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Group Header Styling for .NET MAUI DataGrid

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI DataGrid provides a GroupHeaderStyle property which defines the appearance of the group headers when the data is grouped.

To learn more about the grouping functionality of the DataGrid, see the Grouping Overview topic.

Group Header Properties

The GroupHeaderStyle property is of type DataGridGroupHeaderStyle and provides the following styling properties:

  • TextColor(Color)—Defines the color for the text part of the group header.
  • SearchMatchTextColor(Color)—Defines the color that is used for the parts of the group header's text that are search matches. For more details on this, see the Search as You Type topic.
  • AggregatesTextColor(Color)—Defines the color for the aggregates part of the group header. For more details on this, see the Aggregates topic.
  • BackgroundColor(Color)—Defines the color that fills the area within the header of the DataGrid group header.
  • SearchMatchBackgroundColor(Color)—Defines the color that fills the area within the border when the cell contains a search-match. For more details on this, see the Search as You Type topic.
  • GroupLevelIndentation(double)—Defines the indentation that accumulates for each group level.
  • BorderColor(Color)—Defines the color that fills the border region of the group header.
  • BorderThickness(Thickness)—Defines the thickness of the border.
  • TextMargin(Thickness)—Defines the margin for the text part of the group header.
  • VerticalTextAlignment(TextAlignment)—Defines the vertical text alignment.
  • HorizontalTextAlignment(TextAlignment)—Defines the horizontal text alignment.
  • TextFontattributes(FontAttributes)—Defines the font attributes of the group header's text part.
  • TextFontFamily(string)—Defines the font family of the group header's text part.
  • TextFontSize(double)—Define the font size of the group header's text part.
  • AggregatesTextMargin(Thickness)—Defnes the margin for the aggregates part of the group header. For more details on this, see the Aggregates topic.
  • AggregatesTextFontAttributes(FontAttributes)—Defines the font attributes for the aggregates part of the group header.
  • AggregatesTextFontFamily(string)—Defines the font family for the aggregates part of the group header.
  • AggregatesTextFontSize(double)—Define the font size for the aggregates part of the group header.

Group Header Button Properties

By default, the Button of the group header uses an internal symbol font family. To render text instead of a symbol when the button is expanded or collapsed, set a font family to the ButtonFontFamily property and add the text to the ExpandButtonText and CollapseButtonText properties.

  • ButtonFontAttributes(FontAttributes)—;Defines the font attributes of the expand and collapse symbol.
  • ButtonFontFamily(string)—Defines the font family of the expand and collapse symbol.
  • ButtonFontSize(double) options—Defines the font size of the expand and collapse symbol.
  • ButtonMargin(Thickness)—Defines the margin of the expand and collapse symbol.
  • ButtonTextColor(Color)—Defines the text color of the expand and collapse symbol.
  • CollapseButtonText(string)—Defines the text for the collapse state of the group header.
  • ExpandButtonText(string)—Defines the text for the expand state of the group header.

The following example demonstrates how to apply a sample GroupHeaderStyle to the DataGrid:

1. Add a sample DataGridGroupHeaderStyle to the page's resources:

<telerik:DataGridGroupHeaderStyle x:Key="GroupHeaderStyle"
                                  GroupLevelIndentation="20" />

2. Add the DataGrid definition to the page with its GroupHeaderStyle applied:

<telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                     ItemsSource="{Binding People}"
                     GroupHeaderStyle="{StaticResource GroupHeaderStyle}">
        <telerik:PropertyGroupDescriptor PropertyName="Department" />

3. Add the ViewModel class:

public class ViewModel
    public ViewModel()
        this.People = new ObservableCollection<Person>()
            new Person { Name = "Kiko", Age = 23, Department = "Production" },
            new Person { Name = "Jerry", Age = 23, Department = "Accounting and Finance"},
            new Person { Name = "Ethan", Age = 51, Department = "Marketing" },
            new Person { Name = "Isabella", Age = 25, Department = "Marketing" },
            new Person { Name = "Joshua", Age = 45, Department = "Production" },
            new Person { Name = "Logan", Age = 26, Department = "Production"},
            new Person { Name = "Aaron", Age = 32, Department = "Production" },
            new Person { Name = "Elena", Age = 37, Department = "Accounting and Finance"},
            new Person { Name = "Ross", Age = 30, Department = "Marketing" },

    public ObservableCollection<Person> People { get; set; }

4. Add the data item used for binding the DataGrid:

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string Department { get; set; }

5. Set the binding context of the DataGrid to the ViewModel class:

this.BindingContext = new ViewModel();

Check the result at the image below:

Telerik .NET MAUI DataGrid Group Header Template

See Also

In this article