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.NET MAUI Scheduler Built-In Dialogs

The Telerik .NET MAUI Scheduler exposes built-in dialogs for the creation and modification of appointments, so you can provide users with the ability to directly schedule their meetings.

Check below the available dialogs for managing appointments.

Create and Edit Appointment

EditAppointmentDialog is the dialog that allows the end user to create a new appointment or edit an existing one.

  • On desktop, the EditAppointmentDialog appears when the end user double-clicks an empty slot or an appointment.
  • On mobile, the behavior of the EditAppointmentDialog depends on the selected calendar slot:
    • If the end user taps an empty slot, the Edit Appointment dialog appears to let them create a new appointment.
    • If the end user taps an existing appointment and then taps Edit in the Preview Appointment dialog, the Edit Appointment dialog appears to let them modify the appointment.

Telerik .NET MAUI Scheduler EditAppointmentDialog

Preview Appointment

(Android- and iOS-only) When the end user taps an existing appointment, the PreviewAppointmentDialog lets them preview the appointment details, or edit or delete the appointment.

Telerik .NET MAUI Scheduler PreviewAppointmentDialog

Edit Recurrence

The EditRecurrenceDialog lets the end user configure the recurrence settings of an appointment.

Telerik .NET MAUI Scheduler EditRecurrenceDialog

Edit Recurrence Choice

When the end user interacts with a recurring appointment, the EditRecurrenceChoiceDialog lets them choose if they want to edit a single occurrence or the entire series.

Telerik .NET MAUI Scheduler EditRecurrenceChoiceDialog

Delete Recurrence Choice

When the end user interacts with a recurring appointment, the DeleteRecurrenceChoiceDialog lets them choose if they want to delete a single occurrence or the entire series.

Telerik .NET MAUI Scheduler DeleteRecurrenceChoiceDialog

Delete Appointment Choice

(Desktop-only) When the end user attempts to delete an appointment, the DeleteAppointmentChoiceDialog asks for confirmation.

Telerik .NET MAUI Scheduler DeleteAppointmentChoiceDialog


Use the following methods to show the built-in dialogs of the Scheduler:

  • CreateAppointmentWithDialog(DataRange range)—Opens a dialog for creating an appointment.
  • EditAppointmentWithDialog(Occurrence occurrence)—Opens a dialog for editing an exsisting appointment.
  • DeleteAppointmentWithDialog(Occurrence occurrence)—Opens a dialog for deleting an existing appointment.

The following example demonstrates how to use the methods for managing the built-in dialogs:

1. Create a sample view with a RadScheduler instance and a few buttons:

<Grid RowDefinitions="Auto, *"
    <StackLayout Orientation="{OnIdiom Vertical, Desktop=Horizontal}" 
        <Button Text="Add Appointment"
                Clicked="AddAppointmentClicked" />
        <Button Text="Edit First Appointment"
                Clicked="EditAppointmentClicked" />
        <Button Text="Delete First Appointment"
                Clicked="DeleteAppointmentClicked" />
    <telerik:RadScheduler x:Name="scheduler"
                          AppointmentsSource="{Binding Appointments}"
            <telerik:WeekViewDefinition />
            <telerik:DayViewDefinition />
            <telerik:MonthViewDefinition />

2. Add the buttons' clicked event handlers in the code-behind:

private void AddAppointmentClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.scheduler.CreateAppointmentWithDialog(new DateRange(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1)));

private void EditAppointmentClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var app = this.scheduler.AppointmentsSource?.FirstOrDefault();
    if (app != null)
        if (app.RecurrenceRule != null)
            this.scheduler.EditAppointmentWithDialog(Occurrence.CreateOccurrence(app, app.Start, app.End));

private void DeleteAppointmentClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var app = this.scheduler.AppointmentsSource?.FirstOrDefault();
    if (app != null)
        if (app.RecurrenceRule != null)
            this.scheduler.DeleteAppointmentWithDialog(Occurrence.CreateOccurrence(app, app.Start, app.End));


The Scheduler exposes the following events for its built-in dialogs:

  • DialogOpening—Raised when a dialog is about to be opened. The DialogOpening event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A SchedulerDialogOpeningEventArgs object with the following properties:
      • DialogType—Provides the dialog type.
      • Cancel—If True, cancels the dialog opening.
  • DialogClosing—Raised when a dialog is about to be closed. The DialogClosing event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadScheduler type.
    • A SchedulerDialogClosingEventArgs object with the following properties:
      • DialogType—Provides the dialog type.
      • Cancel—If True, cancels the dialog closing.
      • DialogResult (bool?)—Indicates how the dialog was closed. null when closed with the Close button. False when closed with the Cancel button. True in all other cases.

Check a quick example on how to use the DialogOpening and DialogClosing events:

1. Add the RadScheduler definition:

<telerik:RadScheduler x:Name="scheduler"
                      AppointmentsSource="{Binding Appointments}"
        <telerik:WeekViewDefinition />
        <telerik:DayViewDefinition />
        <telerik:MonthViewDefinition />

2. Add the event handlers:

private void OnDialogOpening(object sender, Telerik.Maui.Controls.Scheduler.SchedulerDialogOpeningEventArgs e)
    if(e.DialogType == Telerik.Maui.Controls.Scheduler.SchedulerDialogType.DeleteRecurrenceChoiceDialog)
        e.Cancel = true;
        logLabel.Text = "Cannot delete the recurrent appointment.";
        logLabel.Text = "Opening ..." + e.DialogType;

private void OnDialogClosing(object sender, Telerik.Maui.Controls.Scheduler.SchedulerDialogClosingEventArgs e)
    if (!e.DialogResult.HasValue || e.DialogResult.Value == false)
        logLabel.Text = "Closing ..." + e.DialogType;


You can style the visual appearance of each dialog by creating the corresponding Style with TargetType set to SchedulerDialog. Here is a list of the available Style properties:

  • EditAppointmentDialogStyle—Defines the Style that will be applied on the Edit Appointment dialog.
  • EditRecurrenceDialogStyle—Defines the Style that will be applied on the Edit Recurrence dialog.
  • EditRecurrenceChoiceDialogStyle—Defines the Style that will be applied on the Edit Recurrence Choice dialog.
  • DeleteAppointmentChoiceDialogStyle—(Desktop-only)Defines the Style that will be applied on the Delete Appointment Choice dialog.
  • DeleteRecurrenceChoiceDialogStyle—Defines the Style that will be applied on the Delete Recurrence Choice dialog.
  • PreviewAppointmentDialogStyle—(Android- and iOS-only)Defines the Style for the Preview Appointment dialog.

The following example demonstrates how to style the Edit Appointment dialog.

1. Define the Scheduler with the EditAppointmentDialogStyle in XAML:

 <telerik:RadScheduler x:Name="scheduler"
                       EditAppointmentDialogStyle="{StaticResource CustomSchedulerEditAppointmentDialog_Style}"/>

2. Define the style in the resources of the page:

<Style x:Key="CustomSchedulerEditAppointmentDialog_Style" TargetType="telerik:SchedulerDialog">
    <Setter Property="ControlTemplate" Value="{StaticResource CustomSchedulerEditAppointmentDialog_ControlTemplate}" />
    <Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="{OnPlatform Default=450, WinUI=530}" />

Review the ControlTemplate definition in the Resources folder of the Controls Samples application.

For a runnable example demonstrating the Scheduler built-in edit appointment dialog customization, see the Controls Samples Application and go to Scheduler > Customization.