Namespace Telerik.WinControls.FileDialogs
Provides data for the ChildFileDeleted event. |
Event args for the ShellContextMenuOpening event. |
Base class for the different file dialogs. |
Base class for DirectoryInfoWrapper, ShellDirectory and ServerDirectory instances. |
Provides a wrapper for DirectoryInfoWrappers. |
Event arguments for DirectoryNavigating event. |
Represents a ListView control for listing files and folders in the RadOpenFileDialog, RadOpenFolderDialog and RadSaveFileDialog. |
Represents a TreeView control for displaying the hierarchical folder structure in the RadOpenFileDialog, RadOpenFolderDialog and RadSaveFileDialog. |
Base class for file and folder dialogs. |
Custom RadBreadcrumb in order to meet the needs of FileDialogs. |
Control which wraps the search box of the FileDialogs. |
FileDialogsLocalizationProvider Provides localization services for FileDialogs. |
FileDialogs localization strings. |
Base ViewModel class for RadOpenFileDialog and RadSaveFileDialog components. |
Class which describes a filter operation - extensions and their user friendly group name. |
Provides a wrapper for System.IO.FileInfos. |
Base class that provides a wrapper for Telerik.WinControls.FileDialogs.FileSystemInfoWrapper.FileSystemInfos. |
FileSystemInfoWrapperFactoryBase Base factory class for creating FileSystemInfoWrappers from System.IO.FileSystemInfos. |
HistoryNavigationPaneUserControl Control used for the history navigation part of the RadOpenFileDialog, RadSaveFileDialog and RadOpenFolderDialog |
Defines a layout for the Open file, Save file, and Open folder dialogs. |
A converter to return the appropriate System.Drawing.Image based on the LayoutType for the current item. |
Provides a view model for setup and configuration of RadOpenFileDialog. |
Provides a view model for setup and configuration of RadOpenFolderDialog. |
Represents a dialog that allows user selection of filename for a file to be opened. |
Represents a dialog that allows user selection of folders. |
Represents a dialog that allows user selection of filename for file to be saved. |
A converter that received a long value for file size and returns is formatted. |
Provides a view model for setup and configuration of RadSaveFileDialog. |
Class representing a server folder - special network folder which contains shared network folders. |
Class responsible for representing network computers. These models should be children of ShellNetworkRootDirectory and their children should be DirectoryInfoWrappers. |
Class which represents the root node of the network. It is responsible for reloading network PCs. |
Base class for all ViewModel classes. It provides support for property change notifications and has a DisplayName property. This class is abstract. |
Interface that provides information about current drilled directory and currently selected file or folder. |
Interface that provides base information for all file dialog view models. |
Interface that provides properties for filtering files by extension. |
Interface that extends the IFileExtensionFilterable interface by providing a notion for filter descriptions and boolean property to determine if filtering is currently active or not. |
Interface that provides a collection of selected files. |
Interface that provides properties for multiple selection of files or folders. |
Determines how the files and folders in the ExplorerControl can be edited. Note that the shell context menu and drag and drop operations are handled separately. |
Provides options for sizing the text part of the ExplorerControl |
Options that specify the file size type in the main pane. |
Options to specify the size of icons to return. |
Options that specify the type of the layout of the Main pane. |
ShortContextMenuOptions is Flags enum indicating the available options in the context menu which appears on empty spaces in ExplorerControl. |