanelBar. |
Panel that arrange its children as a StackPanel if no DesiredWidth or DesiredHeight is set or if set as a Grid with Row/Column Definitions. |
Contains extension methods for enumerating the parents of an element. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a parse date or time routed event. |
Describes the location and value of a transition point in visual effects like scale, skew, opacity. |
Stores PathStop objects that are used for Opacity, Skew, and Scale effects of the RadCarouselPanel. |
Represents the PDF417 symbology type. |
Allows a user to view a header and expand that header to see further details, or to collapse a section up to a header. |
Allows a user to view a header for some details. |
Enumerates the available layouts in TableBase. |
Describes the placement of where a Popup control appears on the screen. |
Represents the Planet symbology type. |
Represents the modes in which the RadNotifyIcon's popup can be closed. |
Provides a set of popup related commands. |
This class contains attached properties for the Popup class. These properties are meant to be used to fill the gaps between the WPF Popup class and the Silverlight one. |
A System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup window that can be used as a normal System.Windows.Window in XBAP application. It uses System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup as a placeholder. |
Event arguments class used to pass data whenever a RadOutlookBarItem changes its position, i.e. from ActiveArea to MinimizedArea. |
Event handler for the PositionChanged event. |
Represents the Postnet symbology type. |
Preview event args wrapping tab item that has been changed (Closed, Pinned, Unpinned). |
PreviewTileStateChangedEventArgs Event args for the PreviewTileStateChanged event. |
Defines a range color definition for use in RadCircularProgressBar. |
Provides a projected view over a source list. |
Panel that arrange its children as a StackPanel if no DesiredWidth or DesiredHeight is set or if set as a Grid with Row/Column Definitions. |
Represents the QR symbology type. |
Represents a quick access toolbar for a Ribbon. |
Specifies the position of a Quick Access ToolBar within a Ribbon control. |
Describes the visual appearance of elements in TableBase. |
A component that bridges the gap between an app and the next-generation AI language model applications. Use the AIPrompt to provide your users with pre-determined ways to interact with a trained language model of your choice. |
A button that displays a RadAIPrompt as the child of a System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup element. |
Represents an AIPrompt item that has an AIPromptCommandView for its Content. |
Represents an AIPrompt item that has an AIPromptInputView for its Content. |
Represents an AIPrompt item, the default item of the RadAIPrompt. |
Represents an AIPrompt item that has an AIPromptOutputView for its Content. |
RadAlert notifies the user according to its invocation parameters. |
Specifies three position alignment. |
The Sparkline Area chart consists of a series of data points joined by a line where the area below the line is filled. The area below Axis Origin can be displayed in a different color. Supports indicators. |
Represents a text control that suggests possible matches based on the user's input. |
Registers in the CommandManager all the commands that RadAutoCompleteBox exposes. |
Represents a text control that makes suggestions to users as they enter text using a keyboard. The app is notified when text has been changed by the user and is responsible for providing relevant suggestions for this control to display. |
Registers in the CommandManager all the commands that RadAutoSuggestBox exposes. |
A content control which is attached to an element and usually displays a status, warning, note, count information related to the attached element. |
UI control for creating and visualizing barcodes in a machine-readable format. |
This control decodes images representing barcodes, such as Code 128, EAN8, etc. |
RadBook is an ItemsControl that displays its items in the fashion of a regular book. |
Represents a page within a book. |
RadBreadCrumb is a navigation control that allows users to keep track of their locations within programs or documents. |
Represents an item in the RadBreadcrumb control. |
Identifies the RadBusyIndicator control. |
A Button control. |
Represents a button group control. |
Represents an item in RadButtonGroup. |
Represent a control that enables you executing arithmetic operations. |
Provides commands for RadCalculator. |
Represents a RadCalculator as an editor control that is placed in a PopUp. |
Represents a selection control that allows you to select dates from a calendar. |
A path-like content control which can point to other objects via arrow. It has body (content) part and an arrow part. Can be used either in XAML or in tooltip / popup scenarios. |
RadCardView is control that layouts its items as cards based on CardLayout property. |
Provides commands for RadCardView. |
Represents Group Item in RadCardView. |
Represents a Card Item in a RadCardView. |
RadCarousel is a powerful control that allows you to display data from many different kinds of data sources using the RadCarouselPanel. |
RadCarouselPanel is a specialized panel that arranges its children on a path. |
Represents a RadChartBase instance that uses a Cartesian Coordinate System to plot the associated data points. |
Represents a 3D chart control that uses a Cartesian Coordinate System to plot the associated data points. |
RadChart is a powerful data visualization control that allows you to display various 2D and 3D chart series types. The control can be easily customized via control templates, provides databinding support, display animations out-of-the-box, and supports one or multiple ChartAreas in order to display multiple categories of data at the same time. |
RadChat is control that provides the look and feel of a chat application. It exposes API for managing and display of text and media messages. |
