PlotBand Annotations
Plot Band Annotation is a stripe, crossing its corresponding axis, specified by the From and To properties.
Cartesian PlotBand Annotation
Cartesian PlotBand annotation is either a horizontal or a vertical stripe that crosses from start to end the vertical or the horizontal axis respectively.
Here is what CartesianPlotBandAnnotation looks like:
Polar Axis PlotBand Annotation
The Polar axis PlotBand annotation resembles a donut.
Here is what PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation looks like:
Radial Axis PlotBand Annotation
Radial Axis PlotBand annotations represent visually a sector of the circle (pie slice).
A plotband starting from 180 degrees and ending in 270 degrees will look like this:
If you wonder how to annotate the bigger segment from the image above, then you should switch the From and To values.
Axis The Cartesian PlotBand annotation needs to be associated with horizontal or vertical axis explicitly.
From (of type object) The starting point for the plot band. When the associated axis is numerical (Linear or Logarithmic) a numeric value is expected and when it is a CategoricalAxis - a category.
To (of type object) The ending point for the plot band.*When the associated axis is numerical (Linear or Logarithmic) a numeric value is expected and when it is a CategoricalAxis - a category.
Label The string, defining the label.
LabelDefinition Defines the position of the annotation label, check the Annotation Labels help topic for more details.
- From (of type double) The starting point for the plot band. To (of type double) The ending point for the plot band.
From (of type object) The starting point for the plot band. When the radial axis is NumericRadialAxis a numeric value is expected and when it is a CategoricalRadialAxis - a category.
To (of type object) The ending point for the plot band. When the radial axis is NumericRadialAxis a numeric value is expected and when it is a CategoricalRadialAxis - a category.