Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.ConversationalUI
Represent a chat participant. Author of messages. |
Represents message type that displays DateTime values. |
Represents a response action that cancels the message interaction. |
Represents a basic card control. |
Represents a basic card message. |
Represents a control that is used to display CarouselMessages. |
Represents a message that displays a list of rich content elements. |
Represents control that displays inline messages by a set of authors. |
Represents control that displays a single overlay message. |
Represents control that displays a single popup message. |
Represents a response action that confirms the message interaction. |
Represents attached behavior that can be used to automatically bind data form field to its model property. |
Represents a field for a single property in DataForm message. |
Represents a message that displays the properties of a bound item. |
Gets an appropriate DataTemplate in accordance to the field type. |
Represent a PropertyDescriptor that describes IDynamicMetaObjectProvider types. |
Represents card control that is used to display FlightMessages. |
Represents card message type that displays information about flights. |
Represents information about a flight for the means of FlightCard. |
Represents a message that displays gif files. |
Represents a card control that is used to display image messages. |
Represents a message that displays images and text. |
Represents message type that displays an image. |
Represents control that hosts inline messages as its content. |
Represents view model for ChatMessageList. |
Represents message type that displays a list of values. |
Represents the most basic abstraction of message that can report action results. |
MessageGroup is sequence of messages that have the same author. |
Represents the view model that contains the properties needed for MessageGroup. |
Represents a basic view model class for MessageList items. |
Represents data template selector for choosing appropriate templates for MessageList items. |
Represents a class that translates the ReportMessageResult to RadChat. |
Provides data for the result of an executed report action. |
DataTemplateSelector class that different templates for the separate message types. |
Represents view model for ChatOverlay. |
Represents view model for ChatPopupPlaceHolder. |
Represents a card message that displays info about a product. |
Represent an attribute that is used to mark properties, which changes report results to RadChat. |
Defines members for handling response actions and message results. |
Represents a class that wraps command logic for the response actions feature of messages. |
Represents a formatter that is used by ReportResultAttribute. |
ScrollViewerScrollingHelper class is used for horizontal scrolling using the mouse wheel. |
Represents event arguments for the SendMessage event. |
Represents a class that wraps command logic for the suggested actions feature. |
Represents event arguments for SuggestedActionReported event. |
Represents a message that displays simple text. |
Represents a control that displays text messages. |
Represent a control that is used to display a time break. |
Represents the data that is used for describing a time break. |
Represent the view model that exposes the TimeBreak properties. |
Represents a command wrapper that is used in RadChat's ToolBar. |
Represents a control that visualizes a message when a number of authors are typing. |
Represents a response action that chooses a specific value. |
Represents a card control that is used to display WeatherCards. |
Represents a message that displays info about weather. |
Defines members form formatting value to string. |
Represents message that can be displayed in inline position. |
Defines methods for converting between message and data object. |
Defines members for connecting to MessageReporter. |
Represents message that can be displayed in overlay position. |
Represents message that can be displayed in popup position. |
Enables a chat message to report results (change of key properties; action execution). |
Represents the different types of card layout orientation. |
Represents the image sizing display modes for ImageCards. |
Specifies the position of the message on the display. |
Specifies the position of the message. |
Represents report types that happen after message interaction. |
Represents the different type of messages supported by RadChat. |