Namespace Telerik.WinControls.UI.HeatMap
A definition based on which a RadHeatMap is constructed. |
Event arguments used in the HeatMapDefinition. |
Event arguments used in the CellPainted event. |
Event arguments used in the CellPainting event. |
Base class for all colorizers for RadHeatMap according to which the cells of the RadHeatMap will be colored. |
HeatMapColumnHeaderCellPaintedEventArgs Event arguments used in the HeaderCellPainted event, which is fired after the paint of the column headers. |
HeatMapColumnHeaderCellPaintingEventArgs Event arguments used in the HeaderCellPainting event, when a column is about to be painted. |
A base class for the definitions based on which a RadHeatMap is constructed. |
A RadHeatMap desaturation colorizer. This colorizer will define the color for the cells of the RadHeatMap in correspondence to the StartColor property. |
A RadHeatMap colorizer. |
HeatMapHeaderCellPaintedEventArgs Event arguments used in the HeaderCellPainted event, which is fired after the paint of the row and column headers. |
HeatMapHeaderCellPaintingEventArgs Event arguments used in the HeaderCellPainting event, which is fired before the painting of the row and column headers. |
Event arguments used in the HoveredCellIndexChanged and SelectedCellIndexChanged events. |
Event arguments used in the SelectedCellIndexChanging event. |
A class that wraps a data item. |
Event arguments used in the ItemCreating event. |
Event arguments used in the ItemDataBound event. |
Defines a class used by the HeatMapRangeColorizer to select colors for the cells of the RadHeatMap. The values that fall within the From and To will be shown with the specified Color. |
Defines an observable collection of HeatMapRangeColor objects, intended for use with the HeatMapRangeColorizer. |
A RadHeatMap colorizer that works with ranges. For each range there is a corresponding color and a value falling within the specified range will be shown with the specified color. |
HeatMapRowHeaderCellPaintedEventArgs Event arguments used in the HeaderCellPainted event, which is fired after the paint of a row header cell. |
HeatMapRowHeaderCellPaintingEventArgs Event arguments used in the HeaderCellPainting event, when a row is about to be painted. |
Provides data for the ScreenTipShowing event. |
Provides data for the ToolTipShowing event. |
A definition based on which a RadHeatMap is constructed. The MemberMappings correspond to columns. |
A base class for the Horizontal and Vertical member mappings. |
This class represents a mapping between a member of the item in the HeatMapDefinition's ItemsSource and the row, or column, of the RadHeatMap. |
A dependency collection of MemberMapping items. |
A definition based on which a RadHeatMap is constructed. The MemberMappings correspond to rows. |
Describes the heat map source collection used by the heat map definition. |
Defines the supported positions that the column headers can have. |
Specifies the alignment of the legend relative to the RadHeatMap layout rectangle. |
Defines the supported positions that the row headers can have. |
An enumeration that defines members for the possible tool tip displays modes of RadTreeMapElement. |
Event argument used in the HeatMapDefinition. |
HeatMapCellPaintedEventHandler The event handler for the CellPainted event. |
HeatMapCellPaitingEventHandler The event handler for the CellPainting event. |
HeatMapHeaderPaintedEventHandler The event handler for the HeaderCellPainted event, which is fired after the paint of the row and column headers. |
HeatMapHeaderPaintingEventHandler The event handler for the HeaderCellPainting event, which is fired before the painting of the row and column headers. |
HeatMapIndexChangedEventHandler The event handler for the HoveredCellIndexChanged and SelectedCellIndexChanged events. |
HeatMapIndexChangingEventHandler The event handler for the SelectedCellIndexChanging event. |
HeatMapItemCreatingEventHandler The event handler for the ItemCreating event. |
Event arguments used in the ItemDataBound event. |
Represents the method that will handle the ScreenTipShowing event of a RadHeatMapElement. |
Represents the method that will handle the ToolTipShowing event of a RadHeatMapElement. |