Suggestion View Customization
SuggestionView Template
RadAutoCompleteView provides the option to change the default template that visualize the filtered items and implement a custom template using SuggestionViewTemplate property.
- SuggestionViewTemplate (DataTemplate): Defines the template used to visualize the filtered items
Here is an example how to use the RadAutoCompleteView SuggestionViewTemplate:
First, create the needed business objects, for example type Person with the following properties:
Then create a ViewModel with a collection of Person objects:
Finally, let's use the following snippet to declare a RadAutoCompleteView and its SuggestionViewTemplate with RadDataGrid in XAML:
Where you will need to add the following namespaces:
Here is the result:
A sample SuggestionView Template example can be found in the AutoCompleteView/Templates folder of the SDK Samples Browser application.