Namespace Telerik.WinControls
Represets an animated property setting |
Contains information about the way Animation has finished |
Calculates int values for property animation. |
Calculates values used in each frame of property animation. Also supports converting animation step values to and from a string for theme serialization. |
AnimationValueCalculatorFactory Represents a map of CLR types and corresponding AnimationValueCalculator type using when property animation is running and for animations serialization in themes. |
Animates color values using ColorAnimationStep objects. |
AnimationValueDoubleCalculator Calculates double values for the property animation. |
Calculates float values for the property animation. |
Calculates Font values for property animation, using FontAnimationStep values. |
Calculates int values for property animation. |
AnimationValuePaddingCalculator Calculates animation rectangle values. |
Represents a value point animation calculator. |
AnimationValuePointFCalculator Represents a value point animation calculator using floating point values. |
AnimationValueRectangleCalculator Calculates animation rectangle values. |
Represents a value size animation calculator. |
Represents a value size animation calculator using floating point values. |
Represents a rectangle with chamfered corners. |
Represents a class selector. Class selectors are used to apply the same customization to all elements that belong to the same class. This behavior is very similar to that of the CSS class selectors. |
Represents event data for the CollectionChanged event. |
Represent the ColorChangedEventArgs class |
ComplexCondition evaluates two conditions related with a binary operator. Inherits Condition |
Defines a base abstract class that describes a condition which checks when to apply a style rule. SimpleCondition evaluates when a property of an Element equals a certain value. RoutedEventCondition evaluates if a routed event is currently tunneling/bubbling through an Element. ComplexCondition evaluates two conditions related with a binary operator. |
Encapsulates common mothods related with Control Tree. |
Singleton. |
Represents a basic object which implements IDisposable interface. |
Represents a numerical value calculator. It is used internally by StyleSheet system to calculate the value changes when animating RadElement properties. |
Represents element's layout data. |
Represents element shape. Base class for specialized shapes such as EllipseShape, RoundRectShape, Office12Shape, etc. |
Represents element shape converter. |
Represents ellipse shape. |
This class supports the TPF internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
This class represents the root element of a RadFormControlBase Element Tree. This class is needed because some extended region calculations are needed when the control is a Form and shape is applied to it. |
Represents a base class for other selectors. telerik presentation framework selectors are similar to CSS selectors. |
HoveredElementChangedEventArgs Represents event data for the HoveredElementChanged event. |
Provides common helper methods related with image manipulation. TODO: Should be moved to base assembly, making it accessible for all Telerik Assemblies. |
Represents event data for the ItemUpdated event. |
Represents per-thread static instance of special RadControl, which may be used for explicit measure of RadElement instance. This functionality is required for example in the RadComboBox, when we need to calculate the size of the drop-down before it is displayed. |
Represents a mouse timer. |
Represents a name selector. Name selectors are used to apply customization to the element having the specified name. This behavior is very similar to that of CSS id selectors. |
Represents a dependency between two properties. Used by a RadObject to bind a RadProperty to an external one and always use its value. The binding may be also two-way, in which special case the bound property updates its source. |
Represents an object which property is bound to some other object's property. Stores the object itself and its bound property. Used internally by the DPS to notify bound objects for a change in a binding source property. |
PropertyChangeBehaviorCollection Represents a collection of PropertyChangeBahavior instances. See also RadElement.AddBehavior |
Represents a property settings collection. Property settings are very similar to CSS style properties. |
Represents a dialog that can be used to select color with rich UI and extended functionality. |
RadCommandBarBaseItemCollection A collection that stores RadItem objects. |
RadCommandBarBaseItemCollection.RadCommandBarBaseItemEnumerator Represents an element enumerator. |
Represents a RadControl. RadControl is an abstract class and is base class for all Telerik controls. |
Represents a service that manages drag and drop actions. |
RadElement class represents the smallest unit in a RadControl that can be painted or that has a layout slot in a RadControl. Generally each RadCotnrol is composed of a tree of RadElements. The tree has as a root the RootElement and children Children property. |
A collection that stores RadElement objects. |
Represents RadElementTree. Every Telerik control has a corresponding tree of RadElements. This gives a lot of flexibility in building controls allowing, for example, inheritance of properties from the ancenstor nodes. |
Represents a Z-order comparer. The Z-Order determines the overlapping of the RadElements. |
Represents an item that contains external control. There is no limitation for the control type - could be any descendant of the class Control. |
