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RadListView provides you with the functionality to programmatically filter its data.

This can be achieved through adding FilterDescriptors to its RadListView.FilterDescriptors collection. The following list shows the available filter descriptor types:

  • TextFilterDescriptor:

    • PropertyName : Gets or sets the property used to retrieve the value to filter by.
    • Operator : Gets or sets the TextOperator value which defines how the Value member is compared with each value from the ItemsSource.
    • Value : Gets or sets the string value used in the comparisonsl This is the right operand of the comparison.
    • IsCaseSensitive: Gets or sets the value that determines whether the text comparisons will be case-sensitive. Default value is true.
  • BooleanFilterDescriptor:

    • PropertyName : Gets or sets the property used to retrieve the value to filter by.
    • Value : Gets or sets the bool value used in the comparisons. This is the right operand of the comparison.
  • NumericalFilterDescriptor:

    • PropertyName : Gets or sets the property used to retrieve the value to filter by.
    • Value : Gets or sets the numerical value used in the comparisons. This is the right operand of the comparison.
    • Operator : Gets or sets the NumericalOperator value which defines the logic behind the left and right operand comparison.
  • DateTimeFilterDescriptor:

    • PropertyName : Gets or sets the property used to retrieve the value to filter by.
    • Operator : Gets or sets the NumericalOperator value which defines the logic behind the left and right operand comparison.
    • Value : Gets or sets the DateTime value used in the comparisons. This is the right operand of the comparison.
  • DelegateFilterDescriptor:

    • Filter : Gets or sets the IFilter implementation used to check whether a data item passes the filter or not.


Example 1: Defining the item model and filter key

public class Item 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public double Id { get; set; } 
public class Key : IFilter 
    public bool PassesFilter(object item) 
        return (item as Item).Id % 2 == 0; 

Example 2: Populating with data

public MainWindow() 
    List<Item> list = new List<Item>(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
        list.Add(new Item { Id = i, Name = "Item " + i }); 
    this.DataContext = list; 

Example 3: Adding a filter descriptor in XAML

<telerikData:RadListView ItemsSource="{Binding}"> 
        <local:Key x:Key="filter" /> 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" /> 
        <dataCore:DelegateFilterDescriptor Filter="{StaticResource filter}" /> 
The namespaces used in XAML point to:

Example 4: Telerik namespace definitions

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