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Configuring the OpenClientDataSource Component

You can connect to data from OpenEdge AppServer ABL procedures using the Telerik OpenClientDataSource component. To do this, you need the following prerequisites and configuration settings.


Configuring the OpenClientDataSource Component

  1. Add OpenClientDataSource component

    • For VisualStudio use the OpenClientDataSource Toolbox item
    • For Stand-alone Report Designer use the OpenEdge OpenClient Data Source tool located in the Data tab of the Ribbon bar
  2. A wizard form is started guiding you through the process which helps you to setup all needed settings

    • Proxy.NET assembly file along with its dependencies
    • The AppObject proxy type name used to communicate with the AppServer
    • The name of the method in the selected type which corresponds to the ABL procedure
    • (Optional) The name of the Table which data should be retrieved. Applicable only if the data is returned as DATASET
    • Input parameters that the procedure expects along with values and design-time parameter values
    • AppServer connection settings

      1. Connection URL
      2. Username (when applicable)
      3. Password (when applicable)
      4. AppServer info (optional)
      5. Session model (managed/free)
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