Namespace TheArtOfDev.HtmlRenderer.Core.Entities
Represents a block of CSS property values. |
Invoked when an image is about to be loaded by file path, URL or inline data in 'img' element or background-image CSS style. |
Raised when the user clicks on a link in the html. |
Exception thrown when client code subscribed to LinkClicked event thrown exception. |
Raised when html renderer requires refresh of the control hosting (invalidation and re-layout). |
Raised when an error occurred during html rendering. |
Raised when Html Renderer request scroll to specific location. |
Invoked when a stylesheet is about to be loaded by file path or URL in 'link' element. |
Holds data on link element in HTML. |
Holds single class selector in css block hierarchical selection (p class1 > div.class2) |
Controls the way styles are generated when html is generated. |
Enum of possible error types that can be reported. |
Callback used in HtmlImageLoadEventArgs to allow setting image externally and async. |