A progress bar control with a circular progress track. |
Represents a selection control that allows you to select time from grid. |
The AutomationPeer associated with the RadClock class. |
Represents a RadClockItem control. |
Represents a ribbon RadCollapsiblePanel. |
Provides UI and logic for displaying and editing data in a from layout. |
RadCollectionNavigatorCommands Exposes all the commands that RadCollectionNavigator utilizes. |
The RadColorEditor control is an editor that allows you to select a custom color. It supports several color schemas: RGB, HLS, HSV, CMYK and HEX. |
RadColorPaletteView represent a selectable set of colors ordered in a palette. It is an items control that consists of RadColorPaletteView items. |
Represents an item in the RadColorPaletteView control. |
Represents a color picker control. |
ColorSelector enables you to use a group of RadcolorPaletteView objects together. Basically it consists of 3 independent palette views and has SelectedColor property. |
Sparkline with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. Values are indicated using different column fill color. |
Represents a selection control with a drop-down list that can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow on the control. |
Registers in the CommandManager all the commands that RadComboBox exposes. |
Represents extensions for RadComboBox UISelection command. |
Implements a selectable item inside a RadComboBox. |
RadConfirm requests the user the confirm given question. |
Represents a context menu control that enables you to hierarchically organize elements with associated event handlers. |
The AutomationPeer associated with the RadContextMenu class. |
Static container for the Theme attached property. |
A base class for the horizontal and vertical data axes. |
A control that contains a bar, the length of which represents a value in correspondence to the set minimum, maximum and origin value. |
The base class for RadDataBars implementing common properties and logic. |
Provides a user interface for creating filtering expressions. |
Provides a view of the FilterDescriptors collection of a QueryableCollectionView and allows for modifying the filters through a RadDataFilter. |
All commands that RadDataFilterView exposes. |
Provides UI and logic for displaying and editing data in a from layout. |
All commands that RadDataForm exposes. |
Provides a user interface for paging through a collection of data. |
All commands that RadDataPager exposes. |
Provides an object for loading, paging, filtering, sorting and editing entities coming from a WCF Data Service. |
Represents an input control for entering Dates. |
Represents an input control for selecting a range of two dates. |
Represents a control that allows the user to select dates and times. |
RadDateTimePicker.ParseDateTimeEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadDateTimePicker.ParseDateTimeValue routed event. |
Registers in the CommandManager all the commands that RadDateTimePicker exposes. |
Represents control that can be used to display a small notification on the screen to alert the user that an event occurred. The location of the alert and the way it appears can be customized. |
This class provides API for managing the RadDesktopAlert instances on the current screen position. |
Represents the diagram control. |
The RadDiagramConnection is a special ContentControl that serves as a connection between zero, one or two shapes. |
A shape which holds other shapes much like an items container. |
A shape with geometric content. |
Pane navigation control. |
Provides access to all available commands in RadDocking control and its child controls. |
Defines an area where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other. |
Base class that implements IDocumentPane and can be used as a Document in the RadDocking. |
Initializes a new instance of the RadDragCompletedEventArgs class. Provides data for the RadDragCompleted event that occurs when a user completes a drag operation with the mouse of Thumb control. |
Provides data for the RadDragDelta event that occurs one or more times when a user drags a Thumb control with the mouse. |
Provides data for the RadDragStarted event that occurs when a user drags a Thumb control with the mouse. |
A DropDownButton control. |
RadEntityFrameworkCoreDataSource Provides an object for loading, paging, filtering, sorting, and editing entities coming from EntityFrameworkCore's DbContext. |
A HeaderContentControl used to create interactive Expand/Collapse control. |
A control that lets the user input an expression in string form, which it exposes as a LINQ expression. |
Provides a number of useful RadExpressionEditor functions exposed through Commanding. |
A class that contains various helpful extension methods for RadExpressionEditor |
Control used for choosing a valid file / folder path via file / folder dialog or via typing in watermark text box. |
The RadFluidContentControl has three content properties which are displayed depending on the available space. Using the adjustable threshold properties, the exact points at which the visible content is switched can be precisely controlled. |
Represents a special chart that visualizes its data points using trapezoid segments forming a 'funnel'. |
Represents a ribbon RadGallery. |
Represents a ribbon RadGalleryItem. |
Provides a runtime and design time for font glyphs. |
A MarkupExtension to provide the usage of font glyphs as an image source or path data. |
RadGridView is the ultimate data grid control with outstanding performance and remarkable flexibility. The component enables you to create fully customizable and highly interactive interfaces for displaying and shaping of large data. |
Provides commands for RadGridView. |
Use as a heading in ribbon context menus. |
A data visualization control that represents values in a tabular display. The data is displayed in cells, aligned in rows and columns and each cell has a color that corresponds to the value of the cell. The color of the cell is generated by a HeatMapColorizer. The RadHeatMap needs a valid HeatMapDefinition in order to plot the cells and colors correctly. |
