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Data Binding in .NET MAUI DataForm

The way to set the DataForm source is to use a class. This class must be set as a BindingContext to the DataForm control. Then you can decorate the properties defined in the class with data annotations. The data annotations are used to build metadata for each property used by the data form to customize its UI.

DataForm gets the data from the BindingContext that you set.

The diagram below shows a typical setup in a MVVM application.

.NET MAUI DataForm Data Binding

On the left side is the data model. Such model contains properties, no methods, no extra business logic, no INotifyPropertyChanged etc.

On the right side of the diagram resides the view presented to the user. The RadDataForm component can automate the generation of the view, but nothing else. The developer cannot pass the data model to the view directly. The developer needs some "glue" layer between the two. In the MVVM design pattern this role goes to the ViewModel. The ViewModel handles the following:

  1. Expose all properties of the underlying data model to the view in a form that is convenient for visual representation.
  2. Implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and provide the property change notifications.
  3. Implement all business logic that is relevant for the current view, e. g. data retrieval, data manipulation etc.
  4. Expose commands that responds to user interaction and trigger the necessary business logic.

Auto-Generated Editors

The Editors and Groups are automatically generated by default. To prevent this, set the DataForm AutoGenerateItems property to False. The table below describes which editors will be automatically generated based on the type of the property defined in the class:

Editor name Type Input control
DataFormRadEntryEditor (default) string Telerik .NET MAUI RadEntry
DataFormRadNumericEditor (default) double? Telerik .NET MAUI RadNumericInput
DataFormRadComboBoxEditor (default on desktop) enum Telerik .NET MAUI RadComboBox
DataFormRadCheckBoxEditor (default) bool? Telerik .NET MAUI RadCheckBox
DataFormRadSegmentedEditor (default on mobile) enum Telerik .NET MAUI RadSegmentedControl
DataFormDatePickerEditor (default) DateTime? .NET MAUI DatePicker
DataFormTimePickerEditor (default) TimeSpan? .NET MAUI TimePicker

Here is an example with automatically generated editors:

1. Use the following business model:

public class GettingStartedModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string firstName;
    private string lastName;
    private DateTime? startDate;
    private TimeSpan? startTime;
    private double? people = 1;
    private bool visited;
    private TimeSpan? duration;
    private EnumValue accommodation = EnumValue.Apartment;
    public enum EnumValue

    [Display(Name = "Select accomodation")]
    public EnumValue Accommodation
            return this.accommodation;
            if (this.accommodation != value)
                this.accommodation = value;

    [Display(Name = "First Name")]
    public string FirstName
        get => this.firstName;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.firstName, value);

    [Display(Name = "Last Name")]
    public string LastName
        get => this.lastName;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.lastName, value);

    [Display(Name = "Star date")]
    public DateTime? StartDate
        get => this.startDate;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.startDate, value);

    [Display(Name = "Time")]
    public TimeSpan? EndDate
        get => this.startTime;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.startTime, value);

    [Display(Name = "Number of People")]
    public double? People
        get => this.people;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.people, value);

    [Display(Name = "Visited before")]
    public bool Visited
        get => this.visited;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.visited, value);

    [Display(Name = "Duration")]
    public TimeSpan? Duration
        get => this.duration;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.duration, value);

2. Define the DataForm:

<telerik:RadDataForm x:Name="dataForm" AutomationId="dataForm"/>

3. Set the following BindingContext in code behind of the page:

this.dataForm.BindingContext = new GettingStartedModel();

.NET MAUI DataForm Auto-generated Editors

Manually Generated Editors

Here is an example with automatically generated editors:

1. The ViewModel definition:

public class EditorsViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string name;
    private DateTime? startDate;
    private DateTime? endDate;
    private double? people;
    private bool? visited;
    private TimeSpan? duration;
    private EnumValue accommodation = EnumValue.Apartment;
    public enum EnumValue

    [Display(Name = "Select accomodation")]
    public EnumValue Accommodation
            return this.accommodation;
            if (this.accommodation != value)
                this.accommodation = value;

    [Display(Name = "First Name")]
    public string FirstName
        get =>;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref, value);

    [Display(Name = "Start date")]
    public DateTime? StartDate
        get => this.startDate;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.startDate, value);

    [Display(Name = "End Date")]
    public DateTime? EndDate
        get => this.endDate;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.endDate, value);

    [Display(Name = "Number of People")]
    [Range(1, 10)]
    public double? People
        get => this.people;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.people, value);

    [Display(Name = "Visited before")]
    public bool? Visited
        get => this.visited;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.visited, value);

    [Display(Name = "Duration")]
    public TimeSpan? Duration
        get => this.duration;
        set => this.UpdateValue(ref this.duration, value);

2. Define the RadDataForm, set the BindingContext, and then set AutoGenerateItems="False":

<telerik:RadDataForm x:Name="dataForm" AutoGenerateItems="False">
    <telerik:DataFormRadEntryEditor PropertyName="FirstName" HeaderText="Name"/>
    <telerik:DataFormRadNumericEditor PropertyName="People" HeaderText="People" Minimum="1"/>
    <telerik:DataFormRadComboBoxEditor PropertyName="Accommodation" HeaderText="Accomodation options"/>
    <telerik:DataFormRadDatePickerEditor PropertyName="StartDate" HeaderText="From:"/>
    <telerik:DataFormRadDatePickerEditor PropertyName="EndDate" HeaderText="To:"/>
    <telerik:DataFormRadTimeSpanPickerEditor PropertyName="Duration" HeaderText="Duration"/>
    <telerik:DataFormRadCheckBoxEditor PropertyName="Visited" HeaderText="Visited before"/>

Note that local in the snippet above points to the namespace where the EditorsViewModel is defined.

.NET MAUI DataForm Manually Added Editors

For a runnable example with the DataForm Manually Generated Editors scenario, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to DataForm > Editors category.

See Also

In this article