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Bullet Charts

Bullet Charts represent a variation of the Bar Chart.

Getting Started

You can use the Bullet Chart to visualize a comparison between an expected (target) and actual (current) value—for example, company profit, employee performance, weather data, and so on.

To create a Bullet series, use bullet in the series configuration.

Binding the Bullet Chart

To bind the Bullet Chart to a DataSource, set the special currentField and targetField properties of the series object and point them to the fields in the DataSource that hold the current and target values for each data point.

Open In Dojo
      <div id="chart-sales"></div>
        function createChart() {
          var salesData = [
            { current: 750, target: 762.5, category: 1 }, { current: 764, target: 768.5, category: 2 },
            { current: 772, target: 770, category: 3 }, { current: 764, target: 773, category: 4 },
            { current: 763, target: 760, category: 5 }, { current: 758, target: 765, category: 6 }];

            dataSource: {
              data: salesData
            title: {
              text: "Week 21: Sales Per Day"
            series: [{
              type: "bullet",
              currentField: "current",
              targetField: "target"
            categoryAxis: {
              field: "category",
              title: {
                text: "Day of week"
            valueAxis: {
              title: {
                text: "Profit (in thousands)"


Setting the Orientation

You can change the orientation of the Bullet Chart by setting the series type to verticalBullet.

Open In Dojo
      <div id="chart-sales"></div>
        function createChart() {
          var salesData = [
            { current: 750, target: 762.5, category: 1 }, { current: 764, target: 768.5, category: 2 },
            { current: 772, target: 770, category: 3 }, { current: 764, target: 773, category: 4 },
            { current: 763, target: 760, category: 5 }, { current: 758, target: 765, category: 6 }];

            dataSource: {
              data: salesData
            series: [{
              type: "verticalBullet",
              currentField: "current",
              targetField: "target"
            categoryAxis: {
              field: "category"


Displaying labels

To display labels for the bullet chart value, set the labels.visible option to true.

The label content can be customized using the format or template options.

Open In Dojo
      <div id="chart-sales"></div>
        function createChart() {
          var salesData = [
            { current: 750, target: 762.5, category: 1 }, { current: 764, target: 768.5, category: 2 },
            { current: 772, target: 770, category: 3 }, { current: 764, target: 773, category: 4 },
            { current: 763, target: 760, category: 5 }, { current: 758, target: 765, category: 6 }];

            dataSource: {
              data: salesData
            series: [{
              type: "bullet",
              currentField: "current",
              targetField: "target",
              labels: {
                visible: true,
                format: "{0:C}"
            categoryAxis: {
              field: "category"


Customizing the Target Value Lines

You can customize the line that represents the target value through the configuration. target exposes the border, color, and line main settings that control the line appearance.

The following example demonstrates how to use all three options to customize the target line.

Open In Dojo
      <div id="chart-sales"></div>
        function createChart() {
          var salesData = [
            { current: 750, target: 762.5, category: 1 }, { current: 764, target: 768.5, category: 2 },
            { current: 772, target: 770, category: 3 }, { current: 764, target: 773, category: 4 },
            { current: 763, target: 760, category: 5 }, { current: 758, target: 765, category: 6 }];

            dataSource: {
              data: salesData
            series: [{
              type: "bullet",
              color: "darkblue",
              currentField: "current",
              targetField: "target",
              target: {
                color: 'green',
                line: {
                  width: 4
                border: {
                  width: 2,
                  color: 'turquoise'
            categoryAxis: {
              field: "category"