A custom TextBlock control that allows for emphasizing a part of its text. |
The RadHorizontalBulletGraph control is a variation of linear gauge. It combines a number of indicators, as well as the data indicator, into one control, which is light weight, easily customizable and straightforward to setup and use. The control is a great tool for dashboards as it is the optimal way to present a lot of information in relatively small size. |
Represents a visual axis with ticks and labels. |
Represents horizontal linear gauge. |
A HyperlinkButton control. |
Represents the RadRadialMenu commands for showing and hiding when used as context menu. |
Provides data for the Navigating event. |
RadImageEditor is powerful UI component for image editing. |
RadImageEditor is powerful UI component for image editing with predefined UI. |
A navigation control used to reorder and resize its items. |
Represents a legend control. |
Sparkline that displays a set of data points connected by a line. Supports indicators and normal range. |
Represents a ListBox control. |
Represents the base class that is responsible for the drag and drop in the RadListBox control. |
Represents drag and drop helper for the RadListBox control. |
Represents a selectable item in a Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadListBox control. |
Represents the RadMap class. |
Represents the RadMaskedCurrencyInput control. |
Represents the RadMaskedDateTimeInput control. |
Represents the base class for RadMaskedInput controls. |
Represents the RadMaskedNumericInput control. |
Represents a base class for sectioned input controls. |
Represents the RadMaskedTextInput control. |
Represents a menu control that enables you to hierarchically organize elements with associated event handlers. |
The AutomationPeer associated with the RadMenu class. |
Represents a container item inside a RadMenu, RadContextMenu, RadMenuItem or RadMenuGroupItem. |
Represents a selectable item inside a RadMenu or RadContextMenu. |
The AutomationPeer associated with the RadMenuItem class. |
Represents a selectable item inside a RadMenu. |
Represents a control that performs search and filter over a collection of items. |
Represents a control that enables modern hamburger menu navigation of application content. |
Represents container for item in a RadNavigationView control. |
Represents a control that can be used to display an icon in the windows' taskbar notification area. The icon can then respond to user interaction as well as display tooltips, popups and balloon notifications. |
Represents a RadNumericUpDown control. |
The RadOfficeNavigationBar allows easy navigation between different views and offers the ability to quickly access a minimalistic subset of a view within a popup window. It dynamically collapses items that do not fit in a Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadOfficeNavigationBar.OverflowMenu and allows for customizations through the OfficeNavigationBarDialog. |
Represents a container for an item in a RadOfficeNavigationBar control. |
Represents a dialog that allows user selection of filename for a file to be opened. |
Represents a dialog that allows user selection of folders. |
Represents a panel that can display its children on two or three rows depending on the size it have. The items can be ordered differently in the compressed (3 row) and in normal (2 row) state. |
RadOutlookBar is a Silverlight control providing the well-known functionality of Microsoft's® Outlook navigation bar. |
Represents a headered content area in a RadOutlookBar that displays image and text in the header and developer-supplied content in the content area. |
A content holder class for the Docking. |
Navigation control which presents the RadPanes as TabItems. |
Initializes a new instance of the RadTreeView class. |
Represents an item in the RadPanelBar control. |
This class represents a control that is designed for entering passwords. It can show different content when empty and provides a button that displays the currently entered password. |
A Button control with path in its template. |
Represents a control for visualization of PDF documents. |
The toolbar for the RadPdfViewer. |
Represents a special chart that visualizes its data points using arc segments. |
Represents a control that enables navigation within linearly paginated content. Can be used as a navigation assistant for other controls such as the RadSlideView. |
Represents a single page from the items in a RadPipsPager. |
A System.Windows.Controls.Control that is used to setup a pivot grouping. |
Represents a control that displays data in a customizable pivot. |
RadPivotMap displays a flat collection of items that are grouped together. Each item is represented by a rectangle where rectangle's area represents a value extracted from the underlying item. The sum of the values for all child items is equal to the value of the parent item. |
Represents a RadChartBase instance that uses Polar coordinate system to plot data points. |
The RadProgressBar control can be used to to indicate the progress of an operation. It gives to an end-user visual feedback about an operation he is waiting for to complete. |
RadPrompt exposes a textbox in which the user can put any value. |
Provides infrastructure for command execution for RadPropertyGrid. |
Exposes the commands defined by RadPropertyGrid. |
Represents North-East oriented Quadrant radial gauge. |
Represents North-West oriented Quadrant radial gauge. |
Represents South-East oriented Quadrant radial gauge. |
Represents South-West oriented Quadrant radial gauge. |
Represents full-circle radial gauge. |
Represents a control that enables a user to visualize a set of RadRadialMenuItem. |
RadRadialMenu.MenuToolTipEventHandler Represents the method that handles the PreviewToolTipOpen routed events. |
Defines a menu item that is used to visualize radial menu item along with its children within a RadRadialMenu component. |
A RadioButton control. |
Represents an element that has a value within a specific range. |
RadRangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs EventArgs used when RadRangeBase changes its value. |
Rating control is a flexible UI component that allows users to intuitively rate by selecting number of items [stars]. |
An item used in a rating control. |
Represents a RibbonView backstage control. |
Represents a ribbonView backstage item control. |
A Button control for usage in the RadRibbonView. |
RibbonView RadRibbonComboBox control. |
RibbonView ComboBoxItem control. |
Represents a RibbonCommands class. |
Represents the content of a RadRibbonContextualGroup. |
A DropDownButton control for usage in the RadRibbonView. |
Represents the content of a RadRibbonGallery. |
Represents the content of a RadRibbonGroup. |
A RadioButton control for usage in the RadRibbonView. |
A Button control for usage in the RadRibbonView. |
Represents the content of a Ribbon tab. |
A ToggleButton control for usage in the RadRibbonView. |
Represents a Ribbon control. |
Represents a RibbonWindow class. |
Represents rich text box control, which can be used to visualize and edit RadDocument. |
This is an adapter class that adapts RadRichTextBox to IGridViewEditor interface. It is public because it should be initialized with reflection. |
This class is a base class for all UI Rows. |
Represents a dialog that allows user selection of filename for file to be saved. |
Scatter Sparkline displays values as a set of separated points. Supports indicators and normal range. Indicated values are shown in a different color. |
RadScheduleView is a radically different scheduling component, going beyond the standard Microsoft Outlook-style control. The ScheduleView empowers end users with unprecedented control over precision and flexibility when handling their appointments. This is achieved through features such as multi-level grouping, powerful zoom for smart navigation through a large number of appointments and blazing fast scrolling. |
All commands that the ScheduleViewBase exposes. |
Provides data for the SelectionChanged and PreviewSelectionChanged events of RadTabControl. |
RadSelectionChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the SelectionChanged and PreviewSelectionChanged routed events of RadTabControl. |
Represents East-oriented semicircle radial gauge. |
Represents North-oriented semicircle radial gauge. |
Represents South-oriented semicircle radial gauge. |
Represents West-oriented semicircle radial gauge. |
Slider control lets the user select from a range of values by moving a slider. Slider is used to enable to user to gradually modify a value (range selection). Slider is an easy and natural interface for users, because it provides good visual feedback. |
UI AutomationPeer class for RadSlider. |
A navigation control that allows you to slide between different views. |
Represents a control that is shown inside a Window on a separate thread to indicate that the application is loading. The functionality of showing a splash screen is exposed through the RadSplashScreenManager class. |
This class provides API for displaying a splash screen to indicate that the application is loading. |
A SplitButton control. |
Layout control that stacks pane items with splitters in-between. Not to be used outside RadDocking. |
Represents the RadSpreadsheet control. |
The ribbon of the RadSpreadsheet. |
Represents a control that stacks data bars, the lengths of which represent values from an items source, in correspondence to total sum of the values. |
Represents a control that stacks data bars, the lengths of which represent values from an items source, in correspondence to the set minimum and maximum. |
An ItemsControl representing a multi step process where moving to the next step increases the overall progress value. Generally steps have 3 major statuses - NotStarted, Completed and Indeterminate. Usually each step from the first to the current one is in Completed state and every other is in NotStarted state. |
Represents the step container for an item in the RadStepProgressBar. |
Control for displaying SVG images. |
This implements a markup extension that enables the creation of System.Windows.Media.DrawingImage from SVG sources. |
RadSvgImageSourceExtensionBase This is an abstract implementation of a markup extension that enables the creation of System.Windows.Media.DrawingImage from SVG sources. |
Class RadSyntaxEditor. Implements the ITextDocumentEditor |
A Window component which hosts RadTabControl and simulates browser behavior. Tabs can be selected, pinned, unpinned, closed, reordered. |
A navigation control used to create tabbed interface. |
Represents a tab item, the default item of the RadTabControl. |
A navigation control used to represent work and its flow. |
Default card control that can be used in RadTaskBoard 's ItemTemplate when control is populated with ITaskBoardCardModels. |
Represents container for item in a RadTaskBoard control. |
Represents a control that draws a set of tick marks for a RadSlider control. |
Displays items in a rectangular tiles layout. |
An items control that is suitable for building interactive dashboard-like layouts. |
Represents an item in the RadTileView control. |
The RadTimeBar is a time bound DataVisualization control. Its chief purpose is to allow lightweight scrolling and navigation through large periods of time. |
The RadTimeline is a time bound DataVisualization control. Its chief purpose is to allow lightweight scrolling and navigation through large periods of time. |
Input control for entering time. |
Represents a control that allows the user to select System.TimeSpans. |
Represents a control that allows you to select System.TimeSpan values used to construct the Value of a RadTimeSpanPicker . |
A ToggleButton control. |
A ToggleSwitch button control. |
A toolbar control. |
Control that is used to separate items in items controls. |
A tray where RadToolBar controls are positioned. |
Represents a control that creates a pop-up window that displays information for an element in the interface. |
