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Edit Bindings Dialog of the Report Designer

Generally only some properties of certain report items can handle expression values. Other properties of a report item can take advantage of expression values by adding Binding objects to its Bindings collection. Only write-enabled properties can be set through binding expressions, so read-only properties are not suitable for "data-binding".

The Edit Bindings dialog is available in the property grid by clicking on the ellipsis of the Bindings property.

Edit Bindings Dialog of the Report Designer with two Property Paths and one Expression set and the other Expression with expanded dropdown for selection

Add a Binding object

The dialog accepts Property Path and Expression for that property. The property can have a period-delimited navigation path in order to reference a property down the object hierarchy. The Expression can be constant, expression value, user defined function or even a report parameter. The evaluated expression should return an object of appropriate type for the bound property.

For example, you can bind the Style.Font.Bold property of a TextBox item to an expression such as =Fields.MyBoolField that would return true or false. In certain cases using user-defined functions to perform appropriate type conversions should be considered e.g. for System.Drawing.Color as seen on the image.

For example the following navigation paths are valid:

  • DataSource
  • Style.BackgroundColor
  • Style.Font.Name

Edit a Binding object

To edit a Binding object, click in the inline editors directly.

Delete a Binding object

To delete a Binding object, use the Delete Button.

Not all item properties support expression bindings. Please refer to the API reference to check if a property supports binding.

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