Area Series
RadCartesianChart visualizes AreaSeries as an area on the chart that is enclosed by the coordinate axes and straight line segments that connect the data points represented by these series. The AreaSeries extend CategoricalStrokedSeries, so they are also CategoricalSeries and require one CategoricalAxis and one NumricalAxis.
- Fill : Defines the fill of the AreaSeries.
- Stroke : Changes the color used to draw lines.
- StrokeThickness : Changes the width of the lines.
Here is an example how to create RadCartesianChart with Area Series:
First, create the needed business objects, for example:
Then create a ViewModel:
Finally, use the following snippet to declare a RadCartesianChart with Area Series in XAML and in C#:
Where the telerikChart namespace is the following:
Here is the result:
Customization Example
Here we have some customizations:
This is the final result:
A sample Ares Series example can be found in the Chart/Series folder of the SDK Samples Browser application.