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.NET MAUI TabView Styling

The .NET MAUI TabView provides means for modifying its visual appearance so that it matches the style of the app. You can style different parts of the TabView—its header, items, and content area.

Check the TabView Visual Structure topic for a visual representation of the TabView elements.

TabView Styling

You can use any of the following TabView properties to change its look&feel:

  • BackgroundColor (Color)—Specifies the background color of the control.
  • BorderColor (Color)—Specifies the border color of the control.
  • BorderThickness (Thickness)—Specifies the border thickness of the control.
  • CornerRadius (Thickness)—Specifies the corner radius of the control.
  • ContentPadding (Thickness)—Specifies the padding of the inner content of the control.

In addition, TabView provides the listed below styling properties for modifying its elements - header, TabView items and content area.

  • HeaderStyle—Specifies the style of the entire header area (border, background color etc.);
  • HeaderItemStyle (Style with target type TabViewHeaderItem)—Specifies the style selector that chooses the style for the header items (font, text color etc.)
  • HeaderItemStyleSelector—Specifies the style of the individual header items (font, text color etc.). This property has a higher precedence than the HeaderItemStyle property.
  • ContentStyle—Specifies the style of the entire content area (borders, background color etc.);

Header Styling

Through HeaderStyle property of the TabView you can modify the TabViewHeader. The properties TabViewHeader provides are described in the table below:

Property Description
BackgroundColor (Color) Specifies the background color of the header area.
BorderColor (Color) Specifies the border color of the header area.
BorderThickness (Thickness) Specifies the border thickness of the header area.
CornerRadius (Thickness) Specifies the corner radius of the header area.
ContentPadding (Thickness) Specifies the padding of the inner content of the header area.
Spacing (double) Specifies the spacing in pixels between the header items in the header area.
SelectedIndex (int) Specifies the index of the currently selected item in the header area.
IsScrollable (bool) Specifies whether the header area can be scrolled with pan gesture.
Orientation (enum of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.TabViewScrollOrientation) Specifies the scroll orientation of the header area. The available options are Horizontal and Vertical.

Check below a quick example:

<telerik:RadTabView x:Name="tabView">
        <Style TargetType="telerik:TabViewHeader">
            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#EBECF0" />
            <Setter Property="BorderColor" Value="#e05194" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Home">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Home tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Folder">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Folder tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="View">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the View tab" />

And the result is the following:

.NET MAUI TabView Header Style

For a runnable example with the TabView HeaderStyle scenario, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to TabView > Styling.

Header Item Styling

Through HeaderItemStyle property of the TabView the following styling properties can be applied to the TabViewHeaderItem:

Property Description
BackgroundColor Specifies the background color of the header item.
BorderColor Specifies the border color of the header item.
BorderThickness Specifies the border thickness of the header item.
CornerRadius Specifies the corner radius of the header item.
ContentPadding Specifies the padding of the inner content of the header item.
TextColor ;Specifies the color of the text in the header item.
FontFamily Specifies the font family of the text in the header item.
FontSize Specifies the font size of the text in the header item.
FontAttributes Specifies the font attributes of the text in the header item.
TextDecorations Specifies the decorations of the text in the header item.
HorizontalTextAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text in the header item.
VerticalTextAlignment Specifies the vertical alignment of the text in the header item.
ImageSource Specifies the source of the image icon in the header item.
ImageAspect Specifies the aspect of the image icon in the header item.
ImageWidth Specifies the width of the image icon in the header item.
ImageHeight Specifies the height of the image icon in the header item.
ImageSpacing Specifies the spacing between the image icon and the text in the header item.
ImagePosition Specifies the position of the image icon relative to the text (Left, Top, Right, and Bottom).
<telerik:RadTabView x:Name="tabView">
        <Style TargetType="telerik:TabViewHeaderItem">
            <Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Italic"/>
            <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#99000000" />
            <Setter Property="VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups">
                    <VisualStateGroup Name="CommonStates">
                        <VisualState Name="Normal" />
                        <VisualState Name="Disabled">
                                <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#61000000" />
                        <VisualState Name="Selected">
                                <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="#e05194" />
                                <Setter Property="BorderColor" Value="#e05194" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Home">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Home tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Folder">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Folder tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="View">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the View tab" />

Here is the TabView after applying the HeaderItemStyle:

.NET MAUI TabView Header Item Style

For a runnable example with the TabView HeaderItemStyle scenario, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to TabView > Styling.

