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.NET MAUI DataForm Picker Editors

This article explains all picker editors available in Telerik .NET MAUI DataForm control.

Picker Editors Based on Telerik .NET MAUI Controls:

Shared properties for DataFormRadDatePickerEditor and DataFormRadDateTimePickerEditor are:

  • MinimumDate(DateTime?)—Specifies the minimum date for the editor.
  • MaximumDate(DateTime?)—Specifies the maximum date for the editor.
  • FallbackDate(DateTime?)—Specifies the fallback date for the editor.

  • DataFormRadTimePickerEditor—Of type RadTimePicker

  • DataFormRadTimeSpanPickerEditor—Of type RadTimeSpanPicker

Shared properties for DataFormRadTimePickerEditor and DataFormRadTimeSpanPickerEditor are:

  • MinimumDate(DateTime?)—Specifies the minimum time for the editor.
  • MaximumDate(DateTime?)—Specifies the maximum time for the editor.
  • FallbackDate(DateTime?)—Specifies the fallback time for the editor.
  • HoursStep(int?)—Specifies the hours step for the editor.
  • MinutesStep(int?)—Specifies the minutes step for the editor.
  • SecondsStep(int?)—Specifies the seconds step for the editor.

  • DataFormRadListPickerEditor—Of type RadListPicker. The editor has an ItemsSource property that specifies a collection of items to use with the RadListPicker. When no items are specified and the picker is bound to a property of type enum, the items are populated automatically from the available enum values.

Picker Editors Based on .NET MAUI Controls:

  • DataFormDatePickerEditor—Of type .NET MAUI DatePicker
  • DataFormTimePickerEditor—Of type .NET MAUI TimePicker

Other properties that are common for all editors are listed in the Editors Overview article.

Common Properties

  • By using the Placeholder property (string) you can provide hints or examples that show the users what information to enter.

You can style the editors using the properties BackgroundColor, BorderColor and BorderThickness. You can additionally style each editor by applying a style with the same target type as the underlying control.

A table with all editors and their control types is available in the Editors Overview article.

More information about how to style the editors, review the Editors Styling article.

Example with DataFormRadTextMaskedEditor

<Style x:Key="RadDatePickerStyle" TargetType="telerik:RadDatePicker">
    <Setter Property="Placeholder"
            Value="Enter the starting date" />
    <Setter Property="MinimumDate"
            Value="2022,1,1" />
    <Setter Property="IsToggleButtonVisible"
            Value="False" />

And the editor definition

<telerik:DataFormRadDatePickerEditor PropertyName="StartDate"
                                     HeaderText="Start Date"
                                     EditorStyle="{StaticResource RadDatePickerStyle}"/>

See Also

In this article