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Image Column

The GridViewImageColumn derives from GridViewBoundColumnBase, which means that it inherits all of the functionality too. In addition, it allows you to easily configure the image's height, width and stretch.

Here is a list of the most important properties.

  • ImageStretch - determines the stretch mode for the images displayed in the column.

  • ImageHeight - height of the images displayed in the column.

  • ImageWidth - width of the images displayed in the column.

You can bind GridViewImageColumn to a string or a byte[] data via DataMemberBinding property.

Example 1: Define GridViewImageColumn in XAML.

<telerik:RadGridView x:Name="radGridView" 
        <telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" /> 
        <telerik:GridViewImageColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding ImageUrl}" ImageStretch="None" /> 

The resulting RadGridView

Image Column in RadGridView - Telerik's WPF DataGrid

You can have a look at the Image Column Filtering demo from the SDK Samples Browser for a good example of how to override GridViewImageColumn's distinct values to be images and not a string path.

The image column exposes also the ErrorImageSource property which can be used to set a placeholder image for the cases when an image error occurs. Image error in this context is when the file decoding fails and the ImageFailed event of the underlying Image control is raised.

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