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Items Selection

Many applications require the ability to select items shown over the map. The VisualizationLayer object has built-in functionality which supports items selection, both point-type and map shapes. This article explains the usage of the items selection feature in the following main scenarios:

  1. Items selection.

  2. Map shape selection.

  3. Using the selection API from the code.

By default items selection feature is disabled in favor of the panning by mouse click and zooming using rectangle selection operations. To enable it you should set values of the MouseClickMode and MouseSelectionMode properties of the RadMap control:

Example 1

<dataVisualization:RadMap x:Name="RadMap1"  Margin="10" 
        <telerikMap:BingRestMapProvider ApplicationId="Bing_Key"  
            IsLabelVisible="True" /> 
    <telerikMap:VisualizationLayer x:Name="visualizationLayer" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource PinPointTemplate}"  
                    SelectionChanged="LayerSelectionChanged" /> 

Items selection

In this section we demonstrate how the items selection can be implemented for the point-type objects (i.e. objects which represent single location on the map). In order to provide the needed data to the visualization layer, you have to create a collection of business MapItem objects. For example:

Example 2

using Microsoft.UI; 
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media; 
using Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataVisualization.Map; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Data; 
public class MapItem : INotifyPropertyChanged 
    private static SolidColorBrush RegularBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); 
    private static SolidColorBrush SelectedBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); 
    private string caption = string.Empty; 
    private Location location = Location.Empty; 
    private bool isSelected = false; 
    private SolidColorBrush background = RegularBrush; 
    public MapItem( 
        string caption, 
        Location location) 
        this.Caption = caption; 
        this.Location = location; 
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; 
    public SolidColorBrush Background 
            return this.background; 
            this.background = value; 
    public string Caption 
            return this.caption; 
            this.caption = value; 
    public bool IsSelected 
            return this.isSelected; 
            this.isSelected = value; 
            this.Background = this.isSelected ? SelectedBrush : RegularBrush; 
    public Location Location 
            return this.location; 
            this.location = value; 
    private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName) 
        if (this.PropertyChanged != null) 
                new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); 
The next step is to define the ItemTemplate for the visualization layer and set the desired bindings in it. In the current example, the marker will be represented by a MapPinPoint object:

Example 3

<DataTemplate x:Key="PinPointTemplate"> 
    <telerik:MapPinPoint Background="{Binding Background}" 
                         Text="{Binding Path=Caption}" 
                         telerik:MapLayer.Location="{Binding Path=Location}"> 
            <ToolTip Content="{Binding Path=Caption}" /> 
<telerik:RadMap x:Name="radMap" 
        <telerik:OpenStreetMapProvider /> 
    <telerik:VisualizationLayer x:Name="visualizationLayer" 
                                ItemTemplate="{StaticResource PinPointTemplate}" 
                                SelectionChanged="LayerSelectionChanged" /> 
We will subscribe to the VisualizationLayer.SelectionChanged event in order to change selection state of the business data objects.

Example 4

public partial class SelectLocations : UserControl 
    private Random rnd = new Random(); 
    public SelectLocations() 
        LocationRect usa = new LocationRect( 
            new Location(50, -120), 
            new Location(30, -70)); 
        this.visualizationLayer.ItemsSource = this.GeneratePoiCollection(50, usa); 
    private void GenerateMapItem( 
        ObservableCollection<MapItem> data, 
        Location location, 
        int index) 
        MapItem poi = new MapItem( 
            string.Format("Item {0}", index), 
    private ObservableCollection<MapItem> GeneratePoiCollection(int count, LocationRect region) 
        ObservableCollection<MapItem> data = new ObservableCollection<MapItem>(); 
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
            Location baseLocation = new Location( 
                    region.North - rnd.NextDouble() * egion.GeoSize.Height, 
                    region.West + rnd.NextDouble() * region.GeoSize.Width); 
            this.GenerateMapItem(data, baseLocation, i); 
        return data; 
    private void LayerSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) 
        if (e.RemovedItems != null) 
            foreach (MapItem item in e.RemovedItems) 
                item.IsSelected = false; 
        if (e.AddedItems != null) 
            foreach (MapItem item in e.AddedItems) 
                item.IsSelected = true; 
If you run the application you will see the items are not selected by default:WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection

There are two ways to select items:

  1. By clicking any individual item.

  2. Using rectangle selection.

When you click individual item it changes its state and background: WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 1

Here are the steps that you need to take in order to select items using rectangle selection:

  1. Press and hold the left Shift key.

  2. Press and hold left mouse button to start group selection.

  3. Move mouse to the desired location. WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 2

  4. Release mouse button and Shift key. The items inside the rectangle will be selected. WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 3

