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Edit Action Dialog of the Report Designer

The Action dialog box can be used to enable interactive actions for all items that support interactivity: TextBox, Table/List/Crosstab, SubReport, PictureBox, Checkbox, Shape, Barcode, Panel, HtmlTextBox, Graph, Map, Choropleth. The Graph, Map and Choropleth items support interactivity on element level like series.

Define an action so that a user can click on the report and link to a URL, to a different report, to a different location in the same report or toggle the visibility of items.

The Edit Action offers the following choices:

  • None
  • Navigate to Report
  • Navigate to URL
  • Navigate to Bookmark
  • Toggle Visibility
  • Sorting
  • Custom

Edit Action Dialog invoked on reportHeaderSection1 with No action selected

Depending on the purpose of the interactive actions you can choose the appropriate option which would open an additional pane below. For more information review the following articles:

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