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.NET MAUI Scheduler Events

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Scheduler component exposes a set of events that users trigger through interaction. You can handle these events and execute custom logic based on user action.

Here is a list of the available events:

  • AppointmentTapped—occurs when the user taps on an appointment. The AppointmentTapped event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A TappedEventArgs<Occurrence> object which provides the appointment occurrence through its Data property.
  • AppointmentDoubleTapped—occurs when the user double taps on an appointment. The AppointmentDoubleTappedevent handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A TappedEventArgs<Occurrence> object which provides the appointment occurrence through its Data property.
  • SlotTapped—occurs when the user taps on a slot. The SlotTapped event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A TappedEventArgs<Slot> object which provides the slot through its Data property.
  • SlotDoubleTapped—occurs when the user double taps on a slot. The SlotDoubleTapped event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A TappedEventArgs<Slot> object which provides the slot through its Data property.
  • MonthDayTapped—occurs when the user taps on a month day. The MonthDayTapped event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A TappedEventArgs<DateTime> object which provides the month day through its Data property.
  • MonthDayDoubleTapped—occurs when the user double taps on a month day. The MonthDayDoubleTapped event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A TappedEventArgs<DateTime> object which provides the month day through its Data property.
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