.NET MAUI CollectionView Load Data on Demand

The Load Data on Demand feature optimizes the performance of the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI CollectionView control when operating with a large amount of items. The load-on-demand functionality allows you to load incremental data—either by a Button (manual) or by scrolling towards end (automatic).

Telerik Maui Ninja image

The Load On Demand is part of Telerik UI for .NET MAUI, the most comprehensive UI suite for .NET MAUI! To try it out, sign up for a free 30-day trial and kickstart your cross-platform app development today.


Use the following configuration options to:

1. Control the LoadOnDemand feature by using the following properties:

  • IsLoadOnDemandEnabled (bool)—Specifies whether the load-on-demand functionality is enabled. The default value is false.
  • IsLoadOnDemandActive (bool)—Controls the loading indicator that is rendered when the data is retrieved asynchronously. Set it to true when an async operation is running and items are loading. Set it to false when the items are loaded. The default value is false.
  • LoadOnDemandMode (enum of type Telerik.Maui.LoadOnDemandMode)—Specifies how the operation for loading more items is triggered. The available options are:
    • (Default) Automatic—The data is requested automatically when the user scrolls by the end of the CollectionView.
    • Manual—A button is rendered at the end of the CollectionView. The data is requested explicitly by pressing the button.

When the LoadOnDemandMode is Automatic and grouping applies to the control, the LoadOnDemandMode transforms to Manual.

2. Control the number of pre-loaded items

You can control the minimum number of items loaded ahead by using the LoadOnDemandBufferItemsCount (int) property. The defined value indicates at which point the additional items will start loading. The default value is 10.

The LoadOnDemandBufferItemsCount works with LoadOnDemandMode.Automatic.

3. Customize the appearance of the automatic and manual UI element.

You can customize the appearance of the automatic and manual elements by using the following templates:

  • AutomaticLoadOnDemandTemplate (DataTemplate)—Specifies the template of the view visualized for Automatic loading.
  • ManualLoadOnDemandTemplate (DataTemplate)—Specifies the template of the view visualized for Manual loading.

For more information about the templates, including examples, review the LoadOnDemand Templates article.

Methods to Load Data on Demand

Use the following options to load data on demand:

The three approaches work with Automatic and Manual LoadOnDemandMode.

See Also

In this article