The CheckBoxes are converted to RadCheckBox. The following tables describe which properties and events are removed and which are replaced with similar equivalents.
Properties | Action | RadControls Equivalent |
Appearance | Produces Error | |
AutoCheck | Produces Error | |
AutoEllipsis | Replaced | ButtonElement.TextElement.AutoEllipsis |
AutoSize | ||
CheckAlign | Replaced | CheckAlignment |
CheckState | Replaced | CheckState |
FlatStyle | Removed | |
FlatAppearance.BorderColor | Removed | |
FlatAppearance.BorderSize | Removed | |
FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor | Removed | |
FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor | Removed | |
FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor | Removed | |
ImageAlign | Replaced | ImageAlignment |
TextAlign | Replaced | TextAlignment |
ThreeState | Replaced | IsThreeState |
UseVisualStyleBackColor | Removed after converting |
Events | Action | RadControls Equivalent |
AppearanceChanged | Produces Error | |
CheckedChanged | Replaced | CheckedChanged |