Represents a control that can be set as a Content of the RadToolTip. RadToolTipContentView has predefined styles for all Telerik Themes. To enable telerik themes in RadToolTip - just set this control as Content of the RadToolTip. |
Represents a service that provides properties and events to control the display and behavior of tooltips. |
This class represents a ContentControl that changes its content with a transition. |
A Grid-Like control that can display hierarchies like a TreeView. |
RadTreeListViewDragEndedEventArgs The EventArgs for the DragEnded event of the RadTreeView. |
RadTreeListViewDragEndedEventHandler The handler for the RadTreeListView's DragEnded event. |
Event arguments for the TreeListView Drag related events. |
RadTreeListViewDragEventHandler Event Handler for the TreeListView Drag related events. |
RadTreeMap displays a hierarchical collection of items. Each item is represented by a rectangle where rectangle's area represents a value extracted from the underlying item. The sum of the values for all child items is equal to the value of the parent item. |
A hierarchical control used to display a tree of items. |
Arguments for the Check / Uncheck routed events of the RadTreeView. |
Holds command used by RadTreeViewItem. |
The EventArgs for the DragEnded event of the RadTreeView. |
RadTreeViewDragEndedEventHandler The handler for the TreeView DragEnded event. |
Event arguments for the TreeView Drag related events. |
Event Handler for the TreeView Drag related events. |
Represents an item in the RadTreeView control. |
RadTreeViewItemEditedEventArgs Event args for the Edited event. |
RadTreeViewItemEditedEventHandler Event handler class for the Edited event. |
The position of the RadTreeViewItem in its Parent Items collection. |
RadTreeViewItemPreparedEventArgs The EventArgs for the ItemPrepared event of the RadTreeView. |
RadUpDown exposes two repeat buttons for easily handling the RangeBase value. |
The RadVerticalBulletGraph control is a variation of linear gauge. It combines a number of indicators, as well as the data indicator, into one control, which is light weight, easily customizable and straightforward to setup and use. The control is a great tool for dashboards as it is the optimal way to present a lot of information in relatively small size. |
Represents a visual vertical axis with ticks and labels. |
Represents vertical linear gauge. |
Represents a tabular control that dynamically loads data, using a light-weight engine to display and modify it. |
Provides commands for RadVirtualGrid. |
A virtual keyboard that mimics the actions of a physical one. |
Represents a window with a RadVirtualKeyboard inside. |
This class represents a TextBox that shows a different content when empty and not focused. |
Static class listing all public RadWatermarkTextBox commands. |
Represents a web cam control that displays the stream provided by a web cam. |
Registers in the CommandManager all the commands that RadWebCam exposes. |
This class represents an interactive window and provides static methods for showing standard dialog windows - Alert, Confirm and Prompt. |
RadWindowManager class exposes methods that apply to all RadWindows which are in the current RootVisual element. |
Sparkline with boolean representation of the data – all the data points are shown with the same magnitude with negative data points extending down from the axis while the positive ones shoot upwards. |
RadWizard is a control which helps you to break a complex process into separate steps. |
Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right, breaking content to the next line at the edge of the containing box. Subsequent ordering happens sequentially from top to bottom or from right to left, depending on the value of the Orientation property. |
Represents a control with two Thumbs that can be dragged by the user. |
Represents the state of editor controls when parent RadPropertyGrid is ReadOnly. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a recording started routed event. |
Represents the method that will handle recording started events. |
Specifies different modes for appointment occurrences dialog window. |
RecurrenceStateIsExeptionToVisibilityConverter Value converter - converts RecurrenceState.Exception to Visibility.Visible otherwise Visibility.Collapsed. |
RecurrenceStateIsOccurenceToVisibilityConverter Value converter - converts RecurrenceState.Occurrence to Visibility.Visible otherwise Visibility.Collapsed. |
A control, allowing the end user to resize other controls, which support resizing. |
Represents basic IResource implementation. |
Represents a dynamic data collection of resources that provides notifications when resources get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Describes the grouping of items using a ResourceTypes as the criteria. |
ResourceGroupHeaderStyleSelector Provides a way to choose a style for the ResourceGroupHeader based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
Represents converter that converts collection of ResourceItem into a formatted string value. |
Represents basic IResourceType implementation. |
A class for a typical collection of resource types. |
A selector for the data template of resource type. |
Specifies response buttons in window that will act as default buttons upon keyboard strokes. Used by ResponseButton attached property. |
Available Ribbon Routed commands. |
Defines the list of variants a group can be. |
Defines the list of values a LayoutMode can be. |
Provides data for the MouseUp, MouseDown, and MouseMove events for the RadRowItem object. |
Defines the placement of row totals. |
A base class defining a rule. |
A collection of rules deriving from the RuleBase type. |
Represents the content of a ScheduleView dialog. |
Provides the base logic for SchedulerDialog ViewModels. |
Provides a default implementation of IScheduleDialogHost on RadWindow. |
ScheduleViewDataTemplateSelector Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
Provides the default drag-drop and resize implementation of the RadScheduleView control. |