Map shape selection

In this section we demonstrate how the items selection feature can be implemented for the map shape objects. The VisualizationLayer handles selection state of the map shape objects automatically so we do not need to do anything specific. You just have to set filling for the different states of the shape objects: ShapeFill, HighlightFill and SelectedFill:

Example 5

<dataVisualization:RadMap x:Name="radMap"  
        Center="52, 20" Margin="10 10 0 10" 
        <telerikMap:BingRestMapProvider ApplicationId="Bing_Map_Key"  
    IsLabelVisible="True" /> 
    <telerikMap:VisualizationLayer x:Name="visualizationLayer"> 
            <telerikMap:MapShapeFill Fill="#80808080"  
                    StrokeThickness="2" /> 
            <telerikMap:MapShapeFill Fill="#80FFA500"  
                    StrokeThickness="2" /> 
            <telerikMap:MapShapeFill Fill="#80208020"  
                    StrokeThickness="2" /> 
            <telerikMap:AsyncShapeFileReader DataSource="ms-appx:///Examples/Map/Shapes/world.dbf"  
                                        Source="ms-appx:///Examples/Map/Shapes/world.shp" /> 
If you run the application you will see the map shapes colored using ShapeFill:

WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 4

There are two ways you can use to select shapes:

  1. By clicking the individual shape.

  2. Using rectangle selection.

When you click individual map shape it changes its state and appearance: WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 5

Here are the steps that you need to take in order to select items using rectangle selection:

  1. Press and hold the left Shift key.

  2. Press and hold left mouse button to start group selection.

  3. Move mouse to the desired location. WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 6

  4. Release mouse button and Shift key. The items inside the rectangle will be selected WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 7

Only shapes which are completely inside the selection rectangle are selected.

Using the selection API from the code

The VisualizationLayer class provides several methods which can be used to select or unselect items programmatically. In this section we demonstrate how the items selection can be used to select map shapes using extended data. For demonstration purposes the world.shp and world.dbf files are used. Both files are available in our QSF demo application. The world.shp file contains shapes which represents countries around the world. The world.dbf file contains extended data for these shapes. The extended property with SQKM name represents area of the country in the square kilometers. We will use this property to select countries with area which is greater than a given value.

Example 6

        <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> 
        <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" /> 
    <dataVisualization:RadMap x:Name="radMap"  
            Center="52, 20" Margin="10 10 0 10" 
            <telerikMap:BingRestMapProvider ApplicationId="Bing_Map_Key"  
        IsLabelVisible="True" /> 
        <telerikMap:VisualizationLayer x:Name="visualizationLayer"> 
                <telerikMap:MapShapeFill Fill="#80808080"  
                                StrokeThickness="2" /> 
                <telerikMap:MapShapeFill Fill="#80FFA500"  
                                StrokeThickness="2" /> 
                <telerikMap:MapShapeFill Fill="#80208020"  
                                StrokeThickness="2" /> 
                <telerikMap:AsyncShapeFileReader DataSource="ms-appx:///Examples/Map/Shapes/world.dbf"  
                                                    Source="ms-appx:///Examples/Map/Shapes/world.shp" /> 
    <StackPanel Grid.Column="1" Orientation="Vertical"> 
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> 
            <TextBlock Margin="4,2,4,2" Text="Min SQKM:" /> 
            <TextBox Name="filter" Width="60" /> 
            <TextBlock Margin="4,2,4,2" Text="(1000 square km):" /> 
        <Button Click="ShowSelectedItems"> 
            <TextBlock Text="Select" /> 
        <Button Click="ReverseSelection"> 
            <TextBlock Text="Reverse Selection" /> 

Example 7

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataVisualization.Map; 
private void ShowSelectedItems(object sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) 
    string condition = this.filter.Text.Trim(); 
    double minSqkm; 
    if (double.TryParse(condition, out minSqkm)) 
        IEnumerable<object> itemsToSelect = from MapShapeData item in this.visualizationLayer.Items 
                                            where ((double)item.ExtendedData.GetValue("SQKM")) > minSqkm * 1000d 
                                            select item; 
        this.visualizationLayer.Select(itemsToSelect, true); 
private void ReverseSelection(object sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e) 
When you run your application you see the map shapes colored using regular filling: WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 8

Enter desired value in the text box. For example, 1000, which means you’d like to select countries with area larger than 1 billion (1000 * 1000) square miles. Click select button. The shapes which meet the condition will be selected: WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 9

Click “Reverse Selection” button. The selection will be reversed (i.e. selected items will be unselected and vice versa): WinUI RadMap Rad Map Features Virtualization Layer Items Selection 10

See Also

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