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.NET MAUI DataGrid SkiaSharp Cell Renderer

When your .NET MAUI DataGrid is rendered with the SkiaSharp library, you can extend the functionality of a DataGrid column and render custom cell content.

  • CellRenderer(DataGridCellRenderer)—Defines a renderer that allows custom rendering of cells when the DataGrid is rendered with SkiaSharp. To use this in iOS and MacCatalyst, the RadDataGrid.RenderMode needs to be set to SkiaSharp.

Check the Render Mode topic for more information on the DataGrid SkiaSharp rendering.

The DataGridCellRenderer provides the following methods you can override to define any custom SkiaSharp content inside each cell:

  • MeasureContainer—Returns the desired size for the current item in device independent pixels.
  • RenderContainer—Renders any custom content for the current item. Invoke the base implementation of this method if you want to render the default render content.
  • RequestRender—Makes a request for a render pass to be scheduled.
  • OnRenderStarted—Marks the beginning of the rendering of the cells related to this renderer.
  • OnRenderCompleted—Marks the end of the rendering of the cells related to this renderer.


Check below an example on how to add a BulletGraph control as the content of a DataGrid TextColumn.

1. Add a sample DataGrid definition which presents information about Club objects. The TextColumn corresponding to the Revenue property uses a custom CellRenderer which renders a SkiaSharp bullet graph.

<telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                     ItemsSource="{Binding Clubs}"
        <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Name" 
                                    HeaderText="Name" />
        <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Revenue"
                                    CellRenderer="{StaticResource CustomColumnCellRenderer}" />
        <telerik:DataGridNumericalColumn PropertyName="StadiumCapacity" 
                                         HeaderText="Stadium Capacity" />
        <telerik:DataGridBooleanColumn PropertyName="IsChampion" 
                                       HeaderText="Champion?" />
        <telerik:DataGridDateColumn PropertyName="Established" 
                                    HeaderText="Date Established" />
        <telerik:DataGridComboBoxColumn PropertyName="Championship"
                                        ItemsSourcePath="Championships" />

2. Add the custom CellRenderer to the page's resources:

<local:CustomColumnRenderer x:Key="CustomColumnCellRenderer" />

3. Here is the CustomColumnRenderer class which inherits from DataGridCellRenderer and overrides its RenderContainer method:

public class CustomColumnRenderer : DataGridCellRenderer
    protected override void RenderContainer(DataGridCellRendererRenderContext renderContext)
        Club club = (Club)renderContext.Item;

        if (renderContext is DataGridSkiaSharpCellRendererRenderContext skRenderContext)
            this.DrawBulletGraph(club.Revenue, skRenderContext, skRenderContext.Bounds);

    private void DrawBulletGraph(double? revenue, DataGridSkiaSharpCellRendererRenderContext skRenderContext, Rect bounds)
        double badRange = 300;
        double satisfactoryRange = 500;
        double goodRange = 700;
        double horizontalPadding = 8;
        double bulletGraphWidth = bounds.Width - 2 * horizontalPadding;
        double x = bounds.X + horizontalPadding;
        double h = 20;
        double y = bounds.Y + (bounds.Height - h) / 2;
        double featuredHeight = 8;
        double displayScale = skRenderContext.DisplayScale;

        // bad range
        using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
            paint.Color = new SKColor(150, 150, 150);
            Rect rect = new Rect(x, y, bulletGraphWidth * (badRange / goodRange), h);
            skRenderContext.Canvas.DrawRect(SkiaUtils.ToSKRect(rect, displayScale), paint);
            x += rect.Width;

        // satisfactory range
        using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
            paint.Color = new SKColor(180, 180, 180);

            Rect rect = new Rect(x, y, bulletGraphWidth * ((satisfactoryRange - badRange) / goodRange), h);
            skRenderContext.Canvas.DrawRect(SkiaUtils.ToSKRect(rect, displayScale), paint);
            x += rect.Width;

        // good range
        using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())

            paint.Color = new SKColor(230, 230, 230);
            Rect rect = new Rect(x, y, bulletGraphWidth * ((goodRange - satisfactoryRange) / goodRange), h);
            skRenderContext.Canvas.DrawRect(SkiaUtils.ToSKRect(rect, displayScale), paint);

        // featured measure
        if (revenue != null)
            using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                paint.Color = new SKColor(48, 48, 48);
                Rect rect = new Rect(bounds.X + horizontalPadding, y + ((h - featuredHeight) / 2), bulletGraphWidth * (revenue.Value / goodRange), featuredHeight);
                skRenderContext.Canvas.DrawRect(SkiaUtils.ToSKRect(rect, displayScale), paint);

    internal static class SkiaUtils
        public static SKRect ToSKRect(Rect rect, double scale = 1)
            return new SKRect((float)(scale * rect.Left), (float)(scale * rect.Top), (float)(scale * rect.Right), (float)(scale * rect.Bottom));

        public static Rect ToRect(SKRect skRect, double scale = 1)
            return new Rect(scale * skRect.Left, scale * skRect.Top, scale * skRect.Right, scale * skRect.Bottom);

4. Add the ViewModel class:

public class ViewModel
    private ObservableCollection<Club> clubs;

    public ObservableCollection<Club> Clubs => clubs ?? (clubs = CreateClubs());

    private ObservableCollection<Club> CreateClubs()
        return new ObservableCollection<Club>
            new Club("UK Liverpool ", new DateTime(1892, 1, 1), 54074, "England", "Liverpool", "Premier League", null),
            new Club("Manchester Utd.", new DateTime(1878, 1, 1), 74310, "England", "Manchester", "Premier League", 594.3) { IsChampion = true },
            new Club("Chelsea", new DateTime(1905, 1, 1), 42055, "England", "London","UEFA Champions League", 481.3),
            new Club("Barcelona", new DateTime(1899, 1, 1), 99354, "Spain", "Barcelona", "La Liga", 540.5)

5. Add the Club data object:

public class Club : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string name;
    private DateTime established;
    private int stadiumCapacity;
    private bool isChampion;
    private string country;
    private string city;
    private string championship;
    private double? revenue;

    public Club(string name, DateTime established, int stadiumCapacity, string country, string city, string championship, double? revenue)
        Name = name;
        Established = established;  
        StadiumCapacity = stadiumCapacity;
        Country = country;
        City = city;
        Championship = championship;
        Revenue = revenue;

    public string Name
        get { return; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref, value); }
    public DateTime Established
        get { return this.established; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.established, value); }

    public int StadiumCapacity
        get { return this.stadiumCapacity; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.stadiumCapacity, value); }

    public bool IsChampion
        get { return this.isChampion; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.isChampion, value); }

    public string Country
        get { return; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref, value); }

    public string City
        get { return; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref, value); }

    public string Championship       
        get { return this.championship; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.championship, value); }

    public double? Revenue
        get { return this.revenue; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.revenue, value); }

    public List<string> Championships => new List<string> { "UEFA Champions League", "Premier League", "La Liga" };

6. The last step is to set the ViewModel class as a binding context of the page:

this.BindingContext = new ViewModel();

Here is the result:

Telerik .NET MAUI DataGrid SkiaSharp Cell Renderer

See Also

In this article