Provides a way to apply styles on elements in ScheduleView based on custom logic. |
Represents the four edges of a screen. |
Shows a screen tip for each of the RibbonView buttons. |
ScreenTipState represent different state of the ScreenTip that can be used. |
Represents attached behavior for the scrolling settings of the ScrollingHelper. |
Contains attached behavior for enabling mouse wheel scrolling for ScrollViewer controls. |
Represents a StepTimeSpanComponentBase for picking second System.TimeSpan intervals. |
Specifies the names of the events that will automatically select the text in RadComboBox. |
Provides data for a page changed event. |
Provides data for a page changing event. |
Initializes a new instance of the SelectionChangeEventArgs class. |
Initializes a new instance of the SelectionChangingEventArgs class. |
Defines which mouse button should be used for selection. |
Specifies the selection modification when the control is focus. |
Simple structure representing a simple Generic range. |
SelectionRangeChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionStartChanged and SelectionEndChanged events. |
Use as a separator between items in a RibbonGroup. |
Base class for all services that support the RadControl infrastructure. |
Contains information about the dialog which is going to be shown. |
ShowPasswordButtonVisibilityMode Determines the mode that will set the Visibility property of the button that shows the currently entered password. |
Holds extension methods for System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback delegate. |
A SizeChangedEventManager class. |
Helper TabStrip extensions. |
Defines the options for barcode rendering. |
Represents a control that can be dragged by the user. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a snapshot taken routed event. |
Represents the method that will handle snapshot taken events. |
Defines a method that compares two indexes. |
Describes a sorting state. |
Provides a way to choose a style for the SpecialSlot based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
Specifies the name of the category in which to group the property or event in SR. |
Specifies a description for a property or event in the SR. |
Defines the behavior of a range slider when a Large/Small step is performed. |
Represents a base class that inherits TimeSpanComponentBase and populates its ItemsSource collection using the Minimum, Maximum and Step properties. |
Represents converter that converts a glyph string value to a glyph number that can be data bound. |
Provides functionality for changing control themes. |
A rule that returns a System.Windows.Style when satisfied. |
SummerTheme class represents the key to the Summer theme. |
Represents the SwissQRCode symbology type. |
Determines possible positions of the toggle switch button checked and unchecked contents. |
Provides a base class for all 1-dimensional barcodes. |
Base class for defining a symbology type. A symbology defines the format/algorithm used to convert the Value of the Barcode to a visual barcode representation. |
Represents the symbol size of the generated barcode. |
Event args wrapping the RadTabItem that has been changed (Closed / Pinned / Unpinned). |
Specifies when drop down menu of the RadTabControl should be shown. |
Specifies the scroll types that the TabControl supports. |
Represents a base class for rendering tabular data. |
Represents a panel that supports the layout of Table components. |
A class representing value property extensions for the TabNavigation of Telerik Input controls. |
TaskBoardAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs Provides data for AutoGeneratingColumn event. |
TaskBoardAutoGeneratingItemEventArgs Provides data for the AutoGeneratingItem event. |
Represents a column definition for tasks. It is either defined in XAML or autogenerated when GroupMemberPath is used. |
TelerikToolboxCategoryAttribute This attribute should be used on classes which will be present in the Visual Studio toolbox. |
TextBoxBehavior. |
Enables a user to quickly access items in a set by typing prefixes of strings. |
Specifies how TextSearch will match items. |
This attribute marks Telerik controls that take advantage of the Theme attached property. |
Contains the location of the Theme. |
This class is used by the design-time and XAML infrastructure to convert theme objects to strings and vice versa. |
This enumeration is used to distinguish between built-in and custom themes. |
The ThemeLocation attribute decorates a Theme class and carries information about where the theme is hosted. If a theme does not have that attribute, it is treated as an external theme by default. |
This class supports the Telerik theming infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Holds infrastructure for the bound resource in different themes. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the ThemePalette resources from XAML. |
ThemeResourceKey class is used by the theming mechanism. Every visual control has a control template with different ThemeResourceKey for each theme. |
ThemeResourceKeyTypeConverter<T> Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used to consume ThemePalettes. |
This class supports the design-time and XAML-related conversion from theme objects to strings and vice versa. |
ThicknessToOrientedThicknessConverter Modifies the passed thickness to thickness where only the required parameters are present. E.g. 2 3 4 5 with parameter LeftTop is returned as 2 3 0 0. |
Specifies the threshold. |
Represents the TickBar panel. |
Specifies the placement of a TickBar with respect to the track of a RadSlider control. |
Specifies the data of a tick. |
Specifies the position of tick marks in a RadSlider control with respect to the track in the control. |
Represents converter that converts a System.Int64 value or an exponential string value representing the DateTime ticks to a System.DateTime object. |
Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate for the Tick based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
The type of the tick. |
