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Migrate from Xamarin.Forms Calendar & Scheduling to .NET MAUI Scheduler

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Scheduler control has been designed and built from the ground up as a new control with a new API and significant improvements over its Xamarin counterpart.

If you need only a Calendar control for date selection, consider using Telerik .NET MAUI Calendar. In case you need a scheduling component for appointments management, Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Scheduler control is the way to go.

The tables in the following sections list the differences between the APIs of the Xamarin.Forms Calendar & Scheduling and .NET MAUI Scheduler.

Namespaces Differences

Control Xamarin Calendar & Scheduling .NET MAUI Scheduler
Control Name RadCalendar RadScheduler
C# Namespace using Telerik.XamarinForms.Input; using Telerik.Maui.Controls;
XAML Namespace xmlns:telerik="clr-namespace:Telerik.XamarinForms.Input;assembly=Telerik.XamarinForms.Input" xmlns:telerik=""

API Differences

When migrating the Xamarin Calendar & Scheduling, consider the following differences in the API:

Xamarin Calendar & Scheduling .NET MAUI Scheduler
Available views - Day, Week, MultiDay, Month, Agenda and Year Available views - Day, Week, MultiDay and Month
ViewMode ActiveViewDefinition, ActiveViewDefinitionIndex
View configuration properties, such as DayStartTime, DayEndTime and IsCurrentTimeIndicatorVisible are defined through DayViewSettings, MultiDayViewSettings and AgendaViewSettings View configuration properties, such as DayStartTime, DayEndTime, IsCurrentTimeIndicatorVisible are set directly to the ViewDefinition
Single, Multiple and Range selection Available in .NET MAUI Calendar
Appointment class with Title, StartDate, EndDate, Detail, Color, IsAllDay, RecurrenceRule Appointment class with Subject, Start, End, Body, IsAllDay, RecurrenceRule
Add Appointment Button N/A
Scheduling UIs N/A
SpecialSlot class with StartDate, EndDate, IsReadOnly, RecurrencePattern Slot class with Start, End, IsReadOnly, RecurrencePattern, TimeZone
ScrollTimeIntoView, ScrollAppointmentIntoView ScrollIntoView
Commands - CellTap, AppointmentTap, TimeSlotTap AppointmentTapCommand,AppointmentDoubleTapCommand,SlotTapCommand, SlotDoubleTapCommand, MonthDayTapCommand, MonthDayDoubleTapCommand, IncreaseVisibleRangeCommand, DecreaseVisibleRangeCommand, TodayCommand
Styling the cells and the different view modes (DayView, MultiDay, AgendaView) requires custom renderers Styling the distinct parts of the Scheduler and its views is handled by the new Styling API.

See Also

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