Conversion API
The conversion API that the ChartView provides, allows the conversion of a position on the screen (for example the position of the mouse) to ChartView coordinates.
Using the conversion API
Both RadCartesianChart and RadPolarChart provide a ConvertPointToData method. This method takes a System.Windows.Point as an argument (position on the screen) and returns an object of type DataTuple.
The DataTuple class has two properties: FirstValue and SecondValue, both of type object. In the context of RadCartesianChart they represent the coordinates on the Horizontal and the Vertical axes and in the context of RadPolarChart - the coordinates on the Polar and the Radial axes.
Here is a RadCartesianChart example:
private void UIElement_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point mousePosition = e.GetPosition(radCartesianChart1);
DataTuple tuple = radCartesianChart1.ConvertPointToData(mousePosition);
string Category = (string)tuple.FirstValue;
double Value = (double)tuple.SecondValue;
Private Sub UIElement_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
Dim mousePosition As Point = e.GetPosition(radCartesianChart1)
Dim tuple As DataTuple = radCartesianChart1.ConvertPointToData(mousePosition)
Dim Category As String = DirectCast(tuple.FirstValue, String)
Dim Value As Double = CDbl(tuple.SecondValue)
End Sub
The RadCartesianChart provides an overloaded version of the ConvertPointToData method, which besides a System.Windows.Point, takes a two other arguments - references to a Horizontal and a Vertical axes. This allows the user to get information relative to the specified axes (often different then the default ones), enabling the use of additional axes.