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This topic covers the specific events exposed by the RadMap control.

The RadMap control raises the following specific events:

  • CenterChanging: Occurs when the Center property of the RadMap control start to change. You can use this event, for example, to prevent user from changing a center of the map or to get the new value of the center location.

  • CenterChanged: Occurs when the Center property of the RadMap control is changed.

  • InitializeCompleted: Occurs when the map provider has been initialized and the map images are ready to be displayed. You can use this event to display the InformationLayer, as it guarantees that the elements inside of it will be displayed correctly.

  • MapMouseClick: Occurs when the left mouse button is clicked a single time. You can use the MouseClickMode property to choose one of the predefined single click behaviors or you can implement your own using the event.

  • MapMouseDoubleClick: Occurs when the left mouse button is double clicked. You can use the MouseDoubleClickMode property to choose one of the predefined double click behaviors or you can implement your own using the event.

  • PanningFinished: Occurs when the panning executed by the user finishes.

  • ZoomChanging: Occurs when the ZoomLevel start to change.

  • ZoomChanged: Occurs when the ZoomLevel changes its value.

  • ZoomFinished: Occurs when the zooming action executed by the user finishes.

  • SelectionRectangleChanged: Occurs when new geographical region is selected by mouse (the MouseDragBehavior is "Select" and MouseSelectionMode is "RaiseEvent").

See Also

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