Header Item Style Selector

Through the HeaderItemStyleSelector property you can apply different styles to each TabView header item. The target type of the Style must be TabViewHeaderItem.

1. Define the TabView control:

<telerik:RadTabView x:Name="tabView"
                    HeaderItemStyleSelector="{StaticResource HeaderStyleSelector}">
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Home">
            <FontImageSource Glyph="&#xe85b;"
                             FontFamily="TelerikFontExamples" />
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Home tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Account">
            <FontImageSource Glyph="&#xe836;"
                             FontFamily="TelerikFontExamples" />
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Account tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Files">
            <FontImageSource Glyph="&#xe847;"
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Files tab" />

2. Define the StylSelector resources:

    <Style x:Key="HomeStyle" TargetType="telerik:TabViewHeaderItem">
        <Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="None" />
        <Setter Property="VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups">
                <VisualStateGroup Name="CommonStates">
                    <VisualState Name="Normal">
                            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#E0F2F1" />
                    <VisualState Name="Selected">
                            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#80CBC4"/>
                            <Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Bold"/>
    <Style x:Key="AccountStyle" TargetType="telerik:TabViewHeaderItem">
        <Setter Property="VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups">
                <VisualStateGroup Name="CommonStates">
                    <VisualState Name="Normal">
                            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#E0F2F1" />
                    <VisualState Name="Selected">
                            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#80CBC4"/>
    <Style x:Key="FilesStyle" TargetType="telerik:TabViewHeaderItem">
        <Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="None" />
        <Setter Property="VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups">
                <VisualStateGroup Name="CommonStates">
                    <VisualState Name="Normal" />
                    <VisualState Name="Selected">
                            <Setter Property="FontAttributes" Value="Italic" />
                            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#80CBC4"/>

    <local:MyCustomHeaderItemStyleSelector x:Key="HeaderStyleSelector"
                                           HomeStyle="{StaticResource HomeStyle}"
                                           AccountStyle="{StaticResource AccountStyle}"
                                           FilesStyle="{StaticResource FilesStyle}"/>

3. Define the StylSelector class:

public class MyCustomHeaderItemStyleSelector : IStyleSelector
    public Style HomeStyle { get; set; }
    public Style AccountStyle { get; set; }
    public Style FilesStyle { get; set; }

    public Style SelectStyle(object item, BindableObject bindable)
        TabViewItem tabViewItem = (TabViewItem)item;

        if (tabViewItem.HeaderText.Contains("Home"))
            return this.HomeStyle;
        else if (tabViewItem.HeaderText.Contains("Account"))
            return this.AccountStyle;
        else if (tabViewItem.HeaderText.Contains("Files"))
            return this.FilesStyle;
            return null;

Here is the TabView after applying the HeaderItemStyleSelector:

.NET MAUI TabView Header Item Style Selector

For a runnable example with the TabView HeaderItemStyleSelector scenario, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to TabView > Styling.

Content Styling

TabView's ContentStyle property allows you to style the content area. TabViewContent provides the following properties:

  • BackgroundColor (Color)—Specifies the background color of the content.
  • BorderColor (Color)—Specifies the border color of the content.
  • BorderThickness (Thickness)—Specifies the border thickness of the content.
  • CornerRadius (Thickness)—Specifies the corner radius of the content.
  • ContentPadding (Thickness)—Specifies the padding of the inner content of the content.
<telerik:RadTabView x:Name="tabView"
        <Style TargetType="telerik:TabViewContent">
            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="#EBECF0" />
            <Setter Property="BorderColor" Value="#623FEA" />
            <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />
            <Setter Property="CornerRadius" Value="10"/>
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Home">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Home tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Folder">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Folder tab" />
    <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="View">
        <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the View tab" />

The image below shows TabView after applying ContentStyle:

.NET MAUI TabView Content Style

For a runnable example with the TabView ContentStyle scenario, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application and go to TabView > Styling.

See Also

In this article