Visually represents an item in a RadTileList control. |
Defines a visual group for tiles placed. |
TileGroupContainer is an user interface (UI) element used as a container for a TileGroup. |
A panel to be used as ItemsPanel within RadTileList when it is grouped. |
A panel to be used as ItemsPanel within RadTileList. |
Defines what kind of tile reordering the user may perform. |
TilesAnimationCompletedEventArgs Event args for the Tiles Animation Complete event. |
Enumerable holding the possible triggers that change a tile's state. |
Defines what kind of tile should be rendered. |
Event arguments for TileView drag-related events. |
Event arguments for TileView drag-related events. |
Enumerable for item states. |
Enumerable for the possible maximize modes of a RadTileView control. |
TileViewPanel is used to arrange, realize, virtualize and display. |
A base class for RadTimeBar and RadTimeline. |
Basic ITimeIndicator implementation - default model for indicators. Can be used to populate the TimeIndicatorsCollection of the RadScheduleView The default TimeIndicatorItemStyleSelector of the RadScheduleView has predefined style for ITimeIndicators. |
Represents control that indicates a time in RadScheduleView control. |
TimeIndicatorItemStyleSelector Provides a way to apply styles on time indicator elements in ScheduleView based on custom logic. |
Represents a dynamic data collection of TimeIndicators that provides notifications when indicators get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Represents a panel that arranges the time indicators in RadScheduleView control. |
Represents a definition of a view that shows customizable number of days as in day view mode. |
Represents basic ITimeMarker implementation. |
Represents a dynamic data collection of TimeMarkers that provides notifications when time markers get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate for the TimeRulerItem based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
A ViewModel class for the TimeRuler. Contains properties and methods which define the TimeRuler. |
Represents a base class used as DataContext for a RadTimeSpanPickerComponent in the drop down part of the RadTimeSpanPicker. |
Represents a collection of TimeSpanComponentBase instances. |
Holds System.TimeSpan extension methods. |
Holds commands that can be used by a RadTimeSpanPicker. |
This class is used to relate a style to a toolbar item's container. |
Holds predefined styles for toolbar items' containers. |
Determines the gestures on which the ChartToolTipBehavior should show a tool tip. |
This class supports the infrastructure of the controls. It has an AnalyticsMonitor property which receives trace events from certain features of the controls. |
Container for the setting of the scene during the start of a new Transition. |
TransparentTheme class represents the key to the Transparent theme. |
The visual object used as a DragCue in RadTreeListView. |
Defines the position where the item will be dropped. |
A table definition which specifies the hierarchy in the RadTreeListView. |
TreeListViewTableDefinition.TreeListRelation Represents a relation used in a tree list. The data source is generated using the ItemSource binding of the parent TreeListViewTableDefinition. |
Contains helper extension methods for the UIElement class. |
Represents the UPCA symbology type. |
Represents the UPCE symbology type. |
Represents the UPCSupplement2 symbology type. |
Represents the UPCSupplement5 symbology type. |
Specifies when the Value property will be changed. |
Represents converter, which converts string value to Uppercase. |
Represents the converter that converts strings to uppercase. |
Specifies the state of the machine for the current user in relation to the propriety of sending a notification. |
ValidationErrorTemplateDisplayMode Defines constants that specify the type of ValidationErrorTemplate. |
This class represents a helper which allows different ways for the Validation.ErrorTemplate to be shown. |
UpDownMode determines the format of the value. |
Serves as a base class for all view definitions. Contains common properties for all views. |
Represents a collection of ViewDefinitionBase instances. |
ViewModeContentTemplateSelector Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate for the ViewMode based on the data object and the data-bound element. |
Base class for all ViewModel classes. It provides support for property change notifications and has a DisplayName property. This class is abstract. |
VirtualGridCellClipboardEventArgs Allows to control Clipboard operations on a per-cell basis. |
VirtualGridCellToolTipEventArgs Represents event arguments for the CellToolTipNeeded event. |
Allows to control RadVirtualGrid Clipboard operations. |
Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right, breaking content to the next line at the edge of the containing box. Subsequent ordering happens sequentially from top to bottom or from right to left, depending on the value of the Orientation property. |
VirtualKeyboardTemplateSelector Selects a System.Windows.DataTemplate for a key using default logic. |
Provides data for an event raised when the visibility of the element has changed. |
Represents the converter that converts Visibility enumeration values to and from Boolean values. |
VisibilityToThicknessConverter Represents a visibility to thickness converter. |
VistaTheme class represents the key to the Vista theme. |
Hold resources used in the VisualStudio2013Theme theme. |
VisualStudio2013Palette.ColorVariation Represents theme color variations. |
VisualStudio2013ResourceDictionary A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the VisualStudio2013Palette. |
VisualStudio2013ResourceExtension A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the VisualStudio2013Palette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the VisualStudio2013Palette resources. |
VisualStudio2013ResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in VisualStudio2013ResourceKey. |
VisualStudio2013Theme class represents the key to the VisualStudio2013Theme theme. |