Represents an image which may be divided in 9 different segments where only the inner one is stretched within the paint rectangle. |
Represents the item which could be added to an ItemsCollection and can be selected, deleted or moved during VS design time. |
A collection that stores RadItem objects. |
RadItemCollection.RadItemEnumerator Represents an element enumerator. |
A collection that stores RadItem objects. |
Represents a encapsulated implementation of the IItemsControl interface. |
Represents a Win2K+ layered window semantic, which allows for semi-transparent windows. |
RadMessageLocalizationProvider Provides Localization service for RadMessageBox |
This class represents a RadControl that allows for non-client area modification and paiting. |
Represents a new item attribute. |
An abstract RadControl defining UI elements to be added in the non-client area of the form. |
Base for all TPF classes. Implements WPF-like property system with different value sources. Provides public interface for getting, setting value or re-setting property value. |
Supports metadata for each class inherited from RadObject |
Represents a property. Supports telerik dependency properties system by encapsulating a property of a certain RadElement instance. |
Supports methods for general binding of properties of two RadObject instances. |
Represents a property key. |
Represents metadata for a RadProperty. RadPropertyMetadata describes the property. For example, through DefaultValue property you can get or set the default value for the property. |
Stores all the information needed for composing a RadProperty's value for a given object. |
Represents a storage for RadPropertyValue entries, which are accessed by their GlobalIndex property. |
Represents abstact class that provides service capabilities. |
Represents event data when RadService is starting. |
Represents event data when RadService is stopping. |
Describes a combination of keys that may be used as a shortcut to RadItem.PerformClick method or any other arbitrary command. |
Class used by RadThemeManager to recognize classes that load themes from resources in a class library |
RadThemeComponentBase.ThemeContext this class is used internally. |
Theme manager Component is used to load user-defined themes for RadControls in an application. Use the LoadedThemes property to add new team source files. Themes load immediately when correct property values specified and last for the life time of the application. After a theme is loaded it can be used by the corresponding types of controls placed on any Form of the application. |
Represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays a brief description of a control's purpose when the user rests the pointer on the control. RadToolTip Provides extended functionality by removing the necessity to have a control in the element tree |
Used to resolve Telerik types |
Represents a raised routed event. |
Encapsulates common functionality related with reflection-based operations such as Cloning, Field Copying, etc. |
Repository for Telerik-related resources. Not for general use. |
Defines helper methods for manipulating assembly resources. |
Represents round rectangle shape. |
Represents a routed event. Routed events can be tunnel or bubble event according to the routed direction of the event. |
Represents event arguments for a routed event. |
A collection of the RoutedEventBehavior objects. Used by the StyleSheet system. |
Provides data for the ScreenTipNeeded event. |
Represents a base class for the HierarchicalSelector class. Selectors in telerik presentation framework are very similar to CSS selectors. |
Encapsulates the data, associated with the IShortcutProvider.OnShortcut callback. |
ShouldSerializePropertyEventArgs Event arguments used in the ShouldSerializePropertyHandler event. |
SimpleCondition evaluates when a property of an Element equals a certain value. |
Use the StyleBuilderReadOnly attribute to mark properties that should appear as readonly when edited in the Visual Style Builder application |
Represents event data for the |
Represents the event data for the %ThemeNameChanged:ThemeNameChanged% event. |
A Class that represents storage for themes in an application that contains RadControls. |
ThemeSource is used to load user-defined themes for RadControls in an application. Themes load immediately when correct property values specified and last for the life time of the application. After a theme is loaded it can be used by the corresponding types of controls placed on any Form of the application. ThemeSource object are generally used by ThemeManager component placed on a Form |
A collection that stores ThemeSource objects. |
Provides data for the ToolTipTextNeeded event. |
Represents a type selector. Type selectors are used to apply the same customization to all elements of the same type. Behavior is very similar to that of the CSS type selectors. |
Contains definitions for the MS Windows Vista Aero theme. |
Vista comboboxes |
Vista DateTimePickers |
Vista Flyout |
Vista Headers |
Vista Listboxes |
Vista ListViews |
Vista Flyout |
Vista TextBoxes |
Extends RadElement and adds visual properties common to all elements. |
A class that defines windows settings related to RadForm and RadControl. |
Represents |
Represents a class selector that can be serialized and deserialized. Telerik class selectors are very similar to CSS class selectors. |
Represents a serializable correspodence to the ComplexCondtion class. |
Represents a serializable condition. |
Represents a property setting. Each property of Telerik controls can be serialized and deserialized through an instance of this class. The XMLPropertySetting instance describes the affected control, its property, and the current value. XmlPropertySetting is very similar to CSS style properties. |
