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.NET MAUI CollectionView Header and Footer

The .NET MAUI CollectionView provides the option to add HeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate, which allow you to position content of your choice above and below the list with the items. Both header and footer templates are scrolled along with the CollectionView items.

  • HeaderTemplate(DataTemplate)—Defines the header of the CollectionView, rendered before all other items.
  • FooterTemplate(DataTemplate)—Defines the footer of the CollectionView, rendered after all other items.

The following example shows how to add a header and a footer to the CollectionView control.

1. Add the RadCollectionView instance with the HeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate applied:

<telerik:RadCollectionView x:Name="collectionView"
                           ItemsSource="{Binding Locations}"
            <telerik:RadBorder BorderColor="BlueViolet"
                               BorderThickness="0, 1"
                <Grid ColumnDefinitions="Auto, *">
                    <Label Text="Selected city: "
                           Margin="10" />
                    <Label Text="{Binding SelectedItem.City, Source={x:Reference collectionView}}"
            <telerik:RadBorder BorderColor="PaleVioletRed"
                               BorderThickness="0, 1"
                <Grid ColumnDefinitions="Auto, *">
                    <Label Text="Total cities: "
                    <Label Text="{Binding ItemsSource.Count, Source={x:Reference collectionView}}"
        <local:ViewModel />

2. Add a sample ViewModel class with a list of DataModel objects which is used as a BindingContext of the CollectionView:

public class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    public ViewModel()
        this.Locations = new ObservableCollection<DataModel>
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Graz", Id = 1 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Innsbruck", Id = 2 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Ratz", Id = 3 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Vienna", Id = 4 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Belgium", City = "Antwerp", Id = 5 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Belgium", City = "Charleroi", Id = 6 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Belgium", City = "Schaffen", Id = 7 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Denmark", City = "Copenhagen", Id = 8 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Denmark", City = "Odense", Id = 9 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "France", City = "Nice", Id = 10 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "France", City = "Paris", Id = 11 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Baden-Baden", Id = 12 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Berlin", Id = 13 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Hamburg", Id = 14 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Munich", Id = 15 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Nuremberg", Id = 16 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Italy", City = "Bari", Id = 17 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Italy", City = "Rome", Id = 18 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Netherlands", City = "Amsterdam", Id = 19 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Netherlands", City = "Eindhoven", Id = 20 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Netherlands", City = "Rotterdam", Id = 21 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Portugal", City = "Lisbon", Id = 22 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Portugal", City = "Porto", Id = 23 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Spain", City = "Barcelona", Id = 24 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Spain", City = "Madrid", Id = 25 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "United Kingdom", City = "London", Id = 26 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "United Kingdom", City = "Manchester", Id = 27 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "New York", Id = 28 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "Los Angeles", Id = 29 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "Chicago", Id = 30 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "Boston", Id = 31 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "San Francisco", Id = 32 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "Canada", City = "Toronto", Id = 33 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "Canada", City = "Vancouver", Id = 34 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "Canada", City = "Ottawa", Id = 35 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Brazil", City = "Rio de Janeiro", Id = 36 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Brazil", City = "Sao Paulo", Id = 37 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Brazil", City = "Salvador", Id = 38 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Argentina", City = "Buenos Aires", Id = 39 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Peru", City = "Lima", Id = 40 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Peru", City = "Cusco", Id = 41 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Colombia", City = "Bogota", Id = 42 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Bolivia", City = "La Paz", Id = 43 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Venezuela", City = "Caracas", Id = 44 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Chile", City = "Santiago", Id = 45 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "China", City = "Hong Kong", Id = 46 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "China", City = "Shanghai", Id = 47 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "China", City = "Macau", Id = 48 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "India", City = "Delhi", Id = 49 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "India", City = "Hyderabad", Id = 50 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Japan", City = "Tokyo", Id = 51 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Japan", City = "Osaka", Id = 52 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Japan", City = "Kyoto", Id = 53 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Vietnam", City = "Ho Chi Minh", Id = 54 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Vietnam", City = "Hanoi", Id = 55 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Thailand", City = "Bangkok", Id = 56 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Thailand", City = "Phuket", Id = 57 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Africa", Country = "Nigeria", City = "Lagos", Id = 58 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Africa", Country = "Egypt", City = "Cairo", Id = 59 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Africa", Country = "Algeria", City = "Algiers", Id = 60 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "Australia", City = "Sydney", Id = 61 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "Australia", City = "Melbourne", Id = 62 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "Australia", City = "Canberra", Id = 63 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "New Zealand", City = "Auckland", Id = 64 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "New Zealand", City = "Wellington", Id = 65 },

    public ObservableCollection<DataModel> Locations { get; set; }

3. Add the DataModel class:

public class DataModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string continent;
    private string country;
    private string city;
    private int id;

    public string Continent
        get => this.continent;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.continent, value);

    public string Country
        get =>;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref, value);

    public string City
        get =>;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref, value);

    public int Id
        get =>;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref, value);

The following image shows how the CollectionView header looks.

.NET MAUI CollectionView Header Template

The following image shows how the CollectionView footer looks.

.NET MAUI CollectionView Footer Template

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