.NET MAUI RangeSlider Overview
The RangeSlider is part of Telerik UI for .NET MAUI, the most comprehensive UI suite for .NET MAUI! To try it out, sign up for a free 30-day trial and kickstart your cross-platform app development today.
The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI RangeSlider represents a slider control that displays a start-end range in a given min-max range. The end user can change the values of the range by dragging the start thumb, end thumb, and range track. RangeSlider supports ticks, labels and tooltips to help users quickly identify the range start and end as well as easily modify them if needed.
Key Features of the .NET MAUI RangeSlider
- Range Thumb—Through the draggable range thumb users can quickly update the range start and end values.
- Ticks—Add ticks to the range slider's track in order to enable users to easily identify the range start and end.
- Labels—Display labels along the track for clarity of what the underlying min-max range is.
- Tooltips—RangeSlider can show customizable tooltips to help the users choose the desired range.
- Flexible Styling API—You have full control over the appearance of the RangeSlider's range thumb, track, ticks and labels.