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DataSource Wizard Overview

The Data Source Wizard allows you to select from one of the available data source components:

  • SqlDataSource - represents an SQL Database to data items
  • CsvDataSource - represents a CSV data source that provides data to data items
  • ObjectDataSource - represents a business object that provides data to data items
  • EntityDataSource - represents an Entity data model to data items
  • OpenAccessDataSource - represents an Open Access data model to data items
  • CubeDataSource - represents OLAP cube data model to data items
  • OpenClientDataSource - represents OpenEdge AppServer ABL procedures which provide data to data items

Crate New DataSource dialog of the DataSource Wizard of the Report Designer with listed the available data source components

and selecting one of those choices, starts the respective wizard:

There are two ways to start the Data Source wizard:

  1. From the DataSource property of a data report item

    • Select the DataSource property of a data report item (Report, Table/Crosstab/List, Chart)
    • Click on the Add New Data Source link
    • The Data Source Wizard is started

    Invoking the DataSource Wizard of the Report Designer from the DataSource property of the data item

  2. From the Report Wizard, Table and CrossTab Wizards, Graph Wizard or Map Wizard:

    • Navigate to Choose Data Source page of the Wizard
    • click the Add New Data Source button
    • The Data Source Wizard is started

    Opening the DataSource Wizard of the Report Designer from the 'Add New Data Source...' button of the data item wizard

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