RichTextBox is converted to RadRichTextEditor. The following tables describe which properties, methods and events are removed and which are replaced with similar equivalents.
When the project that is being converted has target framework less than 4.0 and the user selects UI for WinForms[Version].20 the following message box will appear:
caption Figure 1: Converting System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
important Since RadRichTextEditor is available only for .NET 4.0, the conversion tool requires WinForms[Version].40. If you press Return
you will be allowed to select another target version. If you press Continue
, the conversion tool will proceed, but the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox won't be converted.
Properties |
Action |
RadControls Equivalent |
AutoWordSelection |
Produces Error |
BorderStyle |
Removed |
BulletIndent |
Produces Error |
DetectUrls |
Replaced with |
AutoInsertHyperlinks |
EnableAutoDragDrop |
Produces Error |
HideSelection |
Produces Error |
MaxLength |
Produces Error |
Modified |
Produces Error |
Multiline |
Produces Error |
ReadOnly |
Replaced with |
IsReadOnly |
RightMargin |
Produces Error |
SelectionColor |
Produces Error |
SelectionBackColor |
Produces Error |
SelectionBullet |
Produces Error |
SelectionFont |
Produces Error |
SelectedText |
Produces Error |
SelectionProtected |
Produces Error |
ScrollBars |
Produces Error |
ShortcutsEnabled |
Produces Error |
ShowSelectionMargin |
Produces Error |
WordWrap |
Produces Error |
ZoomFactor |
Produces Error |
Methods |
Action |
RadControls Equivalent |
AppendText |
Replaced with |
Insert |
CanPaste |
Produces Error |
Clear |
Replaced with |
ResetText |
ClearUndo |
Replaced with |
Document.History.Clear |
DeselectAll |
Replaced with |
Document.Selection.Clear |
GetFirstCharIndexFromLine |
Produces Error |
GetCharFromPosition |
Produces Error |
GetCharIndexFromPosition |
Produces Error |
GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine |
Produces Error |
GetPositionFromCharIndex |
Produces Error |
LoadFile |
Produces Error |
SaveFile |
Produces Error |
ScrollToCaret |
Produces Error |
SelectAll |
Replaced with |
Document.Selection.SelectAll |
Events |
Action |
RadControls Equivalent |
AcceptsTabChanged |
Produces Error |
BorderStyleChanged |
Produces Error |
ContentsResized |
Produces Error |
Hscroll |
Produces Error |
HideSelectionChanged |
Produces Error |
ImeChange |
Produces Error |
LinkClicked |
Produces Error |
ModifiedChanged |
Produces Error |
MultilineChanged |
Produces Error |
Protected |
Produces Error |
ReadOnlyChanged |
Produces Error |
VScroll |
Produces Error |