Hold resources used in the VisualStudio2019Theme theme. |
VisualStudio2019Palette.ColorVariation Represents theme color variations. |
VisualStudio2019ResourceDictionary A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the VisualStudio2019Palette. |
VisualStudio2019ResourceExtension A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the VisualStudio2019Palette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the VisualStudio2019Palette resources. |
VisualStudio2019ResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in VisualStudio2019ResourceKey. |
VisualStudio2019Theme class represents the key to the VisualStudio2019 theme. |
Represents converter, which converts Visual value to VisualBrush and sets the value as Visual of the brush. |
Specifies when the watermark content of RadWatermarkTextBox will be hidden. |
Represents a definition of a view that shows all seven week days as in day view mode. |
Represents a single welcome page. |
Base class for creating a custom Window. |
WindowClosedEventArgs exposes DialogResult and PromptResult property for handling the closed event of a window. |
Holds commands that can be used by a window. |
Represents the panel used in the header of RadWindow. It provides options to align the buttons or left or right and center or not the title of the window. The panel should contain only two containers one for the title and one for the buttons. The containers should be marked with the attached ContainerType property, if two or more are marked as Buttons (for example) only the last one will be considered in the layout logic. Any other elements placed inside of the panel will be ignored when measuring and arranging the layout of the panel. |
WindowHeaderPanelContainerType Defines the different types of the elements inside of the WindowHeaderPanel. |
WindowClosingEventArgs exposes DialogResult and PromptResult property for handling the closing event of a window. |
Hold resources used in the Windows11Theme theme. |
Windows11Palette.ColorVariation Represents theme color variations. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the Windows11Palette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the Windows11Palette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the Windows11Palette resources. |
Windows11ResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in Windows11ResourceKey. |
Windows11Theme class represents the key to the Windows11Theme theme. |
Allows for switching between the normal and compact mode of the Windows11Theme theme. |
Windows7Theme class represents the key to the Windows7 theme. |
Keeps the colors used to colorize the Windows8Theme. |
Enumerates all colors available in the Windows8ColorPalette. |
Hold resources used in the Windows8Theme theme. |
A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the Windows8Palette. |
A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the Windows8Palette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the Windows8Palette resources. |
Windows8ResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in Windows8ResourceKey. |
Windows8Theme class represents the key to the Windows8 theme. |
Provides XAML access to the Windows8TouchPalette Palette singleton through the Windows8TouchColors Palette property. |
Hold resources used in the Windows8TouchTheme theme. |
Windows8TouchResourceDictionary A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that merges the resources from the Windows8TouchPalette. |
Windows8TouchResourceExtension A System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension that allows access to the Windows8TouchPalette resources from XAML. |
Keys for the Windows8TouchPalette resources. |
Windows8TouchResourceKeyTypeConverter Used to convert System.Windows.ResourceKey types used in Windows8TouchResourceKey. |
Windows8TouchTheme class represents the key to the Windows8Touch theme. |
Represents a single wizard's page. |
Supports activation, which indicates whether an instance is active or not. |
An interface used by classes, which support deserialization. |
Defines basic methods and properties of a category. |
Provides an interface for specifying CommandBinding subscription. |
A generic interface for copying objects. |
Interface providing a recurrence choice dialog window. |
An interface representing the properties needed to the DragDrop functionality to be configured. |
Columns which can be exported through the GridViewExportingWriter. |
An interface that is used to calculate an index starting from -1 for the item which is highlighted in the DropDown of the RadAutoCompleteBox. |
All elements with sophisticated localization mechanism have to implement this interface. |
Notifies client when starts and finishes updating the layout. |
Provides the properties and methods allowing transactional edit operations. |
Provides the base methods for a generic object factory. |
Interface for radial menu item that is used to populate ItemsSource. |
An interface to be used by range selecting controls. |
Defines basic methods and properties of a resource. |
Defines basic methods and properties of a resource type. |
Supports row-like UI elements. |
Provides the most important info for scrolling during dragging. |
Scrolling Service is used horizontal and vertical scrolling. |
A generic interface which provides information about the given service and the service itself. |
An interface used to retrieve the service provider. |
Defines basic members of a time indicator for ScheduleView. |
Defines basic methods and properties of a time marker. |
An interface representing the ticks and the corresponding DateTime to every tick. |
An interface representing the ticks and the corresponding DateTime and Duration to every tick. |
This interface represents a monitor which receives trace events from RadControls. You can implement it if you need to receive trace events from the controls used in your application. |
Interface used to store container information. |
Provides the core interface for all controls that support variants. |
Contains methods and properties of a window. |