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Migrating the Telerik .NET MAUI ListView to CollectionView

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI CollectionView control has been designed and built as a new control which provides the same functionality as the Telerik .NET MAUI ListView control, but at the same introduces a slew of enhancements, aimed at resolving existing issues, boosting performance, and facilitating effortless customization.

API Differences

When migrating the Telerik .NET MAUI ListView, consider the following differences in the API:

Telerik .NET MAUI ListView Telerik .NET MAUI CollectionView
Presenting the data through cells—ListViewTextCell, ListViewTemplateCell Presenting the data through a DisplayMemberPath property or by defining an ItemTemplate
Selection—None, Single or Multiple, provide an option to set selection gesture - Tap, Hold SelectionNone, Single or Multiple, no selection gesture
Grouping through PropertyGroupDescriptor or DelegateGroupDescriptor, methods for expanding/collapsing groups, multi-level grouping, sticky group headers Grouping through PropertyGroupDescriptor or DelegateGroupDescriptor, methods for expanding/collapsing groups, multi-level grouping, no sticky group headers
Sorting through PropertySortDescriptor or DelegateSortDescriptor Sorting through PropertySortDescriptor or DelegateSortDescriptor
Filtering through DelegateFilterDescriptor Filtering through various filter descriptors, such as TextFilterDescriptor, NumericalFilterDescriptor, etc
Header and Footer templates Header and Footer templates
Load On Demand—Automatic and Manual, items can be loaded on demand through a ListViewLoadOnDemandCollection, a LoadOnDemand event or LoadOnDemand ListViewUserCommand Load On Demand—Automatic and Manual, items can be loaded on demand through a LoadOnDemandCollection, a LoadOnDemand event or LoadOnDemandCommand
Scrolling—VerticalScrollBarVisibility property, ScrollItemIntoView method ScrollingScrollItemIntoView method, Scrolled event
Linear and Grid Layouts Linear and Grid Layouts
Cell Swipe with ItemSwipeContentTemplate and SwipeOffset Item Swipe with StartSwipeTemplate, EndSwipeTemplate, StartSwipeLength and EndSwipeLength properties
Pull To Refresh built-in funcionality Refresh Data functionality through a RefreshView control
Reorder Items with IsItemsReorderEnabled property Drag and Drop feature with IsDragDropEnabled property, customizable DragDropBehavior
N/A Empty Template feature through EmptyContentTemplate and EmptyContentDisplayMode
Events—ItemTapped, ItemHold, GroupHeaderTapped , RefreshRequested, SelectionChanged EventsItemTapped, GroupTapped, Scrolled, SelectionChanged
Predefined commands through CommandId enumeration Commands - ItemTapCommand, GroupTapCommand, Item Swipe commands, LoadOnDemand commands
Styling—ItemStyle, SelectedItemStyle, PressedItemStyle, ReorderItemStyle, ItemStyleSelector, GroupHeaderStyle StylingItemViewStyle with visual states, DragVisual, ItemViewStyleSelector, GroupViewStyle, GroupViewStyleSelector

See Also

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