A collection that stores XmlPropertySetting objects. |
Represents a group of property settings. |
XmlPropertySettingGroupCollection A collection that stores XmlPropertySettingGroup objects. |
A collection that stores XmlElementSelector objects. |
Represents a serializable correspondence to the SimpleCondtion class. |
Represents a registration for the Style Builder. The class is responsible for the serialization and deserialization of a group of telerik controls. |
Represents a theme for a telerik control. Themes can be serialized and deserialized, thus saving and loading the theme for a given control. XmlTheme implements IXmlSerializable which provides custom formatting for XML serialization and deserialization. |
Represents color in HSL color space. |
Wraps the functionality provided by the color picker |
Exposes methods and properties required for a general selector. Selectors in telerik presentation framework are like CSS selectors. |
Exposes methods and properties for e hierarchical items such as RadMenuItem. |
Exposes the ImageList property. All classes that implement this interface provide an image list. |
An interface which provides methods for handling a collection of RadItems. This interface is used throughout controls which represent a list of items. |
Supports methods for bound properties of two RadObject instances. |
Exposes methods and properties for a concrete property setttings used in StyleSheets and Themes. PropertySetting can customize the current value of any RadPropertry of any RadElement instance. |
An extended interface that supports some additional notifications sent by the ReflectionHelper. |
Interface provides methods for registering and accessing RadService. |
Implements whether an instances of a class need validation after theme deserialization. |
Exposes methods and properties for draggable elements. |
Exposes methods for drop targets |
Defines a visual element which may be displayed using system skins (UxTheme semantic). |
This interface gives the ability to create reusable providers for VisualElements that are in some relation with logical data objects. |
Defines the time of the animation occurrence. |
Specifies arrow directions for the arrow primitive: Up, Right, Down, and Left. |
Defines the usage of a given attached property. |
An enum that defines options how will the BackgroundShape BackgroundShape of RadElement be painted. |
A binary opeartor used by the CompolexCondition class. |
Defines the border rendering style. |
Defines the order in which border lines are drawn. |
Defines the types of registrations of a StyleSheet in the ThemeResolutionService. |
Defines the options used by RadElement.GetChildren(options) method. |
Defines the click modes. |
Defines possible reasons for a Reset notification from RadCollectionView. |
Modes the RadColorPicker can be in |
Defines possible reasons for a CurrentChanged notification from RadCollectionView. |
Defines the display style of an item. |
Defines the element's property options. |
Defines element selector types. |
Defines the life cycle of a RadElement instance. |
Defines element's visibility. |
Defines the gradient effects: Solid, Linear, Radial, Glass, OfficeGlass, Gel, and Vista. |
An enumeration that defines whether an Image or a RadSvgImage will be painted. |
Defines possible modes to be used when rendering an image. |
Defines the possible types of animation looping. |
Defines the progress bar orientation. |
Defines the animation type. |
Defines the drop down style used by RadComboBox. |
Defines the easing equations for the easing animations. |
Specifies how a user starts cell editing in the RadGridView control. |
Represents the states of RadService |
An enumeration that defines options for form round corners in Windows 11. |
Defines the routing directions for an events. |
Defines separators orientation. |
Defines the theme storage type. |
See BinaryOperator, Condition |
Defines a mask enumeration which is used when updating rad properties' values. |
Defines the source of current property value. See also
%RadObject.GetValueSource: |
Defines the possible results for a property value update operation. |
An enumeration that defines members about the used theme in Windows 10 and Windows 11. |
AlternativeExpressionStorageCallback Represents the method that will be an alternative expression storage callback. |
AnimationFinishedEventHandler delegate |
AnimationStartedEventHandler delegate |
Represents the method that will be a coerce value callback. |
Represents the method that will handle a CollectionChanged event. |
Represents the method that will handle the ColorChanged event. |
HoveredElementChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the %HoveredElementChanged:HoveredElementChanged% event. |
Represents the method that will handle the %ItemChanged:ItemChanged% event. |
Allows RadObject inheritors to replace RadProperty instances with another one. |
Represents the method that will be a property changed callback. |
RadPropertyChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the RadPropertyChanged event. |
Represents the method that will handle the ScreenTipNeeded event of a RadControl. |
ShouldSerializePropertyEventHandler An event handler used to control whether to serialize given property. |
Represents the method that will handle the TextChanging event. |
Represents the method that will handle a ThemeChanged event. |
Represents the method that will handle the ThemeNameChanged event. |
Represents |
Represents the method that will handle the ToolTipTextNeeded event of a RadCOntrol. |