This article lists the events exposed by the charting controls and their series.
Chart controls events
All charting controls in the RadChartView suite work with the following events:
- PlotAreaClipChanged: Occurs when the chart's plot area gets changed.
- UIUpdated: Occurs when the chart's UI gets updated.
The following events will be fired only for RadCartesianChart:
PanOffsetChanged: Occurs when the chart pan offset gets changed.
Example 1: PanOffsetChanged event arguments
private void RadCartesianChart_PanOffsetChanged(object sender, ChartPanOffsetChangedEventArgs e) { Point previousPanOffset = e.PreviousPanOffset; Point newPanOffset = e.NewPanOffset; }
ZoomChanged: Occurs when the chart zoom gets changed.
Example 2: ZoomChanged event arguments
private void RadCartesianChart_ZoomChanged(object sender, ChartZoomChangedEventArgs e) { Size previousZoom = e.PreviousZoom; Size newZoom = e.NewZoom; }
## Series Events
All chart series expose the following events:
- DataBindingComplete: Occurs when a databinding operation has been successfully completed.
- SeriesAnimationCompleted: This event is fired when the animation for all datapoints of the series is completed.
- PointAnimationCompleted: This event is fired when the animation of the series is completed.
Axis events
The LinearAxis, LogarithmicAxis, DateTimeContinuousAxis continuous axes of the charts expose the following events
ActualRangeChanged: Occurs when the actual range changes.
Example 3: ActualRangeChanged event arguments
private void DateTimeContinuousAxis_ActualRangeChanged(object sender, Telerik.Charting.DateTimeRangeChangedEventArgs e) { Telerik.Charting.ValueRange<System.DateTime> previousRange = e.PreviousRange; Telerik.Charting.ValueRange<System.DateTime> newRange = e.NewRange; }
ActualVisibleRangeChanged: Occurs when the actual visible range changes.
Example 4: ActualVisibleRangeChanged event arguments
The LinearAxis has an additional event which will be fired when the MajorStep property is changed.private void DateTimeContinuousAxis_ActualVisibleRangeChanged(object sender, Telerik.Charting.DateTimeRangeChangedEventArgs e) { Telerik.Charting.ValueRange<System.DateTime> previousRange = e.PreviousRange; Telerik.Charting.ValueRange<System.DateTime> newRange = e.NewRange; }
ActualMajorStepChanged: Occurs when the major step of the axis gets changed.
You can find more information about the axes events in the Axis help article.
Behavior events
ChartCrosshairBehavior: This behavior exposes the following event:
PositionChanged: Occurs when the position of the lines that represent the crosshair change.
Example 5: PositionChanged event arguments
private void ChartCrosshairBehavior_PositionChanged(object sender, ChartCrosshairPositionChangedEventArgs e) { Telerik.Charting.DataTuple data = e.Data; Point newPosition = e.Position; }
PositionChanged: Occurs when the position of the lines that represent the crosshair change.
ChartTrackBallBehavior: This behavior exposes the following events:
PositionChanging: Occurs when the value of the ChartTrackBallBehavior.Position property is changing. Allows for the new position to be modified.
Example 6: PositionChanging event arguments
private void ChartTrackBallBehavior_PositionChanging(object sender, TrackBallPositionChangingEventArgs e) { var previousPosition = e.PreviousPosition; var newPosition = e.NewPosition; }
TrackInfoUpdated: Occurs when a track info is updated, just before the UI that represents it is updated. Allows custom information to be displayed.
Example 6: TrackInfoUpdated event arguments
private void ChartTrackBallBehavior_TrackInfoUpdated(object sender, TrackBallInfoEventArgs e) { ChartDataContext context = e.Context; object test = e.Header; }
PositionChanging: Occurs when the value of the ChartTrackBallBehavior.Position property is changing. Allows for the new position to be modified.
ChartSelectionBehavior: This behavior exposes the following event:
SelectionChanged: Occurs when the chart selection has changed.
Example 7: SelectionChanged event arguments
private void ChartSelectionBehavior_SelectionChanged(object sender, ChartSelectionChangedEventArgs e) { var selectedPoints = e.AddedPoints; var unSelectedPoints = e.RemovedPoints; }
## Provider events
SelectionChanged: Occurs when the chart selection has changed.
ChartSeriesProvider: The series provider exposes the following events:
SeriesCreated: Occurs when a series is created. Allows for the series to be additionally set up or completely replaced.
Example 8: SeriesCreated event arguments
private void ChartSeriesProvider_SeriesCreated(object sender, ChartSeriesCreatedEventArgs e) { object test = e.Context; ChartSeries createdSeries = e.Series; }
SeriesCreated: Occurs when a series is created. Allows for the series to be additionally set up or completely replaced.
ChartAnnotationsProvider: The annotations provider exposes the following events:
AnnotationCreated: Occurs when an annotation is created. Allows for the annotation to be additionally set up or completely replaced.
Example 9: AnnotationCreated event arguments
private void ChartAnnotationsProvider_AnnotationCreated(object sender, ChartAnnotationCreatedEventArgs e) { object test = e.Context; ChartAnnotation createdAnnotation = e.Annotation; }
AnnotationCreated: Occurs when an annotation is created. Allows for the annotation to be additionally set up or completely replaced.