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.NET MAUI Scheduler Commands

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Scheduler provides commands used to navigate through the view as well as commands that are executed on certain user actions, such as Appointment tap, Slot tap, etc.

  • IncreaseVisibleRangeCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when the RadScheduler is navigated to the next date.

  • DecreaseVisibleRangeCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when the RadScheduler is navigated to the previous date.

  • TodayCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when the RadScheduler is navigated to today's date.

Check below a quick example on how to utilize navigation commands:

  • 1. Create a few buttons and execute the Scheduler commands on tap action:
<Button Text="Decrease Visible Range" 
        Command="{Binding Source={x:Reference scheduler}, Path=DecreaseVisibleRangeCommand}" />
<Button Text="Today"
        Command="{Binding Source={x:Reference scheduler}, Path=TodayCommand}" />
<Button Text="Increase Visible Range"
        Command="{Binding Source={x:Reference scheduler}, Path=IncreaseVisibleRangeCommand}" />           
  • 2. Add a sample Scheduler definition:
<telerik:RadScheduler x:Name="scheduler"
        <telerik:WeekViewDefinition />              
        <telerik:MultidayViewDefinition VisibleDays="3" Title="3 Day" />
        <telerik:DayViewDefinition />
        <telerik:MonthViewDefinition />

User Actions Commands

  • AppointmentTapCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when an appointment is tapped.

  • AppointmentDoubleTapCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when an appointment is double tapped.

  • SlotTapCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that executed when a slot is tapped.

  • SlotDoubleTapCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when a slot is double tapped.

  • MonthDayTapCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when a month day is tapped.

  • MonthDayDoubleTapCommand (ICommand)—Defines the command that is executed when a a month day is double tapped.

See Also

In this article