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.NET MAUI CollectionView Scrolling

The users can scroll vertically and horizontally through the items in the CollectionView and also scroll to a specific item from the collection.

Scrolling to an Item

The CollectionView provides the ScrollItemIntoView method that allows you to programmatically scroll to an item in the CollectionView:

  • ScrollItemIntoView(object item, bool animate = true)—Scrolls the visible area of the control so that the specified item is visible. The first parameter is item—Specifies the item to scroll to.

The second parameter is the scrolling animation. The animation is displayed when scrolling an item into view. Disable the animation by setting the animate argument of the ScrollItemIntoView method to false. The default value is true.

The following example demonstrates how to scroll to an item in the CollectionView control by using the ScrollItemIntoView() method.

1. Create a sample DataModel:

public class DataModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string continent;
    private string country;
    private string city;
    private int id;

    public string Continent
        get => this.continent;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.continent, value);

    public string Country
        get =>;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref, value);

    public string City
        get =>;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref, value);

    public int Id
        get =>;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref, value);

2. Define the ViewModel class:

public class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    public ViewModel()
        this.Locations = new ObservableCollection<DataModel>
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Graz", Id = 1 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Innsbruck", Id = 2 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Ratz", Id = 3 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Austria", City = "Vienna", Id = 4 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Belgium", City = "Antwerp", Id = 5 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Belgium", City = "Charleroi", Id = 6 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Belgium", City = "Schaffen", Id = 7 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Denmark", City = "Copenhagen", Id = 8 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Denmark", City = "Odense", Id = 9 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "France", City = "Nice", Id = 10 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "France", City = "Paris", Id = 11 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Baden-Baden", Id = 12 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Berlin", Id = 13 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Hamburg", Id = 14 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Munich", Id = 15 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Germany", City = "Nuremberg", Id = 16 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Italy", City = "Bari", Id = 17 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Italy", City = "Rome", Id = 18 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Netherlands", City = "Amsterdam", Id = 19 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Netherlands", City = "Eindhoven", Id = 20 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Netherlands", City = "Rotterdam", Id = 21 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Portugal", City = "Lisbon", Id = 22 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Portugal", City = "Porto", Id = 23 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Spain", City = "Barcelona", Id = 24 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "Spain", City = "Madrid", Id = 25 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "United Kingdom", City = "London", Id = 26 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Europe", Country = "United Kingdom", City = "Manchester", Id = 27 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "New York", Id = 28 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "Los Angeles", Id = 29 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "Chicago", Id = 30 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "Boston", Id = 31 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "United States", City = "San Francisco", Id = 32 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "Canada", City = "Toronto", Id = 33 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "Canada", City = "Vancouver", Id = 34 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "North America", Country = "Canada", City = "Ottawa", Id = 35 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Brazil", City = "Rio de Janeiro", Id = 36 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Brazil", City = "Sao Paulo", Id = 37 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Brazil", City = "Salvador", Id = 38 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Argentina", City = "Buenos Aires", Id = 39 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Peru", City = "Lima", Id = 40 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Peru", City = "Cusco", Id = 41 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Colombia", City = "Bogota", Id = 42 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Bolivia", City = "La Paz", Id = 43 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Venezuela", City = "Caracas", Id = 44 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "South America", Country = "Chile", City = "Santiago", Id = 45 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "China", City = "Hong Kong", Id = 46 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "China", City = "Shanghai", Id = 47 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "China", City = "Macau", Id = 48 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "India", City = "Delhi", Id = 49 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "India", City = "Hyderabad", Id = 50 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Japan", City = "Tokyo", Id = 51 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Japan", City = "Osaka", Id = 52 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Japan", City = "Kyoto", Id = 53 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Vietnam", City = "Ho Chi Minh", Id = 54 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Vietnam", City = "Hanoi", Id = 55 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Thailand", City = "Bangkok", Id = 56 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Asia", Country = "Thailand", City = "Phuket", Id = 57 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Africa", Country = "Nigeria", City = "Lagos", Id = 58 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Africa", Country = "Egypt", City = "Cairo", Id = 59 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Africa", Country = "Algeria", City = "Algiers", Id = 60 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "Australia", City = "Sydney", Id = 61 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "Australia", City = "Melbourne", Id = 62 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "Australia", City = "Canberra", Id = 63 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "New Zealand", City = "Auckland", Id = 64 },
            new DataModel { Continent = "Oceania", Country = "New Zealand", City = "Wellington", Id = 65 },

    public ObservableCollection<DataModel> Locations { get; set; }

3. Define the RadCollectionView in XAML:

<Grid RowDefinitions="Auto, *"
    <telerik:RadTemplatedButton x:Name="scrollToLastItemBtn"
                                Content="Scroll to last item"
                                Clicked="OnScrollToLastItemClicked" />
    <telerik:RadCollectionView x:Name="collectionView"
                               ItemsSource="{Binding Locations}"
            <local:ViewModel />

4. Add the telerik namespace:


5. Button clicked event handler for calling the ScrollTo method:

private void OnScrollToLastItemClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    var item = GetItemToScrollTo();
    this.scrollToLastItemBtn.Content = "Scrolled to: " + item.City;
    this.scrollToLastItemBtn.IsEnabled = false;

private DataModel GetItemToScrollTo()
    return (collectionView.ItemsSource as ObservableCollection<DataModel>).LastOrDefault();

This is the result on WinUI:

.NET MAUI CollectionView Scrolling

For a runnable demo with the CollectionView Programmatic Scrolling example, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to the CollectionView > Scrolling category.


The CollectionView exposes an option that sets the visibility of the vertical and the horizontal scrollbars by using the VerticalScrollBarVisibility (enum of type Microsoft.Maui.ScrollBarVisibility) and HorizontalScrollBarVisibility (enum of type Microsoft.Maui.ScrollBarVisibility) properties. The available options for the ScrollBarVisibility enumeration are:

  • Default—The visibility of the scrollbar will be the default for the platform based on the content and orientation.
  • Always—The scollbar will be visible, regardless of the content or orientation.
  • Never—The scrollbar will not be visible, regardless of the content or orientation.

Review the the Ensuring CollectionView Scrollbar is Always Visible on Android in a .NET MAUI application article for more details on how to display the vertical scrollbar on Android.


The CollectionView exposes a Scrolled event that is invoked when scrolling is performed.

The CollectionView provides the Scrolled event, which is raised when scrolling is performed. The Scrolled event handler receives two parameters:

  • The sender argument, which is the RadCollectionView control.
  • A ScrolledEventArgs object, which provides the following properties:
    • ScrollX (double)—The X position of the finished scroll.
    • ScrollY (double)—The Y position of the finished scroll.

For a runnable demo with the CollectionView Scrolled example, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to the CollectionView > Events category.