Namespace Telerik.Pivot.Core.Groups
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The AfterGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values after the Date. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The AfterGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values before the Date. |
Base for classes used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The AfterGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values that somehow relate to the Date. |
Base for classes used for Name values of IGroup that is grouping by System.DateTime. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The DayGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Day and Month. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping in ranges by numeric values. The DoubleGroup contains the items with System.Double values in range from Start to End. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The HourGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Hour. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The MinuteGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Minute. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The MonthGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Month. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The QuarterGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Quarter. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The SecondGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Second. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The WeekGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Week. |
Used for Name values of IGroups that are grouping by System.DateTime. The YearGroup contains the items with System.DateTime values